I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Clients from Hell

Thanks to L. for showing me this. I don't work in the creative department of my agency, but I'm sure they get quite a few ridiculous requests. This is a site full of crazy client requests for digital designers. Here are some favorites:
“Can you change the paperclip in Word to a cat?"
“Is there a font that’s even more whimsical than Comic Sans?"
“We really don’t like web as a medium. Can you please force our sites visitors to print out a copy of every page? We want our page to be more tangible."
“Can you make my business card less gay looking?"
“… and by the way, I can’t afford to pay you for this job, but you will be paid in karma — which is so much better and more permanent anyway."


Lydia said...

This is pretty fabulous, too: "Please make the flyers larger, like a half sheet or a whole sheet. Men judge importance based on size, and the postcard size was too small." bahahaha.

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