I totally should have just gone home this weekend. None of my homegirls are here....they're all home!! I'm bored out of my mind, and I had the option to go home, but I stayed here, thinking it would be a fun weekend.
There's a possibility to go out in B-Head with one of the boys from last weekend, but I have no girls to go with. And that means I have no where to sleep. So I could go out then drive back to the 'burbs, but that's pushing some safety limits I'd rather not push.
My parents offered to fly me home for the weekend, because apparently there was some sort of "deal," but I was like "no, no. I want to be here this weekend. Maybe next weekend." WELL next weekend is going to be a doozy because it's kickoff weekend for college football, and everyone is coming into town and all these fun things are happening.
However if I HAD gone home this weekend, I may not have gone shopping at Lenox Thursday, and thus would not have gotten all the dealsd & steals I did.
I'm very conflicted. Life is so hard.
I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...
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