Little interview with Jared Followill from a UK radio show...take a listen if you care. Some bulleted points for you lazyheads:
- Jared speaks about the clothing line with Surface 2 Air, and it seems like Kings of Leon had a very slight hand in this shenanigan. Apparently the boys would have S2A design clothes FOR them in the past, and it was S2A's idea to do the "clothing line," and they were just like....uhm okay.
- They're starting to work on the new album.
- There was a rumor that they were playing golf so much and that is why the new album is delayed. Not factual, according to J-Rad.
- He is in Nashville currently
- And Caleb is madly in love with me.
It's a combination of golf AND spending too much time in the Carribean. Nathan's tweets lead me to the conclusion that they really actually do not much of anything. Ever. Besides lie in the sun.
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