I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oy Vey

What a blah freaking gross day. It was literally snow flurry-ing this morning. After being 75 and sunny on Saturday. The eff?

Work was fine- EXCEPT i found out that Friday September 10th is right in the middle of Rosh Hashana. "But you're Catholic," you might say. Yes, you'd be right, smarty pants, but 2 members of my team are Jewish. And I guess they don't work during the High Holidays. And there has to be 2 members of my team at the office at all times. AND THERE ARE ONLY 4 PEOPLE ON MY GODDAMN TEAM. So unless I can beg and grovel and plead to my director's director (because my director doesn't even want to deal with this), looks like the Kings of Leon concert is a no go. I wanted to take a half day, and leave Atlanta by 1:30 or so to get to Charlotte by 5:30ish and be right in line ready to go and be first row. I almost cried at work. So everyone cross you fingers they add an Atlanta date, OR my director's director will take mercy on my poor soul.

To clear up the previous post- I actually confronted the guy at the bar. I didn't cause a scene because I'm a "lady," But I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Oh hey ____, I saw you were here. I just wanted to come over and say hello." He was dumbfounded (and deserves it the stupid mother f*cker- I MEAN WHAT I'M A LADY). He stumbled and bumbled and I just said, "Okay I'm going to go, but you have a fantastic night," with my biggest, most sweetest smile.

I'm not hungry, and I don't want to make dinner. Last night I had a glass of red wine and Trader Joe's "oreos" for dinner. Normal.

I'm more upset about the Kings of Leon concert than that guy. I'm legit going to cry at work in my director's office if she doesn't give me the half day off. But really- it is not my fault that half my freaking team is Jewish. sfnjksfeuigueiwjbfu4yt73y7382y372y3hjdjsadh988hgjkdsbgjksfbskjfhasdhjbcjkbcvjksdfgjsdkfjksdfbsjbvjkhfjkdhfjksdfgdsjkfgdsjkbjkcbjdgsudgfeirugfejgfkjsdbsjkdbfas.

Tell me happy things in the comments. Merci mille fois.



Lydia said...

I want half of the 31 things tattooed on my legs so when I sit all balled up and my knees are in my face due to I'm being ridiculous, I'll remember.

Brilliant. Amen. I could say a few more Amens.

User Not Found said...

i wish i could say that "oh you know it's no big deal to miss the concert, there will always be another tour." but you know that i can't say that because its kings of freaking leon. so i really do hope that they announce some more tour dates. and btw, how many jews really do take off work during rosh hashana? i think i know two jewish people. and they definitely don't skip out on work.

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