I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Senior Citizen

Guys. It's 12:45am and I'm in my pajamas, makeup off, glasses on. This was my big Friday Night Out. When did I become so old???

I had a triple grande latte this morning. Tonight at 9PM I had a double tall latte. and I'm still yawning and not going out. Redonkulous, is what it is.

Some of my girlfriends had a "Pizza and Champagne" party tonight....which is basically self explanatory. We ordered pizza from Savage Pizza in Little Five Points, and ate it while we drank champagne. I fully intended on a night out on the town after dinner, but no one else had the same sentiment. Even still, I was driving home and thinking to myself that my bed was sounding great right now. Ew. I'm so ashamed. I'm 80% sure we're going out tomorrow night, and yes I will be recycling the outfit I wore tonight.

This week at work has been crazy. On of my clients is a major NY Fashion Week sponsor, so we're hastily putting together a campaign for the incremental funds our NYC Boss Lady pulled out of her ass at the last minute. We had lunch catered in 3 out of 4 days this week. Today was Maggiano's...eggplant parm. OH MY GOD so delicious. I brought some home and will be eating it for two days guaranteed.

I'm going ice skating at Centennial Park tomorrow afternoon with a friend. We're bringing Nalgene bottles of some type of alcohol. Could be dangerous. Could be fun. I'll keep you updated. I plan on wearing some type of ridiculous Snow Bunny ensemble even though it's going to be 50 degrees. I Do What I Want.

I've just been working a lot, and working out and being bananas in general. My job is awesome but stressful, and advertising is notorious for long hours, which is definitely becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. But I still feel like I'm just playing house. Sometimes it sets in when managers start talking about review processes and promotions where I'm like, "Oh snap, that totally pertains to my life." It's weird to realize you're in the middle of actually living your life...not waiting for something like graduation or a job offer.

I still need to purchase a microwave.

And I want Kings of Leon to go on tour tomorrow so I can go see them live again.

Jersey Shore reunion special was a little anti-climactic.

That's all I have, really. 'Til next time!



Lydia said...

I super hope you come out the other side of ice skating unscathed.
I counted 3 granola bearded employees at whole foods today. I went in and spent 1.25 pretty much just so I could look for my fav bearded man, who wasn't there. I'll probably try back in a few hours. Also, I've been falling asleep at like 9 - 10 pm lately. So I feel ya.

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