I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whitney recently posted about Pregnancy Dreams, which I'm sure are wacky; and I've been having some CRAZY dreams lately as well. Though, I'm not pregnant and if I was it would be God's child, and we'd have a whole 'nother issue on our hands......moving on.....

Sunday night I had a dream my mom drove to be work, à la middle school, and picked me up in the evenings. In between, I blacked out for the entire 8 hours. Literally she picked me up and asked me how work was, and I couldn't remember anything, and hilarity ensued. I couldn't remember that J's dog came to work and I was really upset by this, because he is my little buddy. I woke up Monday morning and was like, "Uggh I have to go back to work AGAIN?" ....because I was just there in my dream, get it?

Monday night I had a dream about the Rolling Stones, directly after posting the below post re: The Stones in Exile. We were all at a water park....Mick, Keith, myself. We had a great time! If I didn't know any better I would think there were hallucinogenics in my water supply.

Last night I had a dream so real I was actually nervous when I woke up. I had a dream that this guy who is in my network of friends was calling me and wanting to go out, and all my girl friends were SO MAD at me. Like, bitchy, sassy mad. And these girls are not sassy girls. They were so angry, and I felt so helpless because it wasn't my fault this boy was calling me! I wasn't saying yes! Ack, so it was just very disconcerting, because you know.....bros before hoes. When Bros are your awesome girl friends and Hoes are sleazy boys. Obviously.

In other news, we had a "jeans party" at Bloomingdale's last night. I got a pair of Sevens, but I'm not crazy wild about them. They're...okay. And I feel like jeans need to be AMAZING, especially when they're $200. So I'll probably return them and get a dress. Or I've been wanting a blue blazer. Or maybe some Ray-Bans.

I wore a bright neon orange shirt today and received several compliments, among which were: "That's a great color on you" and "that shirt makes your boobs look HUGE!"

The end.


Lydia said...

I can't quite envision what this neon orange shirt might look like. Can I demand a photograph? Also, I recently dreamed that I made out with a boy I haven't seen since I was 10 and then I had a dream that the Lost island wheel got turned, allowing dinosaurs into the current time period, and I almost got eaten by one.

Something's in the water, fo' sho'.

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