I think I epitomized the single city girl last night. I came home from work, checked email + internet shenanigans, then did a treadmill workout and yoga. Then I looked down at my bare feet and realized I needed to do a pedicure. By the time I was all done with that, it was close to 10pm, and the salad greens I purchased for dinner just did not seem appetizing. So I broke out the tortilla chips and salsa and ate that in bed while I watched The Hangover, which I had rented from iTunes. I needed to rest up so I can be out in full force tonight!
I slept until forever this morning and it felt wonderful. I'm drinking tea, and trying to decide what to do with my day. I'm thinking a workout is in order....but no shower. I just can't bring myself to shower twice today. I'll just toss some baby powder in my hair, put on a sweater and some Uggs and go to Lenox mall. I need to get more glue for my false eyelashes. I'm sure the tranny messes at M.A.C. can set me up with that. There's also a Teavana at Lenox, and I'm almost out of my tea blend. I might even be so daring as to try a new blended flavor! I may also pick up some extra gel-padding inserts for my heels tonight. More can never hurt. Ack! I ALSO need a semi-dressy black purse. I've been carrying around my beatup Longchamp when I go out, which is sooo not going to cut it tonight. I have an oversize faux-croc clutch that would be absolute perfection were it not BROWN. As my blog readers as my witness, I will not spend more than $20 on this purse for tonight if I find a suitable one. But ohh....wouldn't the Marc Jabos STAM BAG just be heaven with my outfit? Let's take a moment to mourn......
My current dilemma is nail polish color and eye makeup palette for tonight. My whole outfit is some iteration of black, so black nails are out. My lip color is SUPER red, so classic red nails are out.
Here are some options I've been considering:
The pink is obviously a spring color, but it might offset the vampy-ness of all the black + red lip action.
Anyone have suggestions?
As for eye makeup....the false eyelashes are a definite, but I'm deciding between a subtle charcoal-gray palette or maybe something purple.
Are you going ALL OUT with your NYE look, or is it just another night for you?
I vote middle option for les ongles. Live it up for me since I'll be cuddling with my puppy for the night. Might splurge for some greek takeout plus some killer coconut cake?
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