I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In a Midnight Blue 82 Camaro....

In a stunning turn of events, I put my iPod on "shuffle" on today's drive home rather than leaving it on Kings>repeat.

So this Corey Smith song came on, which I hadn't listened to in a looooong time. I was so over Corey Smith before I was ever in to him. He came to my college several times during my.....career? is that the right word?....there; he played at St. Patrick's Day in Columbia, SC sophomore year when I graced the city with my presence. We were absolutely FACED that day walking through Five Points to get to the stage where he was playing. 2 songs later we were done and left. Then I feel like he even was at the college of the town where my parents live and everyone there was losing their shit, and I was like, "please, Corey Smith is sooo two years ago." Annnnyway. I don't mean to rag on him. In any event, this is a good song, and if you haven't heard it and want to trust your ears to me, take a listen.

(if I ever become savvy in the ways in the interwebs, I will find a way to just post a link to listen to the song itself so you don't have to watch awkward youtube videos)



Lydia said...

A) I screamed out loud probably seven times during GG last night. By myself. Screamed. Ugh, I do NOT like tension between Blair and Chuck, you know, the bad kind. I feel like I depend on them to have some kind of satisfaction in my life. Depressing, but whatever. I almost had to beat up a guy in class today for his sexist comments, if you want to know what I am working with these days.
B) I got sick of Corey Smith as soon as everyone started listening to him as well. But ohhhh girl if "Carolina" doesn't take me back. Instant teleport to freshman year.
C) I think Grooveshark.com may allow you to embed just a song versus a video? I'll be working on that myself.
D) In reference to an earlier post, I saw a girl rocking some killer purple as a neutral today. I tend to stick with light purple, but really any intensity of a pure purple (not so red or pinkish, because then it starts to "react" more with other colors) I think is a faaaaabulous "neutral".

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