I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Life?

I suppose I should update you all on my actual life, instead of cryptic quotes and videos.

The date with the boy was okay...we actually went to the movies on Sunday afternoon. I picked Up In The Air, thinking it was going to be a comedy about a traveling business man. Nope. It was a depressing dramedy about a traveling business man. But damn, George Clooney just gets better with age. We didn't go to dinner after the movie, which I thought was odd, and so when I hopped out of the car when he dropped me off, I didn't kiss him because it just felt awkward. AAaaaaand he hasn't called since. "On to the next," I told a good friend of mine in an email describing the situation. I wasn't too jazzed on him in the first place. We didn't click sense-of-humor-wise, and I wasn't incredibly physically attracted to him (although he was good looking). Hmm. I don't know, can't put it in to words but "it" just wasn't there. So....on to the next!

Work has been crazy busy, but when is it not? There is a faaaabulous gay guy (well, one of like 100's who work in my office...but we're actually friends) and this morning he called me adorable and it kind of made my day. Every morning me and my team and a few other girls sit in the kitchen and have a bite to eat and chit chat, and a few people have noticed this trend and we got called The Breakfast Club this morning. Gay Friend also said that one of my clients was a Hot Mess Broke-Ass Bitch, in regards to the amount of budget we get compared to fucking VERIZON WIRELESS who spends like $50mil per quarter with my agency. But it's okay...we're Fashion Week sponsors. Beat that, bitch.

I painted my nails Russian Navy tonight, so that was exciting.

I want to do something fun like go to the Zoo or go to an art museum. Maybe even both in the same day. Or go see an Oscar-nominated movie. It's supposed to rain this weekend I think? I need activities. I say that now, but come Saturday around noon all I will want to do is sit in my overstuffed chair in my pj's watching DVR'd eps of Millionaire Matchmaker. I freaking LOVE Patti Stanger oh my god. She looks like such a tranny mess, but she's tall and has big boobs and she's sassy. I like sassy people.



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