I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

In Which My Prediction About Home Were True

Sitting in my old (cleaned) bedroom at home. My parents have really done a lot with their house....the guest bedroom is now actually ready to receive guests, as opposed to the whole time I lived there, it was an extra closet/luggage storage/craft supplies/gift wrapping room. My parents redecorated their room and rearranged the formal sitting room. Yes, they have a formal sitting room. My parents so would. My room looks the same, but decidedly does not feel the same. My room at school was really "mine." Especially the house I lived in senior year. Where I live now is not home, nor mine. I can't wait to move on and make my own dwellings.

Anyhow......as predicted my father has harped about the job search, and even hinted about being cut off on my birthday again. SUPER. I threatened to slit my wrists on my birthday, though, so maybe we can come to some sort of understanding between us. My mom and I did go shopping, and our luxurious mall, made more luxurious by the newly added Nordstrom. I tried the MJ Stam bag, which is my new goal bag. Forget the Louis, the Stam is it. I'm too lazy to post a picture, but I'll do it later. Perhaps.
I also got a shit ton of new makeup, which is no surprise. Laura Mercier totes hooked me up....new concealer, primer, foundation and bronzer. And my mom bought me a necklace at J.Crew, which was random, but she liked it so I went along with it as well.
We ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory....I hate cheesecake, thank you, but they have a dish called Bang Bang shrimp which is like a fake thai creamy curry dish which is just delishhh.
After shopping I met up with TO and we went out.....sort of. We went to one of the many local bars and had a few drinks, caught up on eachother's lives, comiserated with how much our lives suck, and laughed about our thousands of shared experiences. TO and I went to MIDDLE SCHOOL together, ok? MIDDLE SCHOOL, y'all. It does not get more awkward than that. I won't speak for TO when I say this, but I was heinously awkward in middle school, but completely oblivious to it, so I suppose ignorance is bliss. I thought I was totally awesome and cool and so did my friends. We had some questionable fashion choices and even more questionable taste in boys and how to interact with them. Ohhhh but I'm glad TO is still my friend, we've come a long way, baby!

Today I went to mass with my parents, saw lots of kids I used to babysit for who probably have learner's permits (gah). Since mass it's been a whole lot of nothing. My mom and I played with my makeup, I watched bad tv on the DVR...it's home.

I hope you all are having nice relaxing Sundays!


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