Can MTV even legitimately have a Video Music Awards? They show videos at the buttcrack of dawn in the morning. I only saw half of the videos presented because I wake up early for work and turn over to AMTV. Moving on....
I haven't watched the whole show. For several reasons. If I had a DVR, I would have recorded it then skipped through commercials. I know I know...I'm a marketing freak and supposed to be CooCoo for Cocoa Puffs over commercials, but damnit, during my shows they made me batsh*t crazy. So I don't have a DVR, so I just catch reruns whenever I can. And you KNOW MTV reruns every awards show until you've memorized it. At least I memorized when I had to catch the reruns of the Movie Awards so I could see Kings of Leon perform. You mean you don't do that too?
So far I've seen Janet "Miss Jackson if ya nastay" 's muthaf*cking awesome MJ tribute. She really celebrated MJ. One of my bff's & I celebrated MJ everytime we went downtown for about a week after his death. That means we got drunk and danced to Billie Jean a lot in bars. Everyone caught up on that?
I also saw a video of Kanye's little bitch fit w/ Tay Swift. I think Taylor Swift is squinty and that Miss Bey's Single Ladies Video was revolutionary, but Kanye stepped the line. He is a habitual line-stepper.
I tuned in tonight to see Kings of Leon lose to Green Day for Best Rock Video. You don't need me to tell you how I feel about that.
I was also blessed to see Lady Gaga's magical performance. Homegirl is CAHRAZY but I f*cking love it. Like, she really looked possessed, did she not??
Shakira and Pink wore the same dress which is hysterical and every girls' worst fear realized.
I also wanted to include a pic of Katy Perry for no other reason than I read in an interview she gave that her & I share the same bra size. Holla back sistah.
WARNING: Do not speak to me about Gossip Girl until Wednesday morning. I'm buying the ep on iTunes tomorrow and watching it tomorrow night. I want to compile the season on my iPod like I did last year. If you spoil it for me, I will wish bad hair upon you. You've been warned.
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