I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have no words for Little J. In a good way. To quote Lady Gaga, I lav lav lav her. And as a girl of half-Italian heritage, I appreciate the Five Families reference.

Olivia is still here? GOD. Hopefully this "Endless Knights 4" silliness will take her storyline right out of my sight.

Why does Chuck's voice sound like he smokes 3 packs a day?

Before I see what Graham looks like...I hope he's hot. Guys named Graham are hot 91% of the time.

Did I predict it or what.... Serena = Marilyn.

What is this fuckery? DEBS WEAR WHITE. period the end.

Graham's not that hot. Buzzkill.

B-I-T-C-H...superb choice of band for the ball. Readers, meet the Plasticines. Très Fashion.

Who didn't see the Dan-Olivia-Vanessa threesome coming? When they kissed at the "college" party after their SUPER ROUGH tequila shot, and the camera panned to Vanessa, I totally knew. But this foresight on my part does not shadow my disgust. Gew. But now Olivia gets to live with the regret and shame of that threesome now that her movie "isn't happening." Regretful sexual encounters.....she's getting her real college experience now!

No one puts Jenny in a corner!! Jenny will rule, of course she will!



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