Ah lack of updates. Je suis désolée everyone. The white death has descended upon Atlanta, but that's not my excuse.
Blurry evidence from my screened-in porch. A whole half inch...don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
People are always like, "well, you're from Ohio so the cold doesn't bother you, huh?" And I'm like, "Bitch I've been living in the South every winter for the past 5 years, YES IT BOTHERS ME."
Work has been busy. I'm in meetings all day tomorrow and I'm giving a presentation in one of them. Our client boss lady in New York is certifiably insane. And the heat is not working properly on our side of the building, so I've taken to wearing knitted gloves while I'm working.
Since I had my annual GYN appointment today, I treated myself to lunch. I have to schedule ANOTHER 4 minute appointment because I forgot to tell her to run tests for.....you know. Don't make me type it. Not that I'm participating in high risk activities, but it's good to have all your ducks in a row and be totally sure. Public Service Announcement courtesy of OMGOpinions.
Anyway. Do I have any male readers of OMGOpinions? I don't think so, but just in case...sorry for the lady doctor talk.
I feel asleep during The Office tonight. What an exciting, metropolitan life I live: I left work and went to Whole Foods. Bought salad ingredients. Came home, did workout on the treadmill while I watched Jeopardy. Sat down to watch tv, and fell asleep during The Office at 9pm. Woke up, ate leftovers from lunch because a salad was too much effort. Aside: You know I love Whole Foods. But I have one complaint: the spinach-artichoke dip. It's just not as good as Publix. Probably because WF's is like....all natural, no preservatives or funky flavor additives, but I paid $7 for that tub and I don't intend on eating the rest of it.
One of my best friends from college is coming to visit Sunday and I'm soooo excited! She's in over in CHINA teaching English at a college, and I've missed her so much. We keep in good contact over gchat, but it's nothing like being on the phone. We just giggle a lot. And talk like Bon Qui Qui to eachother.
Well my little snowflakes, my Sleepytime tea is waiting for me. 'Til next time!
Bahaha I love your PSA.
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