-Did you know that prisoners used to make license plates?? I had no effing idea. We were in a status meeting and someone made a reference to it casually, and I asked if it was true, and everyone did one of these:
Yea, well I had no idea. People don't talk about it!! My parents never told me! I was a sheltered child!!
-Did you further know that all radio/tv stations east of the Mississippi River begin with the letter W, and all radio/tv stations west of the Mississippi River start with the letter K? THEY DO, child. At work we had a training session for this reporting software we use, and someone searched for a Turner station or something, and KTLA.com popped up in the search. And the guy goes, "Now if you were geo-targeting this would be fine since you know its a west coast station." And I raise my hand and ask how you would know? Is this a famous station I'm unaware of? Nope. One of the directors had to tell me the east/west thing, and she did it in the way you would teach a 5 year old. Then I asked people sitting around me if they knew this, and everyone was like, "Uhhmm, Yeeeeeaaaa. Sorry." DO THEY TEACH THIS SHIT IN COLLEGE?? I don't understand!! How did I get through 16 years of school and 23 years of life experience NOT to know things like this??
I don't even know anymore, you guys. Between carotid/corrotted and this "K" and "W" business, it's amazing I graduated, found myself and job, drive a car and live on my own. God.
I'm just gonna go watch Gossip Girl now. I bet Serena didn't know this shit either- because YOU KNOW that bitch is dumb as a box of hair.