Hay girl
I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sad Times, But We All Saw It Coming
Drunkard British brothers Noah & Liam Gallagher were bound to self destruct at one point or another. Liam called Noah "a f*cking moron," then Noah bitched-slapped him and cried himself to sleep. Or something like that.
But really...I heard there was some guitar-slinging involved in one particular fight.
That's rock & roll, bitches.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sorry But No
...That's debatable. From this MTV Movie Blog article, "He is a 21st century Cary Grant, a renaissance performer adept at song and dance, equally capable of weighty drama and perfect comic timing." Now , I think JT is hysterical. I love him whenever he is on SNL, and always comment that I would love to hang out with him because I think he has a fantastic sense of humor. But he is no Cary Grant. No one is the "new" Cary Grant.
Because this:
Sorry, homeboy
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Real Bored
There's a possibility to go out in B-Head with one of the boys from last weekend, but I have no girls to go with. And that means I have no where to sleep. So I could go out then drive back to the 'burbs, but that's pushing some safety limits I'd rather not push.
My parents offered to fly me home for the weekend, because apparently there was some sort of "deal," but I was like "no, no. I want to be here this weekend. Maybe next weekend." WELL next weekend is going to be a doozy because it's kickoff weekend for college football, and everyone is coming into town and all these fun things are happening.
However if I HAD gone home this weekend, I may not have gone shopping at Lenox Thursday, and thus would not have gotten all the dealsd & steals I did.
I'm very conflicted. Life is so hard.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Stuff I've Bought That I Like; FCUK edition
- I haven't been able to be girly and really relish going shopping
- I need to replace a pair of worn-out gold flat sandals that have met their death
- I'm all about the Benjamins and have graduation money, holla
So without a clear plan for the day, I head in!
First stop was Sephora. Okay you guys-- I'm a to-tal makeup WHORE. It's my mama's fault, really. She started me off in very nice, department store and designer label makeup, and I have never looked back. Up until about a year ago, she even paid for all my makeup purchases, that's how sick our makeup addiction runs. So I purchased some DuWop Lip Venom which is a lip gloss that stings your lips and makes them luscious and stained and plump. It's hurts, but hurts sooo good.
Then I decided to wander into French Connection and magically MY DRESS was there. This is a dress I tried on in this very store last November, and regretfully did not purchase because I was on a demonic spending spree that day and actually needed to pay rent for the month of December. But I have been obsessing and dreaming about this dress ever since. And it was in the store ON SALE!! Like crazy sale. It is the quinessential E. dress, for those of you who know me in real life. Here's the beauty:
Don't you love it?? I literally die over this dress.
Then I decided I needed the flat sandals even MORE now. Okay, confession time. I LOVE high heels. Adore them. Dream about them. But DAMN they hurt my feet. And I'm 5'9". Until the general male population that I am interacting with grows about 4 inches, I don't feel entirely comfortable wearing heels when I go out. So hence the desire for cute flat sandals. I did buy a pair at BCBG that were so on sale they were practically free. I would post a pic, but I cannot track one down on Google. But trust, they're great.
I also bought some new MAC eyeshadow and had the girl at the MAC counter at Bloomingdale's teach me how to properly apply a smokey eye. Also purchased some earrings from Anthropologie.
It was such a good shopping day. The shopping deities were smiling down upon me and gave me many wishes and sales.
And PS: that dress is a size smaller than I usually buy. AND I fit into an old pair of Rock & Republic jeans that I bought the summer I had my 3 month tryst into veganism and babysat for 3 rambuncious boys. The clothing deities are LOVING me right now.
Iron Chef, really?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Daily Affirmation, courtesy of RUPAUL!
Did anyone else watch RuPaul's Drag Race? I was freakin' obsessed with this show last winter. I heard about it via some blogs, but I thought it was only going to air on Logo Network. For those of you unfamiliar, RuPaul is a drag queen, and hosted this reality contest show that was the bastard stepchild of Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. But gay-er. And more fabulous.
Well, lo and behold, I'm at the gym one day, workin' it out on the elliptical machine with the tv attached (so brilliant)......and RuPaul's Drag Race was on VH1! I almost fell off the machine. These queens are amazing, and I kept wanting to say "work it out, honey" and "you GO girl" (*finger snap head twirl*) to the tv, but I was actually in public.
Anyway, so during the dramatic reunion show, RuPaul got INTO IT with some queens regarding self-image, dealing with the haters and that when people talk sh*t about you, it's because they are projecting their own negativity. The Ru said:
"You walk through the fire. Then you own it, and you say 'Come for me bitches, come for me. You know what? You can say whatever you want. Because why? I'm motherfucking fierce.' "
If you feel so inclined, the whole season is online and available here. If you don't like drag queens (firstly, what is wrong with you?), well......don't watch.
GQ Ranks the 25 "Douchiest" Colleges
Affectation: Fully loaded black Chevy Tahoe with fishing boat lashed to top and backseat full of Realtree camo hunting gear.
Prized possession: White bulldog with notarized papers proving a bloodline to Uga IV.
Overheard at Gator Haters: "What happened to duck hunting this morning, boy?" "Fuck, man! We were gonna go, but we raged downtown last night, then went to a late-night, and when I got home to pass out, my wake-up alarm was already going off." "Fuck!"
Disclaimer: I did not go to UGA. However, I did attend a Southern School, and this is a frighteningly accurate description of the majority of the boys there. Sad, I know.
find the full list here:
Mon Jolie Amie de Paris
my dear Ramata & I spent a lovely semester gallivanting around Paris. She has a fabulous blog as well, that you all should check out.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Rock to the Rhythm and Bop to the Beat of the Radio
One of my favorite songs by the Sexiest Beard in America & the Family Band.
Yes, this is an "amature" video, but look how close this person was! And I think Caleb's vocals here sound better than the track on the actual album. Also, the little dance he does around 1:23 makes me feel all.....silly inside.
5 Traits I Liked in Myself as a Child
1. Roving Imagination
I remember being so creative when I was a little girl. Some neighbors had a weeping willow tree, and my friends & I used to pretend it was a magic forest.
2. Fearless Fashion Sense
I cringe now at the ensembles I used to create, but in reality, I was stylin' & profilin' at an early age. Until the age of 5 I refused to wear anything but dresses and skirts. I remember Mama made me this FABULOUS denim tiered skirt that I wore with sparkley Beauty & the Beast t-shirts from the Disney Store. Let's recap. Denim. Tiered. Skirt. I also remember being a big proponent of stirrup leggings and long sweaters. My only problem was that going to Catholic school, you're limited as a child to really play with your wardrobe. But what I did wear, I wore with abandon. And let's not forget jelly shoes. I rocked jelly shoes like I invented the shit.
3. Fast Friend
I possess 2 qualities that might make other people shy: I am a military brat AND an only child. Translation: I moved around a lot and had no automatic playmate. I was forced to make friends quickly, or else I was always doomed to be "the new girl." I just slapped on a smile and talked to people like I knew them. This trait has followed me through high school, college and I'm hoping I still have it here in the post-grad universe.
4. Being "Arty"
I wish I was arty, but ironically enough I'm too OCD for it, although I'm non-OCD about lots of other things in my life. When I was a little girl I would finger paint and color and not care how the end result turned out. Now, if my art creation is not perfect, I hate it. That's why I stopped going to my drawing class in Paris. I was good with the basics, but once I surpassed a certain level of expertise and couldn't master the next step, I got frustrated and gave up. I used to take Saturday art classes all through my younger grade school years, and I remember even going to an art day-camp at a local botanical garden when I lived in Virginia.
5. Fearless Performer
When I was a little girl, I was ALWAYS putting on shows for my parents. This is something a lot of kids did, but in my experience it is people with big family who could put on legitimate productions. I would push the sofas out of the way, and perform dance and lipsync routines for my parents all the time. It was how I passed my time alone when there was no playdate lined up. I distinctly remember performing a dance to "Heard It Through the Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye. I would also come home from dance practice and give my parents a recital in the living room each night. My mother commented that when I was concentrating on my dancing, I stuck my tongue out. She thought it was unsightly, but looking back, I love that. I was totally unafraid of looking goofy, and completely swept up in the moment.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Random (but cute & nice)
Went out to eat mex with some girlfriends, new & old. Los Margarrrrrritas! They have this drink called the Twister, which is sangria mixed with margarita. Holy drunk Batman. It tastes like a margarita, but without the awful tequila burn after.
Then we headed down to the bars in B-head, a nice post-grad crowd. It's like college bars but everyone is 3 years older. The crowd is fairly corporate, I like my men more on the hippie side of things, but its recently been brought to my attention that I have bad taste in men, so I'm always willing to pursue other options. I'm definitely the baby of the crowd, which is new. I met a guy who went to my alma mater, and his younger sister lived on my dorm hall freshmen year. We're going to become bznz associates, because his company has a division which can help my Agency. ABC...Always Be Closing, Ladies and Gentlemen.
After several drinks at one bar, we moved the party to Johnny's Hideaway, which can only be described as a lounge for the "mature". It's open later than the bars, so kids my age have started flocking there, much to the Sinatra & Elvis-loving patron's chagrin.
I have failed to mention up to this point, that out of the 8 girls in our original group, only 3 of us were left standing by this time in the night. Are we champions? Yes. We also recruited two random (but cute & nice...) boys to come to Johnny's with us.
Then we visited Waffle House (natch) and had a delicious late night meal complete with the game "What's the craziest thing you've done in the last month?" And I won, of course. Graduation Weekend. Drunk the night before. A little partaking in the morning. Bojangles drive-thru on the way. I'd say it was a success.
After Waffle House we went to one of the aforementioned random (but cute &nice) boy's apartment for a classy glass of wine.....at 5am.
This is what life is made of, people.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Real HotMesses of Atlanta
Kim, girl, you crazy, but I love you. I think she knows she's crazy, and she just keeps on doing her own thing, which I love. Her "I don't give a f*ck" attitude is hysterical. I do wish she could get some better wigs, it looks like she has Barbie hair. But she has a sense of humor and she can laugh at herself. So girl.....go'head!!
DWIGHT!*!! holy gay Batman, I love this character. I would like to order a Dwight for my own life, please.
I like Kandi, the new HotMess this season. She's "stupid beautiful" as Kim would say. But this bznz with AJ & four baby mamas? Come on now. I did enjoy T-Boz from TLC's cameo last week. Kandi seems undramatic and nonjudgmental, which is new for this gaggle of women. Let's see how long that lasts...
Ohhhh NeNe. I've decided her & Kim are friends because they're both over the top. And girl, wear a bra! Your boobs are neither small NOR young. Get with the program. And he called Kandi "ghe-tto." ?!? Uhmm, I thought alllllllllll y'all were ghe-tto. I must have been mistaken. 'Scuse.
I don't even want to talk about "He-by Sheree" or Lisa. They're catty and boring so no thank you.
I hope I run into these bitches in the A at some point. As dramatic and tacky as they are, I have a burning desire to be one of them. Some girls I know saw Kim & Sheree at Lenox mall, so there's a chance. Fingers crossed!
But I will leave you all with one final thought:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
OMG Opinions launches!
While sitting here watching the Project Runway SUPA-STARS 2 hour challenge, I decided I wanted to start a blog. Well, in all honesty, it didn't just come to me, I've been wanting to blog for awhile, but I never got around to doing it.
So here it is! Nothing special, just my view and commentary on this silly world we live in. Gossip, TV, real life, work, whatever. I'll tell you about it here. And it will come with a steaming hot helping of my personal opinion.
Hope you love it!
auf wiedersehen!