I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I've been drinking A LOT of tea lately. I haven't had coffee since I was home a week ago. I have my custom tea blend from Teavana every morning while I do my makeup, and when I get to work, I make myself some Tazo tea instead of coffee. And we even have good coffee at the agency...it's Starbucks packets, but it still tastes bitter to me, and when coffee gets cold it's NASTY and it leave a gross tastes in my mouth, whereas tea does not.

I just felt like sharing.

My study abroad program from junior year sent me a letter asking me to donate money. Sorry, IES....not any time soon.

I need/want to start going to church more often. Or I just need to be Jewish. One of the girls on my team is Jewish and always talks about the fun stuff she does at the Jewish Community Center. Like kickball leagues and parties. Catholic people don't do that. I went to mass in college, but I thought the kids in the Catholic Student Association were kind of weird. In the same vein, I need/want to start volunteering somewhere as well. I would love to do it at the Humane Society, but in order to play with the animals, you probably are required to clean their shit too. Bummer.



Claire said...

1. we can totally go to mass together
2. there are kickball leagues at Piedmont/some other park in the city.... I was already looking into it HA!

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