I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Big Paper Packages Tied Up With String

What did Santa bring all you little elves?

Growing older means getting practical gifts, I think. In that vein......

Hello, pretty. Santa (a.k.a. my dad) bought me the MacBook Pro, because my dear, sad little IBM notebook was holding on to life with one little claw. It made motorcycle noises when it tried to do something too hard. So sad. My dad was soooo excited to get this for me, he could barely contain himself. I like it a lot. A lot. A lot. It took me about 4 hours to figure out how to transfer my iTunes WITH all the playcounts (its called metadata, FYI). I wanted to keep all that junk because I like it, okay? But it has like 3 times the storage capacity (I think thats called memory, or hard drive...whatevs) of my old notebook, so I never have to choose between downloading an episode of Gossip Girl or keeping old terms papers from college again. (That was a true story, you guys.)

My mom got me this because...well, she's a mom and this is a mom type of gift to give. Seriously though, I LOVE Mark Bittman. I read his columns in the NYTimes, and his recipes are easy, simple and flavorful. See how I said that like I actually cook them? I don't. I just read them and assume that's how they really are. But really though, I am excited to sit down and learn how to cook more than grilled cheese and sauteed spinach. I'll report back.
And that was it! My parent's Christmas gift to me was helping me set up my apartment in a financial capacity...and I still owe them cash money. Does that make sense to anyone else? No one? Okay good I'm not the only one. My parents are so silly.
Share your Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Festivus presents with me! I want to know what was under everyone's tree/menorah/pole. I Googles Kwanzaa and was not able to find a suitable symbol of the holiday. Apologies.


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