I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Actually, we've got a pretty nice little Saturday planned out"

...name that movie.

But really, today was fancy. 70 degrees, manicures, pedicures, Target trip, lunch complete with margaritas. The weather was beautiful and that meant the citizens of Little Five Points were losing their minds over parking. I just parked at a friends house and walked to the salon for our appointments. I need a salon in my own neighborhood where I can just walk. Instead, I'm forced to drive 4 minutes. White Girl Problem.

Last night I ventured over to Decatur for drinks & games at Twains with some people from the agency. It was a group of people I don't work with on a daily basis... creatives types mainly. And especially since media moved to the newly renovated building, I don't see people outside of my department hardly ever anymore.

I bought a quilted jacket with a faux fur trimmed hood, and it makes me feel like J.Lo. I'm not sure why....I have this vague memory of J.Lo being in a rap video with a fur hood. Maybe during her Puff Daddy stage? I'm going to need to research this, clearly.



User Not Found said...

I think it was the "Jenny from the Block" video, and she had the jacket on with bikini bottoms. Because that makes sense, Jenny from the Block.

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