I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Monday, December 28, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I cruised over to Whole Foods to grab lunch. I did not have any food in my apartment to pull together an actual MEAL that I could bring in the morning. I have eggs....salad which is probably bad, and some grapes which are probably bad as well. But you don't want to know about the boring ins and outs of my cupboard. Whole Foods, in case you're not aware, has a faaaaabulous salad bar and hot meal bar, as well as pizza by the slice. So I grabbed a spanakopita slice of pizza (feta and spinach) and then made myself a nice little salad. I decided I would go back that evening after work because it's actually on my way home, and damnit I just LOVE Whole Foods. So much great produce and organic dairy and cute guys in beards and its just a granola love-fest.

I leave work, complete my Whole Foods excursion, and I'm walking out to my car feeling pretty content. I had a good day at my big girl job, I bought groceries and I was going to go back to my big girl apartment and workout then make dinner. "I'm such an adult!" I said to myself. Then I sit down in my car, turn the key in the ignition, and all I hear is "clickclickclickclick." Hmm, weird. Again. "Clickclickclickclick." Lights flash on and off, and more weird noises.

GODDAMNIT my battery is dead. So I call Saab Roadside Assistance, get someone out to help me and finally they jumpstart my battery. My car was bought new in 2005, and hasn't had the battery replaced since then, so my dad suggested I just go buy a new battery immediately. "They're only like $75, it's fine." So I call PepBoys, and Bon QuiQui on the other line says she can't get me in tonight, it's "too busy." I called at 6:30....they close at 9. This was kind of an almost emergency. So I call around to other auto places, finally found one that could install a battery and drive over. Meanwhile, my car is making screaming noises. It literally sounds like little gnomes are inside my console screaming. My uncle calls and tells me it could be my alternator (wtf) and that I really need to get the battery replaced like ASAP. Well Advanced Auto Parts is basically in the ghetto...like approximately 76% of Atlanta (seriously...you can be on any street, and two blocks in either direction, there are probably homeless people and guns. I digress). It was like 8pm, DARK and I was so mad I couldn't even be scared. The battery came to $160, and the guy took forever to install it, and made a lot of clinking and clanking noises I wasn't too secure about. I was so afraid to start my car this morning, I was afraid it was going to blow up. But it didn't.

BUT SERIOUSLY. It has not been one month since everything has been in my name, and I took over paying for shit. And in this month, I've had to have my power steering fluid container cap replaced ($800+) and now a new battery. This all really could not have happened when my parents were still paying for everything? Like last month? Like remember when that girl backed in to my car and my parents said "put the repairs on our card."? Can we go back there please?

UGH so today I thought it was going to be a better night, but I came home and was suddenly overcome with the urge to label a file folder with all my bills and file away bills and mail that had come over the week. And attempt to pay my internet bill online which was a huge disaster. Then I said, out loud, "okay, even being an adult today." And watched Superbad while I worked out. WOW I'm soo over everything being so DIFFICULT. I know it's life and I have to pay bills and stuff like that, but I'm just so tired of everything being such a process and production. GAH.

Sorry I'm complaining so much....I know you don't come to OMGOpinions to read my whining.

At Whole Foods yesterday, I bought these oranges called Cara Cara Pink Navels

Look you guys! That's an orange not a grapefruit....it's pink on the inside!! It was super delicious and made me really extremely happy. I don't care that they're like $3.00/lb or something exorbitant like that....I will buy these as long as they are sold as WF.

A little baby Schnauzer came in to work today. His name is Baxter. And I love him. I will try to take a creepy picture of him next time he comes.

I'm going to leave you all with a little pretty pretty, because I need it today, and some pretty pretty never hurt. Enjoy.



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