No! we will focus on handbags! About a month ago, I lamented the fact that I was an unpaid intern, and thus would not be purchasing my Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Speedy 30. Well, no recent turn of events to speak of --- I'm still an unpaid intern (BUT A FABULOUS ONE, THANKYOUVERYMUCH). I have, however, switched the object of my desires.
The Marc Jacobs Stam. It costs roughly twice as much as the Vuitton, but with God As My Witness, it will be mine in the next year.
This change of heart comes from a deep, emotionally moving conversation with the gay manager of the accessories department at a Nordstrom store. After knowing me for approximately 5 minutes, he insists this bag is ME, and that I must own it. I happen to agree with him. The chain is kind of rock & roll; the quilting is reminiscent of Mme Chanel.
And isn't that how I try to live my life? As a cross section between rock & roll and Parisian haute couture? Right.
Um, I'm growing my hair out. For those who don't know me in real life, my hair has been chin-length in an angled bob for about 2 years. I used to have hair down my back, then when I was in Paris one summer I made a snap decision to cut it all off, and it was great!! I was so liberated and everyone loved it. The cut made me look older and I was always getting compliments on it. The downside was it was very hard for me to find a hair stylist I was happy with in the States, and ironically enough, I always hated my hair a few days after I got it cut. I always felt like no one could cut it correctly. In Paris, I went to the same person, and she always did the entire cut with a razor, which is a very unique skill. In the States, I would get it cut, cry on the way home to my mom on the phone, cry to my friends, then be fine 2 days later. Go figure. Another downside was that my haircuts were SUPER expensive. Like, $75 including a tip. And this cut requires a cut every 6 weeks MAXIMUM, or else the layers grow out super funky, and it's a bitch to style. Yet another downside is it has to be styled.....everyday. Everyday with product, 2 different sized round brushes, blowdryer. If not, it was in a little nubby "ponytail" which is how I wore it to the gym. The time consumption didn't really bother me, because in college, my schedule was essentially wide open. I could wake up at 10am and traipse around the apartment for HOURS before I had to be in class. Taking 30 minutes to do my hair was like nothing. Well, now that I'm working and waking up at 6:30 to be out of the house by 8am at the latest, 30minutes is just not working for me anymore. I'm exhausted. And honestly, I'm just ready for something new.
I've been grappling with growing it out for a few months now. My bff H. wants me to keep it short, because "It's SO YOU," and I always did get a lot of compliments on it. And in a weird way, the short hair reminded me of Paris, and growing up from the long hair of a little girl into the short sophisticated young woman cut.
But I am ready for something new, and the good news is that I can always cut it again if I'm not digging the longer hair. I'm going to grow it out to this style:

It's getting colder. Which I'm unhappy about because lately, its been affecting my mood....really dreary and is making me sleepy and mopey. BUT my mood can easily be uplifted with some tights and a short black dress and some ballet flats!! I think I will go to the mall tomorrow and find some stuff. But I have to find things that are also work appropriate. Marketing is a pretty fashion-forward industry, and our office is fairly casual, but some of the dresses that I have can fall just on this side of risque. I'll keep that shit for attracting the mens at the bars.
Here's where I recommend things to you:
I looooove me some cocaine-induced SASS
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