I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Saturday, May 29, 2010


We had a "makeup party" at my agency this past week- instead of taking us to dinner or a jeans party, a rep brought 2 MAC artists and had a little session for us after work! Super fun- you all know I'm a bit of a makeup whore. We all got $50 MAC gift cards, and I got a 2nd one because I correctly answered the trivia question, "Who is the current VIVA GLAM spokesperson?" Duh, Lady Gaga!!

Soo I traipsed on up to the Perimeter Mall MAC store to use my gift cards, and I got some awesome stuff.

I just realized today...that when I get new makeup, I always clean up my makeup area before putting the new stuff in. Like I organize everything and clear off the vanity what I'm not using. It's like a "Welcome to the neighborhood!" gesture for the new makeup.

God, I'm bizarre.


Thursday, May 27, 2010


"And I'll be damned if we didn't go in there and make a fun record. It's got songs that are beachy. It's got songs that are a little more of our (2003 debut album) 'Youth and Young Manhood' days -- pretty much all across the board. We're super excited. Everything, we feel, fits perfectly for this project. It'll be interesting to see how well-received it is."
--Nathan in an interview to Billboard.

full interview here

How happy am I about hearing new songs will have a YAYM-feel?
Oh, about this happy:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

WTF Now?

I watch DVD episodes of Project Runway before I go to sleep every night. Even drunk on the weekends- it's on. I own seasons 1-4. I've watched all of them in succession several times now. I can't decide which one to put in tonight because I'm kind of sick of them all! But I don't like to commit to a movie before bed.

Now I don't know what to do. But I'm glad that this is today's biggest problem.


Sunday, May 23, 2010


I went to lay out poolside of a friend who has a park-side apartment today. I liberally applied 30SPF and even re-applied after a dip in the water. Yet, why do I have a bright pink belly and the outline of my suit around my chest?

Even when you play by the rules, sometimes you get burned.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whitney recently posted about Pregnancy Dreams, which I'm sure are wacky; and I've been having some CRAZY dreams lately as well. Though, I'm not pregnant and if I was it would be God's child, and we'd have a whole 'nother issue on our hands......moving on.....

Sunday night I had a dream my mom drove to be work, à la middle school, and picked me up in the evenings. In between, I blacked out for the entire 8 hours. Literally she picked me up and asked me how work was, and I couldn't remember anything, and hilarity ensued. I couldn't remember that J's dog came to work and I was really upset by this, because he is my little buddy. I woke up Monday morning and was like, "Uggh I have to go back to work AGAIN?" ....because I was just there in my dream, get it?

Monday night I had a dream about the Rolling Stones, directly after posting the below post re: The Stones in Exile. We were all at a water park....Mick, Keith, myself. We had a great time! If I didn't know any better I would think there were hallucinogenics in my water supply.

Last night I had a dream so real I was actually nervous when I woke up. I had a dream that this guy who is in my network of friends was calling me and wanting to go out, and all my girl friends were SO MAD at me. Like, bitchy, sassy mad. And these girls are not sassy girls. They were so angry, and I felt so helpless because it wasn't my fault this boy was calling me! I wasn't saying yes! Ack, so it was just very disconcerting, because you know.....bros before hoes. When Bros are your awesome girl friends and Hoes are sleazy boys. Obviously.

In other news, we had a "jeans party" at Bloomingdale's last night. I got a pair of Sevens, but I'm not crazy wild about them. They're...okay. And I feel like jeans need to be AMAZING, especially when they're $200. So I'll probably return them and get a dress. Or I've been wanting a blue blazer. Or maybe some Ray-Bans.

I wore a bright neon orange shirt today and received several compliments, among which were: "That's a great color on you" and "that shirt makes your boobs look HUGE!"

The end.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ya need to da tha Roostah

Hello my little cuppycakes! I've neglected you and I'm sorry- early last week I had a narsty stomach bug, then I was trying to play catch up at work. I went to Tennessee this weekend for a nice break, and now I'm back and ready for it all!

I wanted to share this little video with you because it brings together several of my loves:
The Rolling Stones
Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon, which I watched all senior year (The Roots is his in-house band...totally awesome)
The bearded Followill

I'll give you all a little background in case you're unfortunately lame....I mean, unfamiliar. In 1971 the Stones owed a shit ton of money to the British government in taxes that they couldn't pay, so they literally just left and moved to the south of France. While there they did a lot of drugs and recorded a kick-ass album. They are now releasing a DVD of exclusive footage from that time, as well as a CD of 10 never-before-heard tracks. Now you're up to speed.

In this documentary, several rock artists are interviewed, of which Caleb is one. Jump to 4:55 to see Mr. Followill. I love him, but damn, sometimes he sounds so freaking ignorant. Ahhh whatever, he's so precious it doesn't matter.

Watch Jimmy & Mick at the beginning- Jimmy used to do FABULOUS impressions of Mick on SNL...

Also it is necessary to watch Matt Lauer's interview with Mick and Keith...it's pretty trippy. They are hysterical, supernatural human beings.
I watch the Today Show every morning (because I'm a 40 year old housewife, don't judge) and I was late to work so I could watch this interview this morning. Enjoy!

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Monday, May 3, 2010


05.03.10. An Adult Relationship


By Michael Sugarman taken from asocialmess.com

I recently had lunch with a girl who had just broken up with her boyfriend, and I asked her why they broke up. She answered, “Because he changed”. Being curious, I asked how he changed. In the long answer that followed, it became apparent that this guy was initially able to date this girl because he was on his best behavior when they first went out. He asked her out days in advance of their date, he made reservations, he had a plan for the evening, he brought her flowers, and in time, they stayed in and he cooked for her. In other words, he did all the things he needed to do to begin seriously dating a girl (as opposed to just hooking up). While being on your best behavior is both exhausting and calculated, it’s also a tried-and-true dating strategy, one endorsed by women, and increasingly these days, even expected by them. However, as this relationship progressed, the nature of the relationship began to change. Their time together not only became more frequent, it also began, in her eyes, to deteriorate. First, the flowers fell by the wayside. Then, the dates made in advance became rare. Gone were the evenings involving meticulous planning. Hopefully, anyone reading this will understand what’s happened: over time, the honeymoon phase of the relationship became the committed relationship phase where both parties stopped being on their best behavior and started acting like their true selves, warts and all.

My friend, like many of her gender, took offense at this change. She didn’t see the blossoming of a committed relationship with a guy who felt comfortable and loving enough with her to let his guard down and simply BE with her. Instead, she began keeping an internal ledger of all the things he stopped doing. Bad move. Unfortunately for this particular girl, her boyfriend unexpectedly lost his job. Now, instead of being in a comfortable relationship, he not only had the stress of needing to find a new job, but he has the added concern of maintaining his relationship (feigning unconcern at his job prospects while still continuing to buy drinks/dinner, and pretending unconcern in front of friends and family) as well. I’ll give my friend the benefit of the doubt and assume that she was helpful and supportive during the tough time her boyfriend was having, but whatever they were, her efforts didn’t help. He began to pull away from her as his unemployment stretched from days to weeks to months. But the problem here is not that he just became distant. My friend combined his emotional distance with his failure to do the things he used to do when they first started dating, and THAT is why she broke up with him.

Wow. Though I had the torpedo tubes locked and loaded with my hand on the firing button, I didn’t pull the trigger. Instead, I asked more questions. Didn’t she know that he’d eventually get another job? Didn’t she feel that most relationships usually mature from just dating into something more committed? Did she really expect to be treated the same way she was treated on the first or second date as she was four months into it? Her response was truly disturbing: “No”, she said. “But his refusal to meet my needs forced me to end it with him.”


If I ever meet this guy, I’m going to tell him how glad I am that he didn’t try to get my friend back. That sounds harsh, but essentially, she’s saying that she blames him for not treating him the way he did when they first met, even though he was clearly having trouble dealing with being unemployed. But here’s the kicker. In telling me how their relationship ended, and her motivation to end it, she used a variety of sentences all starting with: “He didn’t understand that I needed…” or “He didn’t get that I wanted him to…” and the ever-popular “Why couldn’t he have just…”. This was a level of selfishness that I hadn’t seen since 3rd grade when my best friend wouldn’t let me play with his new tonka truck. Since she was a friend, I didn’t rip her a new one right there; I mulled it over.

The best I could come up with is that my friend’s selfish attitude is far from uncommon. I can hardly go a week without a girl complaining that a boyfriend totally changed from how he was when they first met to now. I tell these girls the same thing I’ll tell you: most guys that I know aren’t looking to date infants. I’m not talking about pedophilia. I mean that most guys I know aren’t looking to be in committed relationships with girls who want/need to be taken care of. They, like me, are looking for partners, in the true sense of that word. We want someone that wants an equal share of the good (and bad) that comes with any solid relationship and is willing to shoulder to invest the same effort. But it was clear from listening to my friend that she was a little girl; she expected to be constantly treated as if each day was a first date. The sheer unreality of this attitude was, and is, over-whelming. But to say that this attitude is prevalent these days is to horribly understate the problem. The way my friend feels is a direct by-product of the way she was raised, where traditionally, girls are taught to expect to be cared-for and protected. If proof is needed, consider the fairy tales about Prince Charming rescuing the princess that girls are told as children. Interestingly, the very women who rail hardest against this role are also the women who want equal rights, equal pay, to fight side-by-side in the military; stereotypically and ironically, these are the same women who have no use for men at all, at least from a relationship standpoint.

As I’ve said before in other postings, the hardest thing that a guy has to deal with is managing a woman’s expectations. From the bedtime stories girls hear to the magazines they read when they get older that tell women that they’re fat or ugly by glorifying anorexic supermodels, our culture has raised women to be both dependent and selfish. Put the girl who’s been raised this way in a relationship that’s enduring some hardship, and its no wonder that the relationship failed. What is amazing that any ever succeed…

Take from this what you will.