Honestly I don't know how much I want to go out at home. I may change my mind on this later, but "home" is a college town. Which means college kids. Which was so totally fun and great when I was actually IN college, because there are lots of hot, rich, preppy boys who go to school where I'm from. And they were new hot, rich preppy boys as opposed to the ones I had already disposed of at my own school. But now, methinks it could be rather depressing. In any event, I'm packing lots of short dresses + tights. Forecast calls for lower 60s, which is cold, which = tights, natch.
My mom and I will inevitably go shopping- there is a new Nordstrom in our "local" mall. When I say local, I mean the only decent shopping mall that is at least 45 minutes away. My mother & I bond over shopping. We use it as a way to avoid socializing during extended-family visits. So precious. And she'll probably be in such a good mood from having me home she will buy me things!! I told her we could go see The September Issue together. I want to see it again, and my mom would so get a kick out of Madame Wintour. My father will probably spend approximately 40% of the visit asking me about my job search and giving unsolicited advice. And at some point telling me to "suck it up." But what else do dads do? And my special doggie will snuggle with me and watch DVR'd television shows and eat human food that I give her. Home is good.
Aforementioned nail polish shade is Essie "Berry Hard." Mmm, sort of looks like Chanel "Vamp" to me.
So tonight at dinner, my aunt told me I had a "healthy glow," and then jokingly asks, "you sure you're not pregnant?" Ha! Last night I checked, actually having sex was a prerequisite to getting preg, and we won't discuss how NOT active I am currently. Not to mention I'm PMSing and my face is freaking the f*ck out. But I guess my makeup does wonders!
So thanks, Philosophy Supernatural Airbrushed Canvas powder foundation, and Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge (used as blush.....brilliant). *Hopefully this positive blog mention will pop up on one of the brands' social media scanning tools, and they will make more money! Hooray marketing!
Oh fantastic I was hoping for nail polish clarification.
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