I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
-As in my mind!
OKAY did you know that "carotid artery" is spelled the way it is? How have I gone 23 years of life, 16 years of school without EVER EVER EVER realizing this? I was reading something just now, and I got to the word "carotid" and I had to stop. And. Sound. It. Out. Because I have never seen this combination of letters together in that order before in my life! I know what a "carotid artery" is (I think- its the one in your neck, right? Ugh- Google it I shall). But I honest to GOD thought it was spelled "corrotted" or something. I.....just can't even handle this right now.
In other news- have you all ever noticed how when you boil water it's loud, then it gets really quiet RIGHT BEFORE it's boiling? I boil water in one of those whistling tea kettles every morning and night for tea, and I've begun to notice this. I'm sure this is similar to some huge metaphor for life, like the quiet before the storm, but I'm not sure I want to go that deep and actually figure it out.
OKAY did you know that "carotid artery" is spelled the way it is? How have I gone 23 years of life, 16 years of school without EVER EVER EVER realizing this? I was reading something just now, and I got to the word "carotid" and I had to stop. And. Sound. It. Out. Because I have never seen this combination of letters together in that order before in my life! I know what a "carotid artery" is (I think- its the one in your neck, right? Ugh- Google it I shall). But I honest to GOD thought it was spelled "corrotted" or something. I.....just can't even handle this right now.
In other news- have you all ever noticed how when you boil water it's loud, then it gets really quiet RIGHT BEFORE it's boiling? I boil water in one of those whistling tea kettles every morning and night for tea, and I've begun to notice this. I'm sure this is similar to some huge metaphor for life, like the quiet before the storm, but I'm not sure I want to go that deep and actually figure it out.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Things Are Looking Up
- I talked to my director's director today, and she has no problem with me taking a half day on Sept. 10th. PRAISE JEY-SUS. I was so worked up about asking her, and she was like, "Uhm okay? We'll just have to set up a game plan for that day. See ya." I was bouncing around the office the rest of the day which led to this...
- I was in the kitchen before I went home, when this guy comes up to me and says, "So Matt and I saw you having a little moment to your self earlier." WHAT? I'm thinking back through my day- did I pick my nose? Did I pick my underwear out of my ass? No clue. And he goes, "We were standing at the end of the media hallway, and you walked down the hallway dancing a little bit, and Matt asked what I was looking at, and I said 'There's not just an attractive girl walking down the hall, but an attractive girl dancing her way down the hallway." And goddamnit y'all, I was GUILTY AS CHARGED. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was walking down a hallway on the way to the kitchen, LITERALLY bopping along side to side. "Don't be embarassed, we thought it was great," the guy told me. I was for a little bit, but now I'm not. I'm glad I can entertain people.
- My straight crush at work shaved his beard; but he's still really cute. We actually had a little moment in the kitchen last Friday. Jenny brought in pizza for breakfast, and he said something in our general direction, and I just smiled and said something like, "yea, well you're just jealous you don't have pizza for breakfast." And he smiled; and I smiled. We're in a serious relationship.
- After work today I took a lovely little walk around my neighborhood because it was pretty outside. And I realized I need to move my body a little bit more in the day to compensate for not traipsing around campus all day long in college. I start my kickball league tomorrow!
- I'm watching my iTunes-purchased episode of Gossip Girl tonight and its really exciting.
- I miss shagging. Not that shagging, you dirty birds. Like dance- shagging. Lydia will appreciate this. I miss going to a fraternity party and dancing to Van Morrison. I distinctly remember the last time I shagged with someone who knew how to was on a pool deck one late weekend night during summer school. *Sigh* I sometimes miss those South Carolina boys.
- My dishwasher takes a really long time to run a cycle.
- That's allllllls I got, kiddos!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Oy Vey
What a blah freaking gross day. It was literally snow flurry-ing this morning. After being 75 and sunny on Saturday. The eff?
Work was fine- EXCEPT i found out that Friday September 10th is right in the middle of Rosh Hashana. "But you're Catholic," you might say. Yes, you'd be right, smarty pants, but 2 members of my team are Jewish. And I guess they don't work during the High Holidays. And there has to be 2 members of my team at the office at all times. AND THERE ARE ONLY 4 PEOPLE ON MY GODDAMN TEAM. So unless I can beg and grovel and plead to my director's director (because my director doesn't even want to deal with this), looks like the Kings of Leon concert is a no go. I wanted to take a half day, and leave Atlanta by 1:30 or so to get to Charlotte by 5:30ish and be right in line ready to go and be first row. I almost cried at work. So everyone cross you fingers they add an Atlanta date, OR my director's director will take mercy on my poor soul.
To clear up the previous post- I actually confronted the guy at the bar. I didn't cause a scene because I'm a "lady," But I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Oh hey ____, I saw you were here. I just wanted to come over and say hello." He was dumbfounded (and deserves it the stupid mother f*cker- I MEAN WHAT I'M A LADY). He stumbled and bumbled and I just said, "Okay I'm going to go, but you have a fantastic night," with my biggest, most sweetest smile.
I'm not hungry, and I don't want to make dinner. Last night I had a glass of red wine and Trader Joe's "oreos" for dinner. Normal.
I'm more upset about the Kings of Leon concert than that guy. I'm legit going to cry at work in my director's office if she doesn't give me the half day off. But really- it is not my fault that half my freaking team is Jewish. sfnjksfeuigueiwjbfu4yt73y7382y372y3hjdjsadh988hgjkdsbgjksfbskjfhasdhjbcjkbcvjksdfgjsdkfjksdfbsjbvjkhfjkdhfjksdfgdsjkfgdsjkbjkcbjdgsudgfeirugfejgfkjsdbsjkdbfas.
Tell me happy things in the comments. Merci mille fois.
Work was fine- EXCEPT i found out that Friday September 10th is right in the middle of Rosh Hashana. "But you're Catholic," you might say. Yes, you'd be right, smarty pants, but 2 members of my team are Jewish. And I guess they don't work during the High Holidays. And there has to be 2 members of my team at the office at all times. AND THERE ARE ONLY 4 PEOPLE ON MY GODDAMN TEAM. So unless I can beg and grovel and plead to my director's director (because my director doesn't even want to deal with this), looks like the Kings of Leon concert is a no go. I wanted to take a half day, and leave Atlanta by 1:30 or so to get to Charlotte by 5:30ish and be right in line ready to go and be first row. I almost cried at work. So everyone cross you fingers they add an Atlanta date, OR my director's director will take mercy on my poor soul.
To clear up the previous post- I actually confronted the guy at the bar. I didn't cause a scene because I'm a "lady," But I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Oh hey ____, I saw you were here. I just wanted to come over and say hello." He was dumbfounded (and deserves it the stupid mother f*cker- I MEAN WHAT I'M A LADY). He stumbled and bumbled and I just said, "Okay I'm going to go, but you have a fantastic night," with my biggest, most sweetest smile.
I'm not hungry, and I don't want to make dinner. Last night I had a glass of red wine and Trader Joe's "oreos" for dinner. Normal.
I'm more upset about the Kings of Leon concert than that guy. I'm legit going to cry at work in my director's office if she doesn't give me the half day off. But really- it is not my fault that half my freaking team is Jewish. sfnjksfeuigueiwjbfu4yt73y7382y372y3hjdjsadh988hgjkdsbgjksfbskjfhasdhjbcjkbcvjksdfgjsdkfjksdfbsjbvjkhfjkdhfjksdfgdsjkfgdsjkbjkcbjdgsudgfeirugfejgfkjsdbsjkdbfas.
Tell me happy things in the comments. Merci mille fois.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"I said to myself, go ahead, take a chance, hire the smart, fat girl"
Watching Devil Wears Prada on FX right now.
In other exciting news....I got tickets for the pit to see Kings of Leon in Charlotte. Do you know what pit means? FRONT. ROW. BITCHES.
In other exciting news....I got tickets for the pit to see Kings of Leon in Charlotte. Do you know what pit means? FRONT. ROW. BITCHES.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Excuse Me

George Craig is the cutest boy ever. He's one of my favorite male models (Burberry) and is apparently in a band? Oh, and he's like 18. Cougar bait.
Anyway, things are going swimmingly. I watched an Eric Clapton biography on tv tonight, which was decently interesting, but a little lackluster in the dishy-ness. I wanted the gritty sex, drugs & rock 'n roll stories, of which there were none. But Keith Richards made a humorous appearance. Both those guys need to be studied by science. They should not be alive considering that vast amounts of drugs they have done.
I'm buying tickets to the Kings of Leon show in Charlotte. Do I have a partner to go along with? Not yet. Will I be buying two tickets anyway? Yup.
You guys, I have a crush on a guy at work who is ACTUALLY STRAIGHT. Is this real life?
The weather in Atlanta is beautifulllll.
Gossip Girl is back which makes my life infinitely better. Maybe I'll even celebrate with some recaps soon!
This episode aired a few nights ago. Will & Grace is possibly my all time favorite show, and this is one of my FAVORITE moments. I remember watching this episode when it first aired. It's classic and makes my world go round.
I'm buying tickets to the Kings of Leon show in Charlotte. Do I have a partner to go along with? Not yet. Will I be buying two tickets anyway? Yup.
You guys, I have a crush on a guy at work who is ACTUALLY STRAIGHT. Is this real life?
The weather in Atlanta is beautifulllll.
Gossip Girl is back which makes my life infinitely better. Maybe I'll even celebrate with some recaps soon!
This episode aired a few nights ago. Will & Grace is possibly my all time favorite show, and this is one of my FAVORITE moments. I remember watching this episode when it first aired. It's classic and makes my world go round.
Monday, March 15, 2010
If you know me in real life and want to go to the 9/4 show in Charlotte, let me know ASAP, tix go on sale Saturday morning.
And there is not yet an Atlanta show announced. Fingers crossed for an additional tour announcement, but until then, Charlotte bound!!!
And yes, that video is totes lame. I know.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
No Taxation without Adequate Wine
I started my taxes this afternoon around 4:30. At 8:30, after calling my dad crying twice, I'm not done and have decided to wait until I go home for Easter so my dad can help me.
I'm really not mentally challenged, my taxes are hard this year, you guys. I have 2 states where I earned income, as well as some inheritance money (someone dies, leaves you money as their last dying wish, and you STILL get taxed on that bitch. I hate the government. Sometimes).
In one of the times I called my dad crying about why I now owed the government money on my inheritance, he said, "Are you a Republican now?"
Dinner tonight? One extra LARGE glass of red wine. Maybe two.
I'm really not mentally challenged, my taxes are hard this year, you guys. I have 2 states where I earned income, as well as some inheritance money (someone dies, leaves you money as their last dying wish, and you STILL get taxed on that bitch. I hate the government. Sometimes).
In one of the times I called my dad crying about why I now owed the government money on my inheritance, he said, "Are you a Republican now?"
Dinner tonight? One extra LARGE glass of red wine. Maybe two.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I received a Pottery Barn catalog in the mail this afternoon. It is addressed to me, at my address, not "Resident of ---."
I was clearly put on the mailing list based on my shopping habits and/or other magazine subscriptions.
Pottery Barn. POTTERY. BARN. Does this make me an adult?
I was clearly put on the mailing list based on my shopping habits and/or other magazine subscriptions.
Pottery Barn. POTTERY. BARN. Does this make me an adult?
Love Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry
So it's been a long time.
I've just been prancing around, doing my own thing lately. Don't go worrying about me.
Nothing too spectacular to report- no men, no fabulous new clothing purchases.
This past week we went to the Eric Clapton concert with a vendor, as well as mani/pedis, which was so wonderful. I'm a HUGE Clapton fan, and we were SO close to the stage, it was very exciting. My mother was SO jealous.
Last night we had a night out at the infamous MQJ underground danceclub in Atlanta. It was fun, until guys started to get far too touchy-feely, then it wasn't fun anymore. This always happens in danceclubs, or any dancing situation for me....I'm having fun, bopping around, dancing, blowing my bubblegum and being sexy but goofy. Then the guy takes it all far too seriously and shit gets uncomfortable. Sorry, but just because we're dancing does not equate to you getting to come have sex with me. OR EVEN makeout. Ew. Stop. Yuck.
Last week I wore a snug dress to work and when I walked it rode up a little bit, and I was basically reprimanded by my director and told to watch the length of my skirt when I'm not wearing tights. In the words of Kelly Cutrone, "If you have to cry go outside." I sat at my desk for 30 minutes feeling my face get hotter an redder, and then went to the bathroom to cry. So that was fantastic....
My toes are a bright, neon, electric, pink. It's 80s Obnoxious and I adore it.
I want my hair to be long. Right now.
The weather has been so lovely in Atlanta, except for when it's raining. I'm really enjoying not having to wear a coat at all times, and not wearing tights with everything (and being a ho....see what I did there? I'm taking a negative and turning it into a joke.)
Murphy's on N. Highland is where I want to go for my next dinner date. I went there for dinner with a vendor on Monday and it was delish.
I had an Oscar fashion wrap-up for you....then I get busy and it was a lot of work. In a nutshell: loved J.Lo, Demi, Carey Mulligan, Diane Kruger (no one has worn Chanel at the Oscars in like 9 years). Did not care for Zoe Saldana's (even though she did take a risk with color and the ombre effect- I don't it was a great risk), Cameron looked awkward and even though I LOVE Kate Winslet I did not love her dress with the pleats.
I hope I didn't lose any readers (did I have any to begin with?) Or any of your love....you know J'Adore you, Je can't get enough of you.
I've just been prancing around, doing my own thing lately. Don't go worrying about me.
Nothing too spectacular to report- no men, no fabulous new clothing purchases.
This past week we went to the Eric Clapton concert with a vendor, as well as mani/pedis, which was so wonderful. I'm a HUGE Clapton fan, and we were SO close to the stage, it was very exciting. My mother was SO jealous.
Last night we had a night out at the infamous MQJ underground danceclub in Atlanta. It was fun, until guys started to get far too touchy-feely, then it wasn't fun anymore. This always happens in danceclubs, or any dancing situation for me....I'm having fun, bopping around, dancing, blowing my bubblegum and being sexy but goofy. Then the guy takes it all far too seriously and shit gets uncomfortable. Sorry, but just because we're dancing does not equate to you getting to come have sex with me. OR EVEN makeout. Ew. Stop. Yuck.
Last week I wore a snug dress to work and when I walked it rode up a little bit, and I was basically reprimanded by my director and told to watch the length of my skirt when I'm not wearing tights. In the words of Kelly Cutrone, "If you have to cry go outside." I sat at my desk for 30 minutes feeling my face get hotter an redder, and then went to the bathroom to cry. So that was fantastic....
My toes are a bright, neon, electric, pink. It's 80s Obnoxious and I adore it.
I want my hair to be long. Right now.
The weather has been so lovely in Atlanta, except for when it's raining. I'm really enjoying not having to wear a coat at all times, and not wearing tights with everything (and being a ho....see what I did there? I'm taking a negative and turning it into a joke.)
Murphy's on N. Highland is where I want to go for my next dinner date. I went there for dinner with a vendor on Monday and it was delish.
I had an Oscar fashion wrap-up for you....then I get busy and it was a lot of work. In a nutshell: loved J.Lo, Demi, Carey Mulligan, Diane Kruger (no one has worn Chanel at the Oscars in like 9 years). Did not care for Zoe Saldana's (even though she did take a risk with color and the ombre effect- I don't it was a great risk), Cameron looked awkward and even though I LOVE Kate Winslet I did not love her dress with the pleats.
I hope I didn't lose any readers (did I have any to begin with?) Or any of your love....you know J'Adore you, Je can't get enough of you.
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