So yesterday I was driving in to work, and I just was NOT fully awake. Don't know why....I feel like I got a decent amount of sleep Sunday night. But I was drowsy. When I parked in the garage, I decided, "I'm going to treat myself to Starbucks," on account of there is a SBux directly en route to my office building. $3.62 later I am armed with my non fat two Splenda latte and it's a good morning. I get to my desk, arrange myself for the day, and begin checking emails and such. About 20 minutes later, I reach into my purse to grab something, and my latte goes kerplunk. All over my desk, dress, scarf, shoes and carpet. Really. So I run to the kitchen. But wait! There are handsome men in suits standing in the doorway! Abort! Abort! So I go out the back door and swing around the hallway and go the backway into the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels and run barefoot all the way back to my desk. I smelled like coffee the rest of the day. Honestly. I need one of the plastic mats they put down under babies when they eat.
Thennnnn yesterday evening I worked at the deli. It was super slow, so boss man was going to let us go home early. But negatory, 3 customers showed up just as I had put all the chairs on the tables and cleaned the bathroom. FO SHO. So we stayed until close, then I came home and worked out, and caught the first 15 minutes of Gossip Girl. The episode is currently downloading on my iTunes now, and I will watch the remainder tonight. And post my commentary as well if you're lucky ducklings.
I was hesitant to work out so late (everything is relative...."late" to me is 9pm these days...I go to bed before 11pm); because I didn't know if it would rev me up and keep me awake. But it was worth a trial at least. Turns out, I think I slept more soundly, or at least fell asleep quicker. I put on a playlist on iTunes, and I woke up this morning, looked at it, and don't even remember past the 3rd song.
Today was just wet. I was really busy at work (agency) but I seemed to keep making small mistakes! It was really irritating to me (and I'm sure everyone else as well). It was like I had butter fingers of the know, were you rearrange numbers or forget to multiply or something like that? Bah. I got home a little while ago and worked out. I'm probably going to do some yoga here in a bit, and make some dinner. Pasta and green beans, je pense.
In other news,
The Kings are today's Youtube spotlight!! Most likely because today their Live DVD: London 02 is released. go here to watch live videos of Be Someboday, Notion and Crawl from the show.
"Covered-in-sweat originals." How sexual. Meow.
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