I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
What's been happening.....let's do a bulleted list! My fave
- My mama came to visit this weekend. She brought the dog, which was so special. Friday night I stayed in. We got dinner at Whole Foods and watched TV and I went to bed before 11pm. Saturday we went to Lenox. I got some silver ballet flats from GAP and Chanel nail polish (we'll do a "purchases" portion a little later.) We also ate lunch with my aunt & uncle. My mom and I always have a good time shopping together and this was no exception! Sunday we slept in, and went for a late brunch at Apres Diem, and we dines al fresco and brought the dog along with us. Great meal- I had brie and baguette and a goat cheese + herb omelette. Then we went to this FUNKYYY vintage store in the Highlands. This store had everything...furniture, books, jewelry, clothes, posters, kitsch, everything. We perused some 60s & 70s Playboys so we could see "what the fuss was all about." No fuss. Just real, natural breasts. Then grocery shopping, and reruns of Will & Grace and Rupaul's Drag Race. Such a great visit.
- Saturday night was lovely C's birthday!! I'm so glad I was able to make dinner at El Taco, then we went out in the Highlands. I had a blast. I wore a new dress, which always puts a little spring in my step. At the bar, FANS played at one point and C and I had a collective squeal moment.
- I never thought I'd see the day, but I got up early this morning to exercise, and....I don't hate it. I felt fine during the day, and it's so nice to come home from work and do whatever. I did adult shit like pay bills and now I have to time blog and cook dinner without feeling so frantic. I think I will continue.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
-an excerpt from a study by researchers at UCL (University College London), University of Warwick and LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science)
I just found it funny how much more eloquent (scientific?) "mate" sounds than "put out"
Carry On.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tim Gunn Would Not Approve

for NYFW'10.
Kinds creepy, weird, a little fierce (love the boots, PS) but NO! We're in a fight, because it is not original. Why?
Because dear, sweet Chris March did the same goddamn thing for Project Runway Season 4.

did this:

How dare you rip off this dear, sweet, overweight man's creative vision!
You can't sit with me at lunch anymore, Altuzarra. You are dead to me. Like Sicilian dead to me.
J-Rad and Caleb at NYFW
“It’s weird having Anna Wintour right there looking at me, little does she know that my boots are three years old!” -Caleb
Oh honey. She already knows.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Things That Make My World Go 'Round
The following is a list of recent things/people/events that I have either commented aloud or in my own head that they "make my world go 'round" in no particular order:
- Drag Queens
- Floral Dresses. 2a. Dresses in general.
- The gay black cashier at the CVS by my house. 3a. Gay Men in general
- Granola beards
- RuPaul
- French children's songs (ex: Le Petit Escargot. Google it.)
- tea from Teavana
- my makeup
- goat cheese
- Fashion magazines + their online counterparts
And now you know.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sorry....still more to talk about
- I bought a microwave today. Rull excited to be entering the 1950's. Next I'll get a fancy television set with Technicolor and start vacuuming in stilettos and pearls.
- Kind of obsessed with my gay boyfriend at work. No, not my crush gay boyfriend, but the one that I can actually tell is gay and who actually talks to me. Highlight of today's conversation: He got a new puppy and named it Palin. As in SARAH PALIN, y'all. Yes...he's gay, Jewish and Republican. A girl on my team asked him today at lunch, "Have you met yourself?" He might just be my new best friend.
- The Spaniards from Univision are coming to meet with my team tomorrow, because we're running a Hispanic-targeted campaign with them. They're bringing lunch. At 2pm. Actually they may not even be Spaniards, they are probs Mexican, but I think saying Spaniards is more fun so I will continue to do so.
- I'm currently breaking my own rule of being in my bed with a cup of Sleepytime tea by 9:45pm. You're welcome.
- I have to go in early to work tomorrow to deal with some issues from aforementioned Spaniard's site placements. Gross.
- Oh, I have date this week. No big deal. New boy. Did I mention he's Irish? Because he is. He moved here in October and does the marketing for an Irish Pub in Buckhead. I met him Saturday night. We made out a little. He said I was "lovely." Aren't you dying?? When I told my parents I'm getting drinks this week with a guy who works at a bar, my dad goes, "You know, E., doctors and lawyers are nice guys too." Thanks.
- Today I DVR'd 3 episodes of The Rachel Zoe Project on Bravo, and I'm pretty sure this is setting the precedent to be an AWESOME BANANAS MAY-JOR week.
J-Rad Interview
He talks about lot's-o-things:
- He's currently in Nashville, walking around his house while it's snowing
- doesn't enjoy the snow, but enjoys oatmeal.
- feels creepy for living alone. J-Rad, I'll come live witchoo!
- apparently Caleb is in Nashville as well. Road trip, yes/no?
- doesn't want to be the Miley Cyrus of musician clothing lines. Jesus.
- hopes to have some live shows this summer if they write/record the album in time. I have issues with this, and here they are:
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Life?
The date with the boy was okay...we actually went to the movies on Sunday afternoon. I picked Up In The Air, thinking it was going to be a comedy about a traveling business man. Nope. It was a depressing dramedy about a traveling business man. But damn, George Clooney just gets better with age. We didn't go to dinner after the movie, which I thought was odd, and so when I hopped out of the car when he dropped me off, I didn't kiss him because it just felt awkward. AAaaaaand he hasn't called since. "On to the next," I told a good friend of mine in an email describing the situation. I wasn't too jazzed on him in the first place. We didn't click sense-of-humor-wise, and I wasn't incredibly physically attracted to him (although he was good looking). Hmm. I don't know, can't put it in to words but "it" just wasn't there. So....on to the next!
Work has been crazy busy, but when is it not? There is a faaaabulous gay guy (well, one of like 100's who work in my office...but we're actually friends) and this morning he called me adorable and it kind of made my day. Every morning me and my team and a few other girls sit in the kitchen and have a bite to eat and chit chat, and a few people have noticed this trend and we got called The Breakfast Club this morning. Gay Friend also said that one of my clients was a Hot Mess Broke-Ass Bitch, in regards to the amount of budget we get compared to fucking VERIZON WIRELESS who spends like $50mil per quarter with my agency. But it's okay...we're Fashion Week sponsors. Beat that, bitch.
I painted my nails Russian Navy tonight, so that was exciting.
I want to do something fun like go to the Zoo or go to an art museum. Maybe even both in the same day. Or go see an Oscar-nominated movie. It's supposed to rain this weekend I think? I need activities. I say that now, but come Saturday around noon all I will want to do is sit in my overstuffed chair in my pj's watching DVR'd eps of Millionaire Matchmaker. I freaking LOVE Patti Stanger oh my god. She looks like such a tranny mess, but she's tall and has big boobs and she's sassy. I like sassy people.
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Monday, February 1, 2010
Boys, Can We Talk?

You know how much I love you. J'adore you. Je can't get enough of you.
These ensembles? Below par, gentlemen. Only J-Rad gets my stamp of approval (on his ass). Ba Dum Ching!
Matt- a blue suit and a black vest? And a white shirt? And sunglasses hung off the vest? Can we not?
Caleb- the pocket watch chain is a bit much. And your shoes don't match your suit WHATSOEVER. Your hair looks.... better though. Keep working on it.
Nate- My dad called...he wants his Easter suit back. You're in a goddamned rock & roll band, and you're wearing a purple striped tie? I know you can do better; I've seen you do it. But your hair looks really pretty.
Being All Judge-y and Critical
I would rock the SHIT out of this dress. I don't even care that a 16 year old got to it first.
But Miley's hair extensions are butt ugly.
Do not like. The neckline is so awkward.
But her hurrrr is pretty!

AH, Feathers, j'adore. "Rachel manages to dress like a grandma and four year old at the same time." Not true last night, Kurt!
Anyway, I anticipate this ending up on some "Worst Dressed" lists because some people just won't get it.
Why was it "country stars with weird necklines" night? This is SO awkward! And I hate to say, but the sparkley material makes it looks a bit cheap. Sorry Tay!
Obviously. But I have to say, her weave looks like Barbie.