Not the most super fantastic Monday EVER, but I'm alive, breathing and cooked a good dinner, so let's call it a wash.
I could have sworn I set my alarm last night. I didn't. So I got a peaceful extra 40 minutes of sleep today. And I had an important meeting so I needed extra time so I could style my hair. Miraculously only left the house about 5 minutes late.
My supervisor gave me an imposssssssssible research project. Two words: Reverse Mortgages. Excuse me....the fuck? I don't even know, you guys. I did my best; called some people, made some moves.
I left work early for a meeting I had. I was 20 minutes early for my meeting. Then someone BACKS THEIR CAR INTO MINE. No joke. Actually I wish I was joking. I've had this car for since senior year of high school, and I've never been in an accident, gotten a speeding ticket, had someone rear end me, nothing. *knock on wood* Not 20 minutes before a really important meeting, this girl is backing her ass out of the parking spot, does not see my 2 ton VEHICLE behind her, nor hear my honking, and I literally watch her back bumper make a nice dent in my driver's side door. I called the police, and about 15 minutes later, this girl tells me she can't stay because she's late for work. Right. So according to GA state law, once the other person involved has left, no police report is needed. So I called 911, again, and cancelled the dispatch.
Ugh. So I had to come home and be all adult and call my insurance and deal with that. (Actually not a huge ordeal, USAA are some totally decent humans). But still. I didn't even know what deductible meant. It's just such a hassle! I have to go get a repair estimate. And then find a suitable repair shop. And see if I can get a rental. I have a SAAB, so hopefully the dealership will have good customer service and give me a rental fo' free.
But it's like seriously? My Life.
I made a good dinner beans with sautéed garlic, and brown rice with garlic and feta cheese. Yummm.
I need some sexy beard action right now. Not for you, for me:
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