George Craig is the cutest boy ever. He's one of my favorite male models (Burberry) and is apparently in a band? Oh, and he's like 18. Cougar bait.
Anyway, things are going swimmingly. I watched an Eric Clapton biography on tv tonight, which was decently interesting, but a little lackluster in the dishy-ness. I wanted the gritty sex, drugs & rock 'n roll stories, of which there were none. But Keith Richards made a humorous appearance. Both those guys need to be studied by science. They should not be alive considering that vast amounts of drugs they have done.
I'm buying tickets to the Kings of Leon show in Charlotte. Do I have a partner to go along with? Not yet. Will I be buying two tickets anyway? Yup.
You guys, I have a crush on a guy at work who is ACTUALLY STRAIGHT. Is this real life?
The weather in Atlanta is beautifulllll.
Gossip Girl is back which makes my life infinitely better. Maybe I'll even celebrate with some recaps soon!
This episode aired a few nights ago. Will & Grace is possibly my all time favorite show, and this is one of my FAVORITE moments. I remember watching this episode when it first aired. It's classic and makes my world go round.
I'm buying tickets to the Kings of Leon show in Charlotte. Do I have a partner to go along with? Not yet. Will I be buying two tickets anyway? Yup.
You guys, I have a crush on a guy at work who is ACTUALLY STRAIGHT. Is this real life?
The weather in Atlanta is beautifulllll.
Gossip Girl is back which makes my life infinitely better. Maybe I'll even celebrate with some recaps soon!
This episode aired a few nights ago. Will & Grace is possibly my all time favorite show, and this is one of my FAVORITE moments. I remember watching this episode when it first aired. It's classic and makes my world go round.
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