So here goes. I'm thankful for...
- My parents, their generosity and their unconditional love. I'm starting a career with no student loan debt, no car payment and no credit card debt due to their financial education. They're also very proud I have a job now, but they would love me and be here for me no matter what, which I take for granted very often.
- My various other extended family members. They're all on that side of crazy, but aren't we all?
- My adorable puppydog
this is her. isn't she the cutest thing?
- My friends near and far, old and new. I'm semi-decent about keeping in touch with people, but there are some friends I have that no matter how long it has been, we always seem to pick right back up. They're good people. Since being in Atlanta, I've met some awesome awesome people and I can't wait to spend more time with them and create new friendships.
- No more working at the deli. No more shady older men trying to flirt with me. No more teenage boys making fun of me for being a vegetarian. No more power hungry 19 year old girls getting all their authority in life from telling me how to clean a table. Never having to clean other people's tables. Never taking food services workers for granted. Never seeing a Reuben sandwich again. That shit is disgusting.
- My car, because it's pretty and clean now.
- Job. Duh.
- I'm really digging my new bomber jacket, so I'm going to be thankful for that as well.
I don't know about you all, but I take a lot for granted in my life. I'm really very blessed (despite how much I complain...). I'm very fortunate to have the experiences I've had in my life, and I don't realize sometimes that not everyone has had the same privileges. So, in short, I'm very grateful for my life, regardless of the bitching and whining I partake in from time to time.
So! I hope that wasn't as gross and saccharine as it could have been. Now on to other items....
I've been snacking all day, which I haven't decided whether it's good or not. It's good in the sense that now I won't binge myself at dinner (hopefully....), but bad that...I won't binge myself at dinner. I'm sorry! I just got super hungry. I've had crackers and cheese at like 3 different times today. I ate some for breakfast and I just had some now. My mom has recently developed several "dietary restrictions," (i.e. she now thinks she's gluten intolerant as well as lactose intolerant....according to her doctor) so there is all this weird shit in the house, and the only thing readily available was Kashi triscuit-style crackers and some cheddar cheese my dad keeps around. It's all very silly. I'm looking forward to my mom's famous Peanut Soup from a Colonial Williamsburg recipe. We've had Peanut Soup every year since I was 8 I think. I've started to request it at Christmas also. She's also making cornbread stuffing and mashed potatoes and asparagus, which might be my most favorite meal EVER. And red wine. My mom doesn't drink, so t's most likely going to be my dad & I killing a whole bottle, then fighting falling asleep when our neighbors come over for dessert. Our neighbors are an older Jewish couple who we have kind of adopted as our own Jewish grandparents (even though we're Catholic). They're so flipping cute, and have two Bichon Frises, Sammy and Ellie.
Can we talk about how my skin is great when I'm in Georgia, then I come home and have 2 monster zits on my forehead? I'm 23 years old. This should not be happening. Guh.
I went run/walking outside yesterday and this morning with my dad, and I am sore, you guys!
Ooookay well that is all I have to commentate on. Everyone have a great day!
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