I moonlighted as an Alabama football fan this weekend. Bama played VaTech at the Georgia Dome, and the Crimson Tide descended upon our fair city. A's roommate & friends went to Alabama, and several of their sorority sisters and other friends came into town to stay at their apartment.
Friday night was mexican + bars (per usual). A & I met up with a new friend of ours and had some wine at his apartment before headed to the B-Head bars. The bars were slam packed. Sex on Fire came on in Churchill's, and I texted my bff T. "your sex is on fire," and she told me it made her entire night. T is flying down to go to the KoL concert with me Oct. 9th. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. But I digress.....
After a slight mishap Saturday morning regarding me shacking and my phone not cooperating, there was some drama revolving around a grill needed for the tailgate. But everything got sorted out, and there was just some minor violence. Kidding. We piled in cars and drove to the MARTA station to ride downtown to the GA Dome. Drinking on public transportation is always a great idea. We brought liquor drinks in cups, no joke.
We schlepped our gear down the street to the tailgate park, and HOLY HELL. Alabama football is just on a whole other level than anything I'd experiences before. And I went to a Southern School, y'all. These people are FANS. People calling out "Roll Tide" to strangers on the street. We set up our tailgate and the drinking began. "Bama Bombers" are maraschino cherries soaked in Everclear. Vodka soaked raspberries. I start in too early on the vodka raspberries and was a little touch-and-go at about 2pm. I seriously considered taking a nap in the back of the car, but then realized that was totally lamo and I needed to play like a champion. I chugged 2 bottles of water, took half and Adderol and 2 Aleve and I was ready to rock and roll. I brought my own bottle of wine, so I decided it was a better idea to stick to my own poison. At around 5pm was when shit started getting sloppy. These Southern boys love their bourbon, and it was starting to show. Dark liquor hits me like a ton of bricks, so I usually stay away from it. Our tailgate spot was perfection. Everyone in the park was around our age....most were out of school. Cute cute cute boys. Seriously.
Around 7 we packed up camp and headed to TacoMacs, a bar near the Dome to catch the game and drink more. I was kept in a steady stream of vodka + tonics thanks to our bomb-ass waitress Tina. She's amazing, everyone. If you're ever at TacoMacs, get Tina. I ordered french fries and only ate about half. I don't think I had a solid meal that yesterday. I snacked on pound cake for breakfast, and some cheese straws at the tailgate.....and that was about it. I did force-feed myself a hotdog bun.
Alabama won the fball game, and we had a hell of a time getting a cab back to A's apartment. We were wandering around downtown Atl with the herd of displaced masses, and FINALLY found a cab. Praise Jesus. Then I slept on the floor in A's room, because there was nowhere else to go. Literally.
So now I'm back after my short little "vacation" to B-Head this weekend. Ready to relax and detox. Such a fabulous weekend! Roll Tide!
can I tell you how I practically roll around on the floor every time I read a post of yours? I can hear your voice in my head, of course, just like someone may hear Carrie Bradshaw's narrating Sex & the City. You, of course, kick Carrie Bradshaw's ass.
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