I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
didjya miss me?
I've just been working like a crazy lady, that's it. Some nights I don't get home until 9pm, so I literally eat dinner (sometimes in bed...don't tell) and then go to sleep. There was a little bit of work drama about possibly relocating to NYC, but it wasn't the right time for that move.....so the ATL gets to try to handle me for a little while longer.
I've taken up kickboxing at a local studio, which I go to 3x a week at 6:30am. I'm loving it....I'm more toned and my skin is actually more clear from all the stress release and extra water I'm drinking. Funny how mentally beneficial punching a bag for an hour straight can be!
I celebrated my 24th birthday a few weeks ago, which was super fun. My work besties made me feel sooo special. The next weekend I went home for T-giving and had a good visit. This past weekend I decorated my little piece of home for Christmas...with my American Girl doll's Christmas tree, some pine candles, tinsel and an Advent Calendar from Trader Joe's. Joyeux Noel!
I'm still reading everyone else's happenings, don't worry....I never forget to check on my blog-friends.
PS: Gossip Girl is b-a-n-a-n-a-s this season.
I mean I lahve Caleb, but he's kind of out of his element, no? Might I dare say he sounds a little redneck?
Doesn't even matter, though. I would watch it on mute, the man is so pretty.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
however....I did recover a lost vegan pumpkin bread recipe that I'll begrudgingly make whenever I get around to buying all the rando ingredients like baking soda and nutmeg.
In other news, I started kickboxing class this morning at 6:30. AM. And after this crrrrrazy week at work we get a 3-day weekend.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Waa Waa Wee Waa!
Based only on the videos on interviews with the boys I've watched, I feel like Jared and I have a very similar (immature?) sense of humor.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The boys lookin' groovy in what I can only imagine is the album insert photography for Come Around Sundown. Jared is giving serious FACE. Werk it out, girl.
Has anyone heard Radioactive on the radio yet? I have not, but it was released as a single a couple weeks ago.
I like the color treatment of the video. All the little black children at a picnic? I don't comprehend it....but I don't hate it either. I think the song sounds really beautiful with the choir.
suuuper cute BTS video
Monday, September 20, 2010
now i know how all the girls felt when john married yoko
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
New album being released a full month AFTER I see them in concert. Now I'm really stuck deciding if I listen to the new songs so I'm familiar at the show, OR do I wait until October 19th. Someone once said delayed gratification was the definition of maturity. Or something like that.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
My bad- busy @ work and play, I suppose. but let's jump right in.
Bravo's new show...Work of Art? I don't watch it, but I did catch one ep this weekend to see this:

Miles Mendenhall; artsy; actually straight. Totes Adorbs.
Que Viva España! Went to watch the championship game with friends at a bar in Midtown- got drunk and shouted "Esssssspana! Olé Olé!" Mmm, I do not know Spanish, clearly. For the one week I was in Spain I spoke French to everyone. The native Spain pronunciation of "España" and "Barçelona" still make me giggle.
But El Niño and I.....
We don't need to speak words.
Rachel Zoe Project season 3 coming in August and I'm soooo excited.
Later gators!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Radioactive from CloserToCaleb on Vimeo.
new song...not too shabby. I can't decide if I want to listen to the new songs as they are posted on youtube or sharing sites so that I can be familiar with them for the concert....or if I want to be totally surprised when the new album comes out.
In other news....Kings of Leon announced an Atlanta tour date, y'all! Thank god. And it is lit-er-ally 5 days after the Charlotte show. So I'm pretty sure I'm just going to sell the Charlotte tickets and just go to the show in Atlanta. If the two were a couple weeks apart....totally go to both. But I'm just thinking logistics here. 5 hours (I'm guessing?) to Charlotte, +gas +hotel expenses....when I can just take a half day off work and go hang out at the venue here? Obvs.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thank Gawd
Friday, June 11, 2010
Whatever....let's move on to the hot guys
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
90s are my life
Do you hear the similarity?? I listen to this song just about non-stop this weekend. I'm taping her interview with Larry King tonight to watch on the treadmill in the morning. The video for Alejandro will be debuting next week allegedly. Can't....wait....
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Soo I traipsed on up to the Perimeter Mall MAC store to use my gift cards, and I got some awesome stuff.
I just realized today...that when I get new makeup, I always clean up my makeup area before putting the new stuff in. Like I organize everything and clear off the vanity what I'm not using. It's like a "Welcome to the neighborhood!" gesture for the new makeup.
God, I'm bizarre.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
--Nathan in an interview to Billboard.
full interview here
How happy am I about hearing new songs will have a YAYM-feel?
Oh, about this happy:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
WTF Now?
Now I don't know what to do. But I'm glad that this is today's biggest problem.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Even when you play by the rules, sometimes you get burned.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sunday night I had a dream my mom drove to be work, à la middle school, and picked me up in the evenings. In between, I blacked out for the entire 8 hours. Literally she picked me up and asked me how work was, and I couldn't remember anything, and hilarity ensued. I couldn't remember that J's dog came to work and I was really upset by this, because he is my little buddy. I woke up Monday morning and was like, "Uggh I have to go back to work AGAIN?" ....because I was just there in my dream, get it?
Monday night I had a dream about the Rolling Stones, directly after posting the below post re: The Stones in Exile. We were all at a water park....Mick, Keith, myself. We had a great time! If I didn't know any better I would think there were hallucinogenics in my water supply.
Last night I had a dream so real I was actually nervous when I woke up. I had a dream that this guy who is in my network of friends was calling me and wanting to go out, and all my girl friends were SO MAD at me. Like, bitchy, sassy mad. And these girls are not sassy girls. They were so angry, and I felt so helpless because it wasn't my fault this boy was calling me! I wasn't saying yes! Ack, so it was just very disconcerting, because you know.....bros before hoes. When Bros are your awesome girl friends and Hoes are sleazy boys. Obviously.
In other news, we had a "jeans party" at Bloomingdale's last night. I got a pair of Sevens, but I'm not crazy wild about them. They're...okay. And I feel like jeans need to be AMAZING, especially when they're $200. So I'll probably return them and get a dress. Or I've been wanting a blue blazer. Or maybe some Ray-Bans.
I wore a bright neon orange shirt today and received several compliments, among which were: "That's a great color on you" and "that shirt makes your boobs look HUGE!"
The end.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ya need to da tha Roostah
I wanted to share this little video with you because it brings together several of my loves:
The Rolling Stones
Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon, which I watched all senior year (The Roots is his in-house band...totally awesome)
The bearded Followill
I'll give you all a little background in case you're unfortunately lame....I mean, unfamiliar. In 1971 the Stones owed a shit ton of money to the British government in taxes that they couldn't pay, so they literally just left and moved to the south of France. While there they did a lot of drugs and recorded a kick-ass album. They are now releasing a DVD of exclusive footage from that time, as well as a CD of 10 never-before-heard tracks. Now you're up to speed.
In this documentary, several rock artists are interviewed, of which Caleb is one. Jump to 4:55 to see Mr. Followill. I love him, but damn, sometimes he sounds so freaking ignorant. Ahhh whatever, he's so precious it doesn't matter.
Watch Jimmy & Mick at the beginning- Jimmy used to do FABULOUS impressions of Mick on SNL...
Also it is necessary to watch Matt Lauer's interview with Mick and Keith...it's pretty trippy. They are hysterical, supernatural human beings.
I watch the Today Show every morning (because I'm a 40 year old housewife, don't judge) and I was late to work so I could watch this interview this morning. Enjoy!
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Monday, May 3, 2010
05.03.10. An Adult Relationship
By Michael Sugarman taken from asocialmess.com
I recently had lunch with a girl who had just broken up with her boyfriend, and I asked her why they broke up. She answered, “Because he changed”. Being curious, I asked how he changed. In the long answer that followed, it became apparent that this guy was initially able to date this girl because he was on his best behavior when they first went out. He asked her out days in advance of their date, he made reservations, he had a plan for the evening, he brought her flowers, and in time, they stayed in and he cooked for her. In other words, he did all the things he needed to do to begin seriously dating a girl (as opposed to just hooking up). While being on your best behavior is both exhausting and calculated, it’s also a tried-and-true dating strategy, one endorsed by women, and increasingly these days, even expected by them. However, as this relationship progressed, the nature of the relationship began to change. Their time together not only became more frequent, it also began, in her eyes, to deteriorate. First, the flowers fell by the wayside. Then, the dates made in advance became rare. Gone were the evenings involving meticulous planning. Hopefully, anyone reading this will understand what’s happened: over time, the honeymoon phase of the relationship became the committed relationship phase where both parties stopped being on their best behavior and started acting like their true selves, warts and all.
My friend, like many of her gender, took offense at this change. She didn’t see the blossoming of a committed relationship with a guy who felt comfortable and loving enough with her to let his guard down and simply BE with her. Instead, she began keeping an internal ledger of all the things he stopped doing. Bad move. Unfortunately for this particular girl, her boyfriend unexpectedly lost his job. Now, instead of being in a comfortable relationship, he not only had the stress of needing to find a new job, but he has the added concern of maintaining his relationship (feigning unconcern at his job prospects while still continuing to buy drinks/dinner, and pretending unconcern in front of friends and family) as well. I’ll give my friend the benefit of the doubt and assume that she was helpful and supportive during the tough time her boyfriend was having, but whatever they were, her efforts didn’t help. He began to pull away from her as his unemployment stretched from days to weeks to months. But the problem here is not that he just became distant. My friend combined his emotional distance with his failure to do the things he used to do when they first started dating, and THAT is why she broke up with him.
Wow. Though I had the torpedo tubes locked and loaded with my hand on the firing button, I didn’t pull the trigger. Instead, I asked more questions. Didn’t she know that he’d eventually get another job? Didn’t she feel that most relationships usually mature from just dating into something more committed? Did she really expect to be treated the same way she was treated on the first or second date as she was four months into it? Her response was truly disturbing: “No”, she said. “But his refusal to meet my needs forced me to end it with him.”
If I ever meet this guy, I’m going to tell him how glad I am that he didn’t try to get my friend back. That sounds harsh, but essentially, she’s saying that she blames him for not treating him the way he did when they first met, even though he was clearly having trouble dealing with being unemployed. But here’s the kicker. In telling me how their relationship ended, and her motivation to end it, she used a variety of sentences all starting with: “He didn’t understand that I needed…” or “He didn’t get that I wanted him to…” and the ever-popular “Why couldn’t he have just…”. This was a level of selfishness that I hadn’t seen since 3rd grade when my best friend wouldn’t let me play with his new tonka truck. Since she was a friend, I didn’t rip her a new one right there; I mulled it over.
The best I could come up with is that my friend’s selfish attitude is far from uncommon. I can hardly go a week without a girl complaining that a boyfriend totally changed from how he was when they first met to now. I tell these girls the same thing I’ll tell you: most guys that I know aren’t looking to date infants. I’m not talking about pedophilia. I mean that most guys I know aren’t looking to be in committed relationships with girls who want/need to be taken care of. They, like me, are looking for partners, in the true sense of that word. We want someone that wants an equal share of the good (and bad) that comes with any solid relationship and is willing to shoulder to invest the same effort. But it was clear from listening to my friend that she was a little girl; she expected to be constantly treated as if each day was a first date. The sheer unreality of this attitude was, and is, over-whelming. But to say that this attitude is prevalent these days is to horribly understate the problem. The way my friend feels is a direct by-product of the way she was raised, where traditionally, girls are taught to expect to be cared-for and protected. If proof is needed, consider the fairy tales about Prince Charming rescuing the princess that girls are told as children. Interestingly, the very women who rail hardest against this role are also the women who want equal rights, equal pay, to fight side-by-side in the military; stereotypically and ironically, these are the same women who have no use for men at all, at least from a relationship standpoint.
As I’ve said before in other postings, the hardest thing that a guy has to deal with is managing a woman’s expectations. From the bedtime stories girls hear to the magazines they read when they get older that tell women that they’re fat or ugly by glorifying anorexic supermodels, our culture has raised women to be both dependent and selfish. Put the girl who’s been raised this way in a relationship that’s enduring some hardship, and its no wonder that the relationship failed. What is amazing that any ever succeed…
Take from this what you will.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
In which I admit I do not know common knowledge facts
-Did you know that prisoners used to make license plates?? I had no effing idea. We were in a status meeting and someone made a reference to it casually, and I asked if it was true, and everyone did one of these:
Yea, well I had no idea. People don't talk about it!! My parents never told me! I was a sheltered child!!
-Did you further know that all radio/tv stations east of the Mississippi River begin with the letter W, and all radio/tv stations west of the Mississippi River start with the letter K? THEY DO, child. At work we had a training session for this reporting software we use, and someone searched for a Turner station or something, and KTLA.com popped up in the search. And the guy goes, "Now if you were geo-targeting this would be fine since you know its a west coast station." And I raise my hand and ask how you would know? Is this a famous station I'm unaware of? Nope. One of the directors had to tell me the east/west thing, and she did it in the way you would teach a 5 year old. Then I asked people sitting around me if they knew this, and everyone was like, "Uhhmm, Yeeeeeaaaa. Sorry." DO THEY TEACH THIS SHIT IN COLLEGE?? I don't understand!! How did I get through 16 years of school and 23 years of life experience NOT to know things like this??
I don't even know anymore, you guys. Between carotid/corrotted and this "K" and "W" business, it's amazing I graduated, found myself and job, drive a car and live on my own. God.
I'm just gonna go watch Gossip Girl now. I bet Serena didn't know this shit either- because YOU KNOW that bitch is dumb as a box of hair.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My TV in the other room is a documentary in French, and I'm having trouble pense-ing en anglais...
- Last time I posted was after the Bon Jovi concert- sooo that weekend we did sangria--> Dogwood Fest---> Sweetwater 420 Fest---> fun times in the Highlands. Dogwood was a lot of families and gay couples. My friend and I walked from my apartment down to Piedmont to find this out. Stayed longer than was probably necessary, then hightailed it to MARTA to get out to Sweetwater for single hippies and dogs. Pretty crunchy. Pretty.....crunchy.
- Monday a vendor took us to Bill Hallman boutique in the Highlands for a "jean party," which basically was this company giving everyone in my department $200 to get whatever they wanted at the boutique, with wine and snacks. I walked away with a dress and a bangin' pair of sunnies.
- Wednesday I was a party pooper to the max, and left the Ingram Hill concert at Smith's Olde Bar early. As you know, I go to bed super early, and this concert started at 9:30pm. Which is late, when you wake up at 6am to hop on the treadmill. AND THEN they had the nerve to have 2 opening acts who STARTED at 9:30. I'm sorry, but who do they think they are, Tina Turner?? I'm taking this opp to apologize to C for totally not being able to hang on a school night. I'll go hide my head in shame now...
- Friday we had an agency happy hour at Park Tavern. I went with my gay work boyfriend. Cut to EVERYONE getting inappropriately drunk, the re-telling of the story of when a creative director caught me dancing down the hallway, and everyone trying to crash a high school reunion party "for the dancing." Inappropriateness all around, coupled with the fact everyone was calling each other trannies. Ohhh, the wonderful joys of ad agencies.
- Sunday night I went to Ben Harper & Guster for the DaveFM Earth Day Birthday. A vendor from work had tickets and a pre-concert party, so a co-worker and I decided to go profité bien. Her husband came, and I love them so dearly. They like to party, AND they had me home by 10:30.
- So far this week is going swimmingly- spa on Thursday and Braves game on Friday evening! Finally, a fun event on a WEEKEND night- I can go and not worry about getting up in the morning and fighting the spins at work!!
- When did it get to be almost May? This past year flew by. I feel like it was just a few months ago I was starting summer school- bananas!
- Saturday is the Kentucky Derby. Wish I was going. Maybe I'll have a party?
- RuPaul's Drag Race ended yesterday. My prediction won- she turned. it. out. I'm so obsessed with this show it borders on uncomfortable.
a toute a l'heure!
Friday, April 16, 2010
I See You, Girl
So we got far too drunk off white wine, and danced on the balcony and screamed the lyrics. I'm telling you- there is nothing quite like screaming "Wooooooaaaah we're half way theerreee, WOOOAAAAH LIVIN' ON A PRAYYERRR," with an entire arena of people in the actual live presence of Jon Bon Jovi. Who has aged quite nicely, might I add. We googled him and he's 48. Lookin' good, JBJ!
After the concert I was peer pressured into going out with the Google team. We wound up at Opera, where one of the guys paid the bouncer to let us cut the line. Now, Opera is like this super famous dance club in Atlanta- apparently DJ Pauly D has dj'd there a few times. I guess it's a big deal. So it is PACKED last night, and we're waiting at the bar, and I'm bopping around, grooving to the beats, and this girl kind of smiles and me and goes, "I see you, girl!" Followed by a finger snap-neck twirl combination. That was maybe the greatest validation you can ever receive, next to "Girl, looking FIERCE" from a gay guy.
Awhile later I grabbed a cab back to the office to get my car then drove home. I was roughin' it this morning at work, but last night was totally worth it.
Also- if I had my way of things, I'd be in the desert in California right now for Coachella. Preferably sharing a sleeping bag with a hot, young, bearded, music-loving fellow. I'm just saying.
This weekend should be fun, though. Pre-gaming the Dogwood festival with my gay work boyfriend and possibly hitting up Sweetwater Festival to scout some bands and boys? Sure.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Shall we de-stress with some Trani? Can you guess whether this was shot in 2003 or 1973?
Gossip Girl is currently downloading on my iTunes. Recap tonight- tomorrow maybe.
And I just watched Christian Siriano's Bravo Special "Having a Moment," yesterday morning and I finished it tonight. Obsessed? Little bit.
Monday, April 12, 2010
So anyway guys- unfortunately nothing too exciting has been happening around here lately!! Work was mega busy today- we were having a problem with one of our programs, which made a task that usually takes me an hour into a whole day-long trouble shooting process. When I was supposed to be working on client reporting. Gah. I even put on headphones (which I never do at work) and put in my away message "Headphone on- serious reporting to get done," and people STILL IMd me about stupid shit! Get your own papers printed out and signed; my God! I wish it was like college where I could just go to the bottom floor of the library in a cubicle with headphones for 3 hours and get. shit. done. with no distractions. But again, reality rears its ugly head, letting me know that Life does not equal College. Ever.
I made some bangin' white wine sangria for a party on Saturday. And I had a baaaaad wine hangover-headache Sunday. Saturday night I saw some guys from my agency out at the bar. One works in my department and we're buddies, so I hung out with him for awhile. He enjoys Bon Qui Qui also, and I may or may not have done the rap. Hint: I did.
Oh Oh, also at work on Friday, the big news was someone made a Craigslist missed connection about someone in our office!! It went a little along the lines of, "Hey I'm a site rep who was visiting ____Agency on Wednesday. I saw you and you're super hot blah blah I'm here all weekend lets meet up."
AND IT WAS MY GAY BEST FRIEND AT WORK!! Some guy saw him and was like, "YOWZA," and then had the balls to post on Craiglist. God, the hilarity. Someone even put it on our agency portal, it was so hysterical. I told my dad about it, and he goes, "They posted it on the portal? So they basically outed him? That's pretty much harassment." Nah....that's just an ad agency. I love it.
My Starz-Showtime 3-month trial has ended on DirecTV. So no more movies booo. Those sneaky bitches tried to charge me for the 4th month, thinking I wouldn't notice it on my bill. Ohhhhhh no. I called today and was like "Essscuse me? I did not authorize this!"
And I believe I owe some people some Gossip Girl recaps and KOL shenanigans. In due time, my loves. I think the GG recap will come back tomorrow. I had a dream about Chuck Bass last week that was both disturbing yet exciting. Ponder on that one....
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
OKAY did you know that "carotid artery" is spelled the way it is? How have I gone 23 years of life, 16 years of school without EVER EVER EVER realizing this? I was reading something just now, and I got to the word "carotid" and I had to stop. And. Sound. It. Out. Because I have never seen this combination of letters together in that order before in my life! I know what a "carotid artery" is (I think- its the one in your neck, right? Ugh- Google it I shall). But I honest to GOD thought it was spelled "corrotted" or something. I.....just can't even handle this right now.
In other news- have you all ever noticed how when you boil water it's loud, then it gets really quiet RIGHT BEFORE it's boiling? I boil water in one of those whistling tea kettles every morning and night for tea, and I've begun to notice this. I'm sure this is similar to some huge metaphor for life, like the quiet before the storm, but I'm not sure I want to go that deep and actually figure it out.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Things Are Looking Up
- I talked to my director's director today, and she has no problem with me taking a half day on Sept. 10th. PRAISE JEY-SUS. I was so worked up about asking her, and she was like, "Uhm okay? We'll just have to set up a game plan for that day. See ya." I was bouncing around the office the rest of the day which led to this...
- I was in the kitchen before I went home, when this guy comes up to me and says, "So Matt and I saw you having a little moment to your self earlier." WHAT? I'm thinking back through my day- did I pick my nose? Did I pick my underwear out of my ass? No clue. And he goes, "We were standing at the end of the media hallway, and you walked down the hallway dancing a little bit, and Matt asked what I was looking at, and I said 'There's not just an attractive girl walking down the hall, but an attractive girl dancing her way down the hallway." And goddamnit y'all, I was GUILTY AS CHARGED. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was walking down a hallway on the way to the kitchen, LITERALLY bopping along side to side. "Don't be embarassed, we thought it was great," the guy told me. I was for a little bit, but now I'm not. I'm glad I can entertain people.
- My straight crush at work shaved his beard; but he's still really cute. We actually had a little moment in the kitchen last Friday. Jenny brought in pizza for breakfast, and he said something in our general direction, and I just smiled and said something like, "yea, well you're just jealous you don't have pizza for breakfast." And he smiled; and I smiled. We're in a serious relationship.
- After work today I took a lovely little walk around my neighborhood because it was pretty outside. And I realized I need to move my body a little bit more in the day to compensate for not traipsing around campus all day long in college. I start my kickball league tomorrow!
- I'm watching my iTunes-purchased episode of Gossip Girl tonight and its really exciting.
- I miss shagging. Not that shagging, you dirty birds. Like dance- shagging. Lydia will appreciate this. I miss going to a fraternity party and dancing to Van Morrison. I distinctly remember the last time I shagged with someone who knew how to was on a pool deck one late weekend night during summer school. *Sigh* I sometimes miss those South Carolina boys.
- My dishwasher takes a really long time to run a cycle.
- That's allllllls I got, kiddos!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Oy Vey
Work was fine- EXCEPT i found out that Friday September 10th is right in the middle of Rosh Hashana. "But you're Catholic," you might say. Yes, you'd be right, smarty pants, but 2 members of my team are Jewish. And I guess they don't work during the High Holidays. And there has to be 2 members of my team at the office at all times. AND THERE ARE ONLY 4 PEOPLE ON MY GODDAMN TEAM. So unless I can beg and grovel and plead to my director's director (because my director doesn't even want to deal with this), looks like the Kings of Leon concert is a no go. I wanted to take a half day, and leave Atlanta by 1:30 or so to get to Charlotte by 5:30ish and be right in line ready to go and be first row. I almost cried at work. So everyone cross you fingers they add an Atlanta date, OR my director's director will take mercy on my poor soul.
To clear up the previous post- I actually confronted the guy at the bar. I didn't cause a scene because I'm a "lady," But I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Oh hey ____, I saw you were here. I just wanted to come over and say hello." He was dumbfounded (and deserves it the stupid mother f*cker- I MEAN WHAT I'M A LADY). He stumbled and bumbled and I just said, "Okay I'm going to go, but you have a fantastic night," with my biggest, most sweetest smile.
I'm not hungry, and I don't want to make dinner. Last night I had a glass of red wine and Trader Joe's "oreos" for dinner. Normal.
I'm more upset about the Kings of Leon concert than that guy. I'm legit going to cry at work in my director's office if she doesn't give me the half day off. But really- it is not my fault that half my freaking team is Jewish. sfnjksfeuigueiwjbfu4yt73y7382y372y3hjdjsadh988hgjkdsbgjksfbskjfhasdhjbcjkbcvjksdfgjsdkfjksdfbsjbvjkhfjkdhfjksdfgdsjkfgdsjkbjkcbjdgsudgfeirugfejgfkjsdbsjkdbfas.
Tell me happy things in the comments. Merci mille fois.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"I said to myself, go ahead, take a chance, hire the smart, fat girl"
In other exciting news....I got tickets for the pit to see Kings of Leon in Charlotte. Do you know what pit means? FRONT. ROW. BITCHES.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Excuse Me

George Craig is the cutest boy ever. He's one of my favorite male models (Burberry) and is apparently in a band? Oh, and he's like 18. Cougar bait.
I'm buying tickets to the Kings of Leon show in Charlotte. Do I have a partner to go along with? Not yet. Will I be buying two tickets anyway? Yup.
You guys, I have a crush on a guy at work who is ACTUALLY STRAIGHT. Is this real life?
The weather in Atlanta is beautifulllll.
Gossip Girl is back which makes my life infinitely better. Maybe I'll even celebrate with some recaps soon!
This episode aired a few nights ago. Will & Grace is possibly my all time favorite show, and this is one of my FAVORITE moments. I remember watching this episode when it first aired. It's classic and makes my world go round.
Monday, March 15, 2010
If you know me in real life and want to go to the 9/4 show in Charlotte, let me know ASAP, tix go on sale Saturday morning.
And there is not yet an Atlanta show announced. Fingers crossed for an additional tour announcement, but until then, Charlotte bound!!!
And yes, that video is totes lame. I know.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
No Taxation without Adequate Wine
I'm really not mentally challenged, my taxes are hard this year, you guys. I have 2 states where I earned income, as well as some inheritance money (someone dies, leaves you money as their last dying wish, and you STILL get taxed on that bitch. I hate the government. Sometimes).
In one of the times I called my dad crying about why I now owed the government money on my inheritance, he said, "Are you a Republican now?"
Dinner tonight? One extra LARGE glass of red wine. Maybe two.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I was clearly put on the mailing list based on my shopping habits and/or other magazine subscriptions.
Pottery Barn. POTTERY. BARN. Does this make me an adult?
Love Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry
I've just been prancing around, doing my own thing lately. Don't go worrying about me.
Nothing too spectacular to report- no men, no fabulous new clothing purchases.
This past week we went to the Eric Clapton concert with a vendor, as well as mani/pedis, which was so wonderful. I'm a HUGE Clapton fan, and we were SO close to the stage, it was very exciting. My mother was SO jealous.
Last night we had a night out at the infamous MQJ underground danceclub in Atlanta. It was fun, until guys started to get far too touchy-feely, then it wasn't fun anymore. This always happens in danceclubs, or any dancing situation for me....I'm having fun, bopping around, dancing, blowing my bubblegum and being sexy but goofy. Then the guy takes it all far too seriously and shit gets uncomfortable. Sorry, but just because we're dancing does not equate to you getting to come have sex with me. OR EVEN makeout. Ew. Stop. Yuck.
Last week I wore a snug dress to work and when I walked it rode up a little bit, and I was basically reprimanded by my director and told to watch the length of my skirt when I'm not wearing tights. In the words of Kelly Cutrone, "If you have to cry go outside." I sat at my desk for 30 minutes feeling my face get hotter an redder, and then went to the bathroom to cry. So that was fantastic....
My toes are a bright, neon, electric, pink. It's 80s Obnoxious and I adore it.
I want my hair to be long. Right now.
The weather has been so lovely in Atlanta, except for when it's raining. I'm really enjoying not having to wear a coat at all times, and not wearing tights with everything (and being a ho....see what I did there? I'm taking a negative and turning it into a joke.)
Murphy's on N. Highland is where I want to go for my next dinner date. I went there for dinner with a vendor on Monday and it was delish.
I had an Oscar fashion wrap-up for you....then I get busy and it was a lot of work. In a nutshell: loved J.Lo, Demi, Carey Mulligan, Diane Kruger (no one has worn Chanel at the Oscars in like 9 years). Did not care for Zoe Saldana's (even though she did take a risk with color and the ombre effect- I don't it was a great risk), Cameron looked awkward and even though I LOVE Kate Winslet I did not love her dress with the pleats.
I hope I didn't lose any readers (did I have any to begin with?) Or any of your love....you know J'Adore you, Je can't get enough of you.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
What's been happening.....let's do a bulleted list! My fave
- My mama came to visit this weekend. She brought the dog, which was so special. Friday night I stayed in. We got dinner at Whole Foods and watched TV and I went to bed before 11pm. Saturday we went to Lenox. I got some silver ballet flats from GAP and Chanel nail polish (we'll do a "purchases" portion a little later.) We also ate lunch with my aunt & uncle. My mom and I always have a good time shopping together and this was no exception! Sunday we slept in, and went for a late brunch at Apres Diem, and we dines al fresco and brought the dog along with us. Great meal- I had brie and baguette and a goat cheese + herb omelette. Then we went to this FUNKYYY vintage store in the Highlands. This store had everything...furniture, books, jewelry, clothes, posters, kitsch, everything. We perused some 60s & 70s Playboys so we could see "what the fuss was all about." No fuss. Just real, natural breasts. Then grocery shopping, and reruns of Will & Grace and Rupaul's Drag Race. Such a great visit.
- Saturday night was lovely C's birthday!! I'm so glad I was able to make dinner at El Taco, then we went out in the Highlands. I had a blast. I wore a new dress, which always puts a little spring in my step. At the bar, FANS played at one point and C and I had a collective squeal moment.
- I never thought I'd see the day, but I got up early this morning to exercise, and....I don't hate it. I felt fine during the day, and it's so nice to come home from work and do whatever. I did adult shit like pay bills and now I have to time blog and cook dinner without feeling so frantic. I think I will continue.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
-an excerpt from a study by researchers at UCL (University College London), University of Warwick and LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science)
I just found it funny how much more eloquent (scientific?) "mate" sounds than "put out"
Carry On.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tim Gunn Would Not Approve

for NYFW'10.
Kinds creepy, weird, a little fierce (love the boots, PS) but NO! We're in a fight, because it is not original. Why?
Because dear, sweet Chris March did the same goddamn thing for Project Runway Season 4.

did this:

How dare you rip off this dear, sweet, overweight man's creative vision!
You can't sit with me at lunch anymore, Altuzarra. You are dead to me. Like Sicilian dead to me.
J-Rad and Caleb at NYFW
“It’s weird having Anna Wintour right there looking at me, little does she know that my boots are three years old!” -Caleb
Oh honey. She already knows.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Things That Make My World Go 'Round
The following is a list of recent things/people/events that I have either commented aloud or in my own head that they "make my world go 'round" in no particular order:
- Drag Queens
- Floral Dresses. 2a. Dresses in general.
- The gay black cashier at the CVS by my house. 3a. Gay Men in general
- Granola beards
- RuPaul
- French children's songs (ex: Le Petit Escargot. Google it.)
- tea from Teavana
- my makeup
- goat cheese
- Fashion magazines + their online counterparts
And now you know.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sorry....still more to talk about
- I bought a microwave today. Rull excited to be entering the 1950's. Next I'll get a fancy television set with Technicolor and start vacuuming in stilettos and pearls.
- Kind of obsessed with my gay boyfriend at work. No, not my crush gay boyfriend, but the one that I can actually tell is gay and who actually talks to me. Highlight of today's conversation: He got a new puppy and named it Palin. As in SARAH PALIN, y'all. Yes...he's gay, Jewish and Republican. A girl on my team asked him today at lunch, "Have you met yourself?" He might just be my new best friend.
- The Spaniards from Univision are coming to meet with my team tomorrow, because we're running a Hispanic-targeted campaign with them. They're bringing lunch. At 2pm. Actually they may not even be Spaniards, they are probs Mexican, but I think saying Spaniards is more fun so I will continue to do so.
- I'm currently breaking my own rule of being in my bed with a cup of Sleepytime tea by 9:45pm. You're welcome.
- I have to go in early to work tomorrow to deal with some issues from aforementioned Spaniard's site placements. Gross.
- Oh, I have date this week. No big deal. New boy. Did I mention he's Irish? Because he is. He moved here in October and does the marketing for an Irish Pub in Buckhead. I met him Saturday night. We made out a little. He said I was "lovely." Aren't you dying?? When I told my parents I'm getting drinks this week with a guy who works at a bar, my dad goes, "You know, E., doctors and lawyers are nice guys too." Thanks.
- Today I DVR'd 3 episodes of The Rachel Zoe Project on Bravo, and I'm pretty sure this is setting the precedent to be an AWESOME BANANAS MAY-JOR week.
J-Rad Interview
He talks about lot's-o-things:
- He's currently in Nashville, walking around his house while it's snowing
- doesn't enjoy the snow, but enjoys oatmeal.
- feels creepy for living alone. J-Rad, I'll come live witchoo!
- apparently Caleb is in Nashville as well. Road trip, yes/no?
- doesn't want to be the Miley Cyrus of musician clothing lines. Jesus.
- hopes to have some live shows this summer if they write/record the album in time. I have issues with this, and here they are:
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Life?
The date with the boy was okay...we actually went to the movies on Sunday afternoon. I picked Up In The Air, thinking it was going to be a comedy about a traveling business man. Nope. It was a depressing dramedy about a traveling business man. But damn, George Clooney just gets better with age. We didn't go to dinner after the movie, which I thought was odd, and so when I hopped out of the car when he dropped me off, I didn't kiss him because it just felt awkward. AAaaaaand he hasn't called since. "On to the next," I told a good friend of mine in an email describing the situation. I wasn't too jazzed on him in the first place. We didn't click sense-of-humor-wise, and I wasn't incredibly physically attracted to him (although he was good looking). Hmm. I don't know, can't put it in to words but "it" just wasn't there. So....on to the next!
Work has been crazy busy, but when is it not? There is a faaaabulous gay guy (well, one of like 100's who work in my office...but we're actually friends) and this morning he called me adorable and it kind of made my day. Every morning me and my team and a few other girls sit in the kitchen and have a bite to eat and chit chat, and a few people have noticed this trend and we got called The Breakfast Club this morning. Gay Friend also said that one of my clients was a Hot Mess Broke-Ass Bitch, in regards to the amount of budget we get compared to fucking VERIZON WIRELESS who spends like $50mil per quarter with my agency. But it's okay...we're Fashion Week sponsors. Beat that, bitch.
I painted my nails Russian Navy tonight, so that was exciting.
I want to do something fun like go to the Zoo or go to an art museum. Maybe even both in the same day. Or go see an Oscar-nominated movie. It's supposed to rain this weekend I think? I need activities. I say that now, but come Saturday around noon all I will want to do is sit in my overstuffed chair in my pj's watching DVR'd eps of Millionaire Matchmaker. I freaking LOVE Patti Stanger oh my god. She looks like such a tranny mess, but she's tall and has big boobs and she's sassy. I like sassy people.
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Monday, February 1, 2010
Boys, Can We Talk?

You know how much I love you. J'adore you. Je can't get enough of you.
These ensembles? Below par, gentlemen. Only J-Rad gets my stamp of approval (on his ass). Ba Dum Ching!
Matt- a blue suit and a black vest? And a white shirt? And sunglasses hung off the vest? Can we not?
Caleb- the pocket watch chain is a bit much. And your shoes don't match your suit WHATSOEVER. Your hair looks.... better though. Keep working on it.
Nate- My dad called...he wants his Easter suit back. You're in a goddamned rock & roll band, and you're wearing a purple striped tie? I know you can do better; I've seen you do it. But your hair looks really pretty.
Being All Judge-y and Critical
I would rock the SHIT out of this dress. I don't even care that a 16 year old got to it first.
But Miley's hair extensions are butt ugly.
Do not like. The neckline is so awkward.
But her hurrrr is pretty!

AH, Feathers, j'adore. "Rachel manages to dress like a grandma and four year old at the same time." Not true last night, Kurt!
Anyway, I anticipate this ending up on some "Worst Dressed" lists because some people just won't get it.
Why was it "country stars with weird necklines" night? This is SO awkward! And I hate to say, but the sparkley material makes it looks a bit cheap. Sorry Tay!
Obviously. But I have to say, her weave looks like Barbie.