I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Friday, January 1, 2010

In Which I'm NOT Hungover

Seriously you guys....I'm not hungover. Not even in the least. This hasn't happened on New Year's Day for quite a long time.

But I had SUCH a blast last night! I took approximately 8 years to get ready...I was so silly. I got in the shower at around 6:45, and left my house around 9:45. Absolutely ridiculous. I took my time, and those false eyelashes take so goddamn long to make perfect!! But the end result was flawless. The dress was great. The sparkely tights didn't make me look like a child which was wonderful, and my lipstick was applied before any drinks were consumed, to ensure proper application techniques. I went to a friend's apartment, had a glass of my Prosecco and we played Taboo, because we're fun adults like that. Then we took a few cars and went to Hand & Hand in the Highlands, which had a $5 cover charge....so I was thinking, "Oh, maybe they will have a fun live band tonight!" Negative. They just wanted to take our money for no good reason. But they did give everyone a small glass of nasty, cheap champagne. So good for you, Hand & Hand, way to keep it classy. We had enough time to get a drink from the bar and camp out in order to see the giant Peach drop and ring in the New Year. We're counting down....10-9-8 and this guy asks me, "Do you have a boyfriend?" And I said, "nooo....." and he goes, "Do you want to makeout?"

EXCUSE ME? Is this real life? I said "no, thanks, but I'll give you a kiss on the cheek." Like, really. Why couldn't he have been some super sexy guy? He wasn't...he was like.....just not. Then me and a girl friend did laps around the bar trying to find suitable boys to buy us drinks. We had a few successes, but nothing lasted longer than the drink in our hands.

Our post bar activity was a dance party at a friend's house who is just around the corner from me, actually. Super Super Super fun. There were probably 25 people in the living room, girls barefoot, boys had loosened their ties and everyone was having so much fun. We danced to Van Morrison, GirlTalk and Outkast. And anything else someone put on the iPod DJ.

Now...before you ask, yes I met a boy and yes we danced. But I was being silly and wouldn't let him kiss me, so I guess he couldn't handle the chase and went to go hookup with another girl. Really. Plus, he has the reputation of being a bit manwhorish. Everytime I go out I see him chatting up a different lady, so I was not about to be a notch on the whittled down bedpost of the local Lady Killer.

I made it home around 4:30...changed into pj's and curled in bed. I woke up this morning not a smidge hungover, and it was sooooo wonderful. I had several drinks at the bar, but stayed away from shots and mixing liquors. I would say that it's a sign of growing up when you can go out, have fun and not get faced, but when I went out at home with my old Townie friends, we were as ridiculous as we've ever been, so go figure.

I hope you all had stylish New Years Eves full of fabulous outfits and lots of champagne. Cheers to 2010!



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