I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Would It Be Bad...

To recycle a dress I've worn for 2 New Years Eve's.....again? For a 3rd year?

This is the dress in question:

I've had it since Junior year of college, and I wore it both Junior year NYE and Senior year NYE.

I will be in Atlanta (with a different crowd obviously). And my pictures on Facebook aren't public, so no one would really know but me. And you all. But I trust you not to tell. And it's old and I got it on super clearance from Macys, so no one is EVER wearing the same thing as me.

I was thinking about having it altered, maybe making the scoopneck a little bit lower, but I don't think I have enough time to accomplish that now. Damnit procrastination!

Or I could pull a Serena a la Season 1 of GG and do opaque black tights, a dark scarf and a black jacket and cardigan.

OR what I've done in the past (on admitedly not-so-festive occassions) is wear the dress with a black turtleneck over it, so it's like a sparkley skirt, like this:

Or I can always just bite the metaphorical/financial bullet and go buy a new one from H&M or Urban or something. But I am trying to save the monies, you guys.


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