I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Karma Will Come Back To Me For This"

I went out Friday night, and so many crazy little things happened that I can't NOT document them here. My friend invited me to go to this Young Professionals meetup with her at a bar in Midtown. I said, "sure," because.....why not? It's not like wherever I am currently is helping me get a shit ton of dates, so maybe I should attempt a change of locale. This meetup was at Front Page News....cool vibe, very casual. Met some interesting people....no one I'm dying to see again soon. Around 11pm or so, most of the people left FPN to go to an Irish pub across the street. This place was enormous! It's called Ri Ra, and I'd passed by several times but never been in. There was a live band playing, which j'adoooore because je love to dance. BUT we had to be all nicey-nicey with the people from the Young Professionals meetup. Ugh. So my 2 girlfriends are talking with people, and I'm surveying the crowd, and this guy's awkward roommate comes up and starts talking to me, and it's clear that he has close to zero social skills. He's Indian, and he actually asks me, "So...I bet you can't guess which country I am from."
*blank stare*
Is this real life? I humor him for a little bit, and actually remember saying to myself, "Karma will come back to me for this, Karma will come back to me for this."
Finally the girls end their obligatory conversations and we can move past this uncomfortable situation.
Let me take a moment to explain my outfit tonight. I started my period Friday afternoon and just wasn't in the mood to put a lot of effort in anything that night. I didn't want to wear heels. I didn't want to wear a tight dress because I felt puffy and yuck. So I put on a gray jersey dress from H&M, and a blue & white striped cardigan from Urban Outfitters with brass buttons (very Parisian Nautical...I wanted to provide you with a picture, but it is no longer on the UO site) with black tights and ballet flats. I look cute, but I look like a child. We're standing around at the bar just chatting, and this guy standing next to me eyes me up and down and goes, "I like your outfit. You accessorized very well."
Quoi? Thanks, dude.
The girls I was with didn't want to dance to the band, EVEN THOUGH the lead singer was so freaking cute. HELLO the way you get in with the band is by dancing in front of them and making eyes at the band members! Did Penny Lane teach you nothing in Almost Famous?!??

At this point I am absolutely exhausted beyond belief. I look at my phone. It's 12:30am. Someone please explain to me exactly when I became a Senior Citizen.

Saturday night I went to dinner with C., then we all went to Twain's in Decatur. We will definitely need to go again, because I'm thinking it's a prime spot to find some bearded men. It's a totally cool bar with a large games area...pool tables, foozball and shuffleboard! I love me some shuffleboard. And they brew their own beer. I don't personally care for beer, but I heard someone once that boys like to drink it sometimes.
And even last night...it gets to be around 12:30 and I'm yawning in peoples faces! This is embarrassing! People are going to think I'm narcoleptic or something. So C. and I scooted out around 1:30, and I came home and made myself a grilled cheese sandwich which I BURNT then watched Project Runway and fell asleep. Today I've done nothing but watch DVR'd TV (Jersey Shore and Proj Run) and workout. And eat. MTV is still playing the Kings of Leon music commercial-wrap of the Use Somebody video, and I will still rewind and watch it and get all fluttery in my tummy.

I went out grocery shopping around 6pm, and I started to get a headache on the drive to Trader Joes. Then I got there and my head felt all cotton-y and I felt some sinus pressure so I was wandering around TJs like a zombie. I don't think I got anything that will come together to make a proper meal at any point. I still feel funny in my head....I took a Sudafed but I don't think it helped. Tomorrow I'm off work so I'm going to take it easy.

But did anyone watch Proj Run from this week? Nicole Ritchie was the guest judge! Last season for the 1st episdoe Lindsay Lohan was the guest judge! Project Runway is such a sneaky bitch! It's like that bitchy friend who won't ignore the girl you got in a fight with, who says, "I can still be friends with both of you!" But you really want her to take a side but take YOUR side so you can win the fight. That's what Project Runway is like.



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