- I talked to my director's director today, and she has no problem with me taking a half day on Sept. 10th. PRAISE JEY-SUS. I was so worked up about asking her, and she was like, "Uhm okay? We'll just have to set up a game plan for that day. See ya." I was bouncing around the office the rest of the day which led to this...
- I was in the kitchen before I went home, when this guy comes up to me and says, "So Matt and I saw you having a little moment to your self earlier." WHAT? I'm thinking back through my day- did I pick my nose? Did I pick my underwear out of my ass? No clue. And he goes, "We were standing at the end of the media hallway, and you walked down the hallway dancing a little bit, and Matt asked what I was looking at, and I said 'There's not just an attractive girl walking down the hall, but an attractive girl dancing her way down the hallway." And goddamnit y'all, I was GUILTY AS CHARGED. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was walking down a hallway on the way to the kitchen, LITERALLY bopping along side to side. "Don't be embarassed, we thought it was great," the guy told me. I was for a little bit, but now I'm not. I'm glad I can entertain people.
- My straight crush at work shaved his beard; but he's still really cute. We actually had a little moment in the kitchen last Friday. Jenny brought in pizza for breakfast, and he said something in our general direction, and I just smiled and said something like, "yea, well you're just jealous you don't have pizza for breakfast." And he smiled; and I smiled. We're in a serious relationship.
- After work today I took a lovely little walk around my neighborhood because it was pretty outside. And I realized I need to move my body a little bit more in the day to compensate for not traipsing around campus all day long in college. I start my kickball league tomorrow!
- I'm watching my iTunes-purchased episode of Gossip Girl tonight and its really exciting.
- I miss shagging. Not that shagging, you dirty birds. Like dance- shagging. Lydia will appreciate this. I miss going to a fraternity party and dancing to Van Morrison. I distinctly remember the last time I shagged with someone who knew how to was on a pool deck one late weekend night during summer school. *Sigh* I sometimes miss those South Carolina boys.
- My dishwasher takes a really long time to run a cycle.
- That's allllllls I got, kiddos!
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