Happy Halloween my dear readers! I feel as though I've been neglecting you. Please don't make me feel bad...I've been busy! I suppose we'll start at the beginning, a logical place to start...
Wednesday. Went to the agency, then to an event afterwards. This is supposed to be a "good event at which to meet people in the industry and network," but really? I'm mostly there to scout cute men. I spotted a cute guy with glasses and a beard and pointed him out to C. Bingo. We were obsessed the rest of the night. I pretty much don't drink anymore, so after 2 glasses of wine at the social hour before the panel speakers....I was feeling giddy. We only found out his first name, not last name or company, so I took the defeat and thought nothing of it. But no defeat for my dear C.! Oh no! This was a challenge for her! She took it upon herself to do some investigative research, and we now know all the crucial information for this individual. The next event should be particularly....eventful. The other intern at the agency invited me to her Halloween party, so hooray for weekend plans!
Thursday. Not a whole lot happened. I worked at the deli; made bank in tips.
Friday. Slept in, worked out. Went to the mall to start my Halloween costume search. I had an idea. I wanted to be a hippie...wear a dress and a faux fur vest with a scarf and a peace sign necklace. I got all the element together, but it just didn't look right. But I bought it all anyway in case I change my mind. I'm extremely indecisive. While walking around the mall I had an idea for another costume. I saw a girl do this my freshman year of college, and I just rememered it and thought it would be easy, and subtle-sexy: Walk of Shame. I bought an XXL men's Nautica oxford shirt. I got an XXL b/c I want to wear it as a dress...nothing underneath. But I got home, put it on, and duh...it's huge! Like so huge you can't see my figure at all. So what did I do? I put on my Project Runway pants and got out the sewing machine! I turned it inside out, pinned the sides and the sleeves, and just sewed a simple seam so that it was still large on me, but not so tent-like. Now, I haven't touched a sewing machine since 8th grade home-economics class. Shocking, right?! But it came out PERFECT. I'm so ridiculously proud of myself. Although I never looked this sexy doing a real Walk of Shame.
So now it's Saturday. I worked at the deli earlier this afternoon, and I just got done working out. I painted my nails, and will probably eat an early dinner and start the beautification process! Please everyone have a safe, fun Halloween!
I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
People Say Our Babies Are Walking This Town
I made this small, because the video is not great. I was listening to my iPod at work, but the battery is low, and I need to conserve it for my drive home. I have a car charger, but it's ancient and only works when it feels like it. I need to buy a new one. ANYWAY so I made a playlist on Youtube of songs I wanted to listen to, and this is a good version of True Love Way. Vocals are great. Enjoy!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Which character from any film, television show, or book would you most like to take on a date and why?
Jim Halpert.
Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence from Little Women. The Christian Bale version.
Detective Stabler.
Oliver Wood from Harry Potter. Before the movies even came out, I knew he was hot.
James Bond. The Pierce Brosnan version.
Danny Ocean. The George Clooney version.
Billy Costigan. I'm going to make you Google this one.
Jack Dawson.
No "whys." Why? Because I like lists. I make the rules here. No go get me my yogurt and make sure the almonds are skinless.
Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence from Little Women. The Christian Bale version.
Detective Stabler.
Oliver Wood from Harry Potter. Before the movies even came out, I knew he was hot.
James Bond. The Pierce Brosnan version.
Danny Ocean. The George Clooney version.
Billy Costigan. I'm going to make you Google this one.
Jack Dawson.
No "whys." Why? Because I like lists. I make the rules here. No go get me my yogurt and make sure the almonds are skinless.
We Neva Eva Do Nothin' Nice and Easaaay
At the deli/restaurant, we play music through a computer that stays on Pandora. Usually we play some variation of classic rock, but today it was a bluesy-jazz combination I wasn't loving, so I went back to look at my station options. Rod Stewart- No. Eric Clapton- maybe. Tina Turner- SIGN ME UP.
Hands down best decision I could have made today. Rollin' On the River was first. Then some Like a Prayer, throwback Madonna with the burning crosses. I remember some Pat Benatar,Heart and Aretha as well. I was dancing and singing behind the counter. Obviously we weren't busy...don't worry.
Shout out to Dave 92.9 in ATL for playing KoL NOTION this morning while I was sitting in traffic. Absolutely made my day.
I'm about to watch the new Gossip Girl ep, eat dinner and call it a night. Hope you all had a fabulous Tuesday!
Hands down best decision I could have made today. Rollin' On the River was first. Then some Like a Prayer, throwback Madonna with the burning crosses. I remember some Pat Benatar,Heart and Aretha as well. I was dancing and singing behind the counter. Obviously we weren't busy...don't worry.
Shout out to Dave 92.9 in ATL for playing KoL NOTION this morning while I was sitting in traffic. Absolutely made my day.
I'm about to watch the new Gossip Girl ep, eat dinner and call it a night. Hope you all had a fabulous Tuesday!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Halloween Costumes
So ladies and gentlemen, I may go out for Halloween. I was pretty much planning on passing out candy to the little chil'rens and then taking a big handful for myself and eating it in bed.....buuuuuuut I've been invited to go to Athens, Ga. for Saturday night and party there. But now I actually have to think of an outfit.
Here are some ideas:
1. Rachel Zoe.
-gold sequined dress
-huge tacky faux fur jacket
-every piece of jewelry I own
-tranny shoes
-Starbucks cup
-obnoxiously large sunglasses
*but I'm not 5'2", I don't weigh 90lbs and my hair is not long enough. I could just look like a straight up tranny mess...
2. 70s Disco Queen
-.....pretty much same as above minus Starbucks cup
-attempt to style my grown-out bob into some sort of swept-over 70's do
3. Cat
-mmm, yea.
-black form-fitting dress
I'm really wanting to use clothes I've got....this gold sequined dress is a STAPLE in my holiday/costume wardrobe. I've worn it for multiple NYE's and various costume parties. Best purchase ever.
So if you have any other fun ideas, please let me know! And I know I have more readers than just L. and C. who just don't comment. Comment as a made-up name for all I care, just give me good suggestions!! Speaking of made-up names, at the private after-hours club we would go to in college, you had to sign in, and I always signed in as "Liza Minelli." Love it.
Here are some ideas:
1. Rachel Zoe.
-gold sequined dress
-huge tacky faux fur jacket
-every piece of jewelry I own
-tranny shoes
-Starbucks cup
-obnoxiously large sunglasses
*but I'm not 5'2", I don't weigh 90lbs and my hair is not long enough. I could just look like a straight up tranny mess...
2. 70s Disco Queen
-.....pretty much same as above minus Starbucks cup
-attempt to style my grown-out bob into some sort of swept-over 70's do
3. Cat
-mmm, yea.
-black form-fitting dress
I'm really wanting to use clothes I've got....this gold sequined dress is a STAPLE in my holiday/costume wardrobe. I've worn it for multiple NYE's and various costume parties. Best purchase ever.
So if you have any other fun ideas, please let me know! And I know I have more readers than just L. and C. who just don't comment. Comment as a made-up name for all I care, just give me good suggestions!! Speaking of made-up names, at the private after-hours club we would go to in college, you had to sign in, and I always signed in as "Liza Minelli." Love it.
Kings Of Leon - Notion (Live at O2 London, England)
Kings Of Leon | MySpace Video
Kings of Leon to release concert DVD from June 30th London 02 show. Above video is the "teaser" of the first song from the set. Do you D-I-E?
If for nothing else, watch it for the beard. It's sex.
My birthday is in November and this dvd is on my list. As well as the Marc Jacobs Stam Bag but.....this is a lot more reasonable.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Parisian Story
I sort of promised you all stories from my escapades in Europe. And I just came across one of said escapades on Facebook, so I think I'll regale you with just one of the many adventures. (Speaking of Facebook...uh, the f*ck? What is the diff between live feed and news feed? Why is it repeating itself? Why is it suggesting people I "reconnect" with? Stop Facebook, stop.)
So this story is about The Swede. The Swede was a.......yes, Swedish bar back at this bar/slash/club we frequented called Cafe Oz. It was Australian and a lot of study abroad kids hung out there because they played western music (albeit outdated) sporadically. This particular night there was a rough one. On a Friday we started out at this bar across the street from Oz but decided to leave. I don't remember why. It was me and 2 other girls who's names both start with E, so we will refer to them as E1 and E2. Everyone with me?
The girls and I head into Oz and it is absolutely slammed packed, as it usually is Friday and Saturday nights. We get inside and bypass coat check. We weren't sure if we wanted to stay, so we went in to find some friends and a table before making the investment of coat check. This detail is important later. We find E1's boy toy J. J is like.....man about town, but he's American. I pretended to get along with him, but we really didn't get along....personality clash. He was actually really rude to me once, but apologized, so I tried to play nice. E1 was a good friend of mine, and I was being "supportive." Plus, he bought us all drinks. My approval can usually be bought with liquor. So J gets us a table, some pitchers of beer and cocktails, and we go to check out coats + bags. While we're pushing through the crowds, this French guy grabs my arm and says, "mademoiselle, tu est tres belle, parler avec moi," {miss, you're very pretty, come talk to me}. And I was like, "as if." I said "non, merci" and pulled my arm away. But he kept on being really agressive and touching me, and I firmly said, "ARRETE" {stop!}. I jerked my arm away and finally got away from him. French guys in clubs are usually very aggressive, this wasn't out of the ordinary. Usually if you're firm and say stop, they will. So I thought I was in the clear. We checked our things and were walking back through the crowd to our table. Well this guy starts harassing me again! Touching me, and grabbing my arm and asking me to dance with him. It finally irritates me so much that I turn around and just give him the finger. Universal in almost any language. Welllllllll that was not the smartest decision, because he counters back with "Salope!" {slut!} and proceeds to pour his full pint of beer down my neck. Oh yes he did. I whipped around with the fury of a ruined hairdo and pushed him and said straight in his face in English, "I know you understand this: FUCK YOU." He got thrown out.
But the back of my hair and dress were still soaked in beer. The bartenders got me a few rags and the E's asked if I wanted to leave and I was like "hell no, I'm going to have a good time. Plus there's a hot bar back to run my game on." Nooooow the story really starts....
We're drinking at our table, dancing every few songs, and I told J that I thought the Swedish bar back was really hot. And he was. As tall as I am, built, blond hair buzzed really close and blue eyes. Normally not my type, but sometimes you can't deny-- attractive is attractive. And "when in Paris....."
So J obliges me. He felt that hooking me up with the Swede would win him points in my book so I would feel okay about him being with E1. He was right. He spat some game at the Swede for me, and told me that the Swede thought I was attractive as well. SCHWING!
Oz closed at 4am. The Metro didn't open again until roughly 6am. This left 2 hours to kill for those who didn't want to pay for a taxi. Or who wanted to wait for a hot bar back to get off work. So the "routine" for people who work at Oz is to clean up, then go to this wine bar across the street that is open super late (or early depending on how you look at it). Me, the E's, J and his friends went to the wine bar to drink wine, shoot the shit, and wait for the Oz kids to come join us. They eventually did, and the Swede came and sat right next to me. Obviously. Then we moved inside per the owners' instructions. We were being too loud for the neighbors. I was a few glasses of wine deep, and it definitely became the "E Story Hour." I was telling jokes and stories left and right, just basking in the attention of the table. I'm usually not an attention whore, but if the shoes fits.... Over the course of about an hour, the Swede went from sitting next to me, to having his hand on my leg. Then we kissed. Then everyone decided to go get coffee at a cafe, then call it a morning (it was about 9am at this point). We all go to the cafe, have our coffee, and walk to the metro together. I left the metro about 2 hours later. The Swede asked me to come back to his apartment with him, but I simply could not! I was not that kind of girl! He was a foreigner and I was in a foreign city! But yes, I would makeout with him in the Châtelet metro stop, in public, for roughly two hours. He was that good of a kisser, you guys.
...And we'll save the rest for another installment of shenanigans. We didn't DO IT, so don't get your hopes up or anything, you dirty birds.
But I saw his picture pop up on Facebook, and I was reminded of the story. We didn't have a long affair... He was kind of a man whore. But I can't blame him, really. When I seriously thought about it, I would be exactly the same way. He's hot, works at a bar, and has a new flock of girls coming in every 6 months from America, then leaving again. If I was a 21 year old boy, I would do the same thing. Can you even blame him? Play on!
So this story is about The Swede. The Swede was a.......yes, Swedish bar back at this bar/slash/club we frequented called Cafe Oz. It was Australian and a lot of study abroad kids hung out there because they played western music (albeit outdated) sporadically. This particular night there was a rough one. On a Friday we started out at this bar across the street from Oz but decided to leave. I don't remember why. It was me and 2 other girls who's names both start with E, so we will refer to them as E1 and E2. Everyone with me?
The girls and I head into Oz and it is absolutely slammed packed, as it usually is Friday and Saturday nights. We get inside and bypass coat check. We weren't sure if we wanted to stay, so we went in to find some friends and a table before making the investment of coat check. This detail is important later. We find E1's boy toy J. J is like.....man about town, but he's American. I pretended to get along with him, but we really didn't get along....personality clash. He was actually really rude to me once, but apologized, so I tried to play nice. E1 was a good friend of mine, and I was being "supportive." Plus, he bought us all drinks. My approval can usually be bought with liquor. So J gets us a table, some pitchers of beer and cocktails, and we go to check out coats + bags. While we're pushing through the crowds, this French guy grabs my arm and says, "mademoiselle, tu est tres belle, parler avec moi," {miss, you're very pretty, come talk to me}. And I was like, "as if." I said "non, merci" and pulled my arm away. But he kept on being really agressive and touching me, and I firmly said, "ARRETE" {stop!}. I jerked my arm away and finally got away from him. French guys in clubs are usually very aggressive, this wasn't out of the ordinary. Usually if you're firm and say stop, they will. So I thought I was in the clear. We checked our things and were walking back through the crowd to our table. Well this guy starts harassing me again! Touching me, and grabbing my arm and asking me to dance with him. It finally irritates me so much that I turn around and just give him the finger. Universal in almost any language. Welllllllll that was not the smartest decision, because he counters back with "Salope!" {slut!} and proceeds to pour his full pint of beer down my neck. Oh yes he did. I whipped around with the fury of a ruined hairdo and pushed him and said straight in his face in English, "I know you understand this: FUCK YOU." He got thrown out.
But the back of my hair and dress were still soaked in beer. The bartenders got me a few rags and the E's asked if I wanted to leave and I was like "hell no, I'm going to have a good time. Plus there's a hot bar back to run my game on." Nooooow the story really starts....
We're drinking at our table, dancing every few songs, and I told J that I thought the Swedish bar back was really hot. And he was. As tall as I am, built, blond hair buzzed really close and blue eyes. Normally not my type, but sometimes you can't deny-- attractive is attractive. And "when in Paris....."
So J obliges me. He felt that hooking me up with the Swede would win him points in my book so I would feel okay about him being with E1. He was right. He spat some game at the Swede for me, and told me that the Swede thought I was attractive as well. SCHWING!
Oz closed at 4am. The Metro didn't open again until roughly 6am. This left 2 hours to kill for those who didn't want to pay for a taxi. Or who wanted to wait for a hot bar back to get off work. So the "routine" for people who work at Oz is to clean up, then go to this wine bar across the street that is open super late (or early depending on how you look at it). Me, the E's, J and his friends went to the wine bar to drink wine, shoot the shit, and wait for the Oz kids to come join us. They eventually did, and the Swede came and sat right next to me. Obviously. Then we moved inside per the owners' instructions. We were being too loud for the neighbors. I was a few glasses of wine deep, and it definitely became the "E Story Hour." I was telling jokes and stories left and right, just basking in the attention of the table. I'm usually not an attention whore, but if the shoes fits.... Over the course of about an hour, the Swede went from sitting next to me, to having his hand on my leg. Then we kissed. Then everyone decided to go get coffee at a cafe, then call it a morning (it was about 9am at this point). We all go to the cafe, have our coffee, and walk to the metro together. I left the metro about 2 hours later. The Swede asked me to come back to his apartment with him, but I simply could not! I was not that kind of girl! He was a foreigner and I was in a foreign city! But yes, I would makeout with him in the Châtelet metro stop, in public, for roughly two hours. He was that good of a kisser, you guys.
...And we'll save the rest for another installment of shenanigans. We didn't DO IT, so don't get your hopes up or anything, you dirty birds.
But I saw his picture pop up on Facebook, and I was reminded of the story. We didn't have a long affair... He was kind of a man whore. But I can't blame him, really. When I seriously thought about it, I would be exactly the same way. He's hot, works at a bar, and has a new flock of girls coming in every 6 months from America, then leaving again. If I was a 21 year old boy, I would do the same thing. Can you even blame him? Play on!
Friday, October 23, 2009
I'm Legal!
.....to sell alcohol, that is.
Yes boys & girls, I am now legally certified to sell beer, wine and liquor to the fine people of the state of Georgia.
Yes boys & girls, I am now legally certified to sell beer, wine and liquor to the fine people of the state of Georgia.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Stop Hey What's That Sound, Everybody Look What's Goin' 'Round
disclaimer: The title has nothing to do with the following content of the post. I was just listening to the song. Sorry to disappoint anyone who thought they were going to be reading about my anti Vietnam War protest activities. Not today. Or....ever.
My feet and back hurt from standing and working at the deli. Work is hard, y'all! I have to vacuum and put chairs on tables! No joke this is the most physically demanding job I've ever had. Tonight we got an end-of-dinner rush, which was dizzying. I was working the counter by myself, which I actually prefer. The other counter girl is nice, God bless her, but HOLY SHIT can she talk. I don't mind some conversation to pass the time, but constantly having to smile and nod and "mmhmm" at her wears me out. I closed on my own for the first time. Not a big deal, but balancing the register at the end of the night makes me stressed. I hated accounting in college, and this is like real world shit, you guys.
My dad has the flu. I hope its not The Swine. He teaches a project management course 2 evenings a week at the university, and I just hope he didn't catch the Swine from one of the college kids. But my dad's a trooper. He gets up every weekday morning to be at the gym at 6am. Every morning. Every. Morning. He's been doing it as long as I can remember and it never ceases to amaze me. Then he commutes 45 minutes to work. Works a full day. And 2 nights a week teaches for and hour and a half. I'm exhausted just typing it all out. So I'm not too worried about him. He'll probably out-live me. I live my life a little more fast & loose than he did in his younger days.
I took a nap this afternoon, and was very unsettled when I woke up due to a dream. I don't remember specific details, but many things happened including this: Caleb Followill shaved his beard. Not all the way clean, but shaved closer (definitely not as granola, more like 5 o'clock shadow) but it was enough to really upset me in my dream!
I think what spurred this dream was that I was randomly thinking about how I would feel if he shaved his beard, and I came to the conclusion that I would be okay with it. I was before, I can deal with it again. But DAMN I just love the fluffy, crunchy granola beard! Anyway, I was very upset by it in my dream (maybe this is my subconscious telling me I really won't be okay with it....yikes), and I woke up in a funk that I did not like. I also feel like you will all judge me for this. Whatever. I can't help what my subconscious brain does in my sleep, YOU GUYS.
I made a fruit salad tonight, and it's going to be so scrumptious tomorrow morning I can't wait! Oranges, apples, strawberries and grapes. Yummm.
Slowly but surely my hair is growing out. Does anyone know of supplements or old wives tales that make hair grow faster? I've heard prenatal vitamins....maybe I will research this. I already take SO many vitamins, one more can't hurt. My mom orders a multivitamin, b-complex and b12 capsules for me. In theory, eating a balanced vegetarian diet should fulfill all the vitamin/nutrient requirements, but b-vitamins are excessively hard for vegs to get. Plus, a full spectrum of the Bs will make you feel fantastic. And I probably don't get enough iron. I need to eat more spinach.
Hmm, that's really all I have to ramble on about tonight. 'Til next time....
My feet and back hurt from standing and working at the deli. Work is hard, y'all! I have to vacuum and put chairs on tables! No joke this is the most physically demanding job I've ever had. Tonight we got an end-of-dinner rush, which was dizzying. I was working the counter by myself, which I actually prefer. The other counter girl is nice, God bless her, but HOLY SHIT can she talk. I don't mind some conversation to pass the time, but constantly having to smile and nod and "mmhmm" at her wears me out. I closed on my own for the first time. Not a big deal, but balancing the register at the end of the night makes me stressed. I hated accounting in college, and this is like real world shit, you guys.
My dad has the flu. I hope its not The Swine. He teaches a project management course 2 evenings a week at the university, and I just hope he didn't catch the Swine from one of the college kids. But my dad's a trooper. He gets up every weekday morning to be at the gym at 6am. Every morning. Every. Morning. He's been doing it as long as I can remember and it never ceases to amaze me. Then he commutes 45 minutes to work. Works a full day. And 2 nights a week teaches for and hour and a half. I'm exhausted just typing it all out. So I'm not too worried about him. He'll probably out-live me. I live my life a little more fast & loose than he did in his younger days.
I took a nap this afternoon, and was very unsettled when I woke up due to a dream. I don't remember specific details, but many things happened including this: Caleb Followill shaved his beard. Not all the way clean, but shaved closer (definitely not as granola, more like 5 o'clock shadow) but it was enough to really upset me in my dream!
I think what spurred this dream was that I was randomly thinking about how I would feel if he shaved his beard, and I came to the conclusion that I would be okay with it. I was before, I can deal with it again. But DAMN I just love the fluffy, crunchy granola beard! Anyway, I was very upset by it in my dream (maybe this is my subconscious telling me I really won't be okay with it....yikes), and I woke up in a funk that I did not like. I also feel like you will all judge me for this. Whatever. I can't help what my subconscious brain does in my sleep, YOU GUYS.
I made a fruit salad tonight, and it's going to be so scrumptious tomorrow morning I can't wait! Oranges, apples, strawberries and grapes. Yummm.
Slowly but surely my hair is growing out. Does anyone know of supplements or old wives tales that make hair grow faster? I've heard prenatal vitamins....maybe I will research this. I already take SO many vitamins, one more can't hurt. My mom orders a multivitamin, b-complex and b12 capsules for me. In theory, eating a balanced vegetarian diet should fulfill all the vitamin/nutrient requirements, but b-vitamins are excessively hard for vegs to get. Plus, a full spectrum of the Bs will make you feel fantastic. And I probably don't get enough iron. I need to eat more spinach.
Hmm, that's really all I have to ramble on about tonight. 'Til next time....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Today's Ensemble
Okay so Polyvore is....amazing. Here's as close to today's ensemble as I could find. I'm actually wearing an H&M green long sleeved jersey dress (not AmAp), the shoes are the new purple ones I bought with the rosette on the vamp, and the velvet blazer is last year's Banana Republic. And black tights. And my normal crucifix + other assorted jewelry. This was as close as Polyvore was going to let me get to re-creating today's outfit. Gray eyeshadow & Hermès perfume is correct as well.
Do we love?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
In a Midnight Blue 82 Camaro....
In a stunning turn of events, I put my iPod on "shuffle" on today's drive home rather than leaving it on Kings>repeat.
So this Corey Smith song came on, which I hadn't listened to in a looooong time. I was so over Corey Smith before I was ever in to him. He came to my college several times during my.....career? is that the right word?....there; he played at St. Patrick's Day in Columbia, SC sophomore year when I graced the city with my presence. We were absolutely FACED that day walking through Five Points to get to the stage where he was playing. 2 songs later we were done and left. Then I feel like he even was at the college of the town where my parents live and everyone there was losing their shit, and I was like, "please, Corey Smith is sooo two years ago." Annnnyway. I don't mean to rag on him. In any event, this is a good song, and if you haven't heard it and want to trust your ears to me, take a listen.
(if I ever become savvy in the ways in the interwebs, I will find a way to just post a link to listen to the song itself so you don't have to watch awkward youtube videos)
So this Corey Smith song came on, which I hadn't listened to in a looooong time. I was so over Corey Smith before I was ever in to him. He came to my college several times during my.....career? is that the right word?....there; he played at St. Patrick's Day in Columbia, SC sophomore year when I graced the city with my presence. We were absolutely FACED that day walking through Five Points to get to the stage where he was playing. 2 songs later we were done and left. Then I feel like he even was at the college of the town where my parents live and everyone there was losing their shit, and I was like, "please, Corey Smith is sooo two years ago." Annnnyway. I don't mean to rag on him. In any event, this is a good song, and if you haven't heard it and want to trust your ears to me, take a listen.
(if I ever become savvy in the ways in the interwebs, I will find a way to just post a link to listen to the song itself so you don't have to watch awkward youtube videos)
Spectacular Sensational Surprises On GG
Well weren't there just a fuck ton of surprises in this week's Gossip Girl! I don't even know where to start! I gasped out loud several times as I watched on my laptop. Alone.
Vanessa's mom is BLACK? Excuse me, what? I knew they were trying to make us think she was all "ethnic" with all the turquoise jewelry and whatnot since Season 1....but half black? Too much, I don't buy it.
Hillary Duff as Olivia "acting" all Hollywood was better than Hillary Duff "acting" like Olivia.
Where was Eric? Jenny was in a few scenes...maybe he's visiting Johnathon in Torino.
DUH Chuck is bisexual. DUH. Oh my God. All you silly girls who want to find a boyfriend who dresses like Chuck.....BONJOUR, gay guys dress like that. "You think I've never kissed a guy before." MMmmmmmmHHMMMmmmm. Go Girl.
Did you see the pervy look Rufus gave Vanessa after he said, "you'll get it" in reference to the toast? It was a full two second pause stare!
Serena's hair is lacking about 4lbs worth of extensions. I can't decide whether I'm happy for her or not. For the little while it lasted, I enjoyed seeing Nate and Serena scheme together. I feel like they belong together. And I'm glad Bree Buckley did her storyline and is now out of my Gossip Girl life. She was bringing me down. Her and her 30 year old face.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we do deceive. I'm looking at YOU in a sarcastic manner VANESSA. Who knew she was so conniving?
MMkay, noooow Lily gets maternal.
Alright my little snuggle-uffikins (I like giving my imaginary audience pet names), that's all I have for you re: Gossip Girl tonight.
In other news, I got a part time job. No exclamation point. It's at a restaurant/SLASH/deli down the road from my house. I work the front counter (no contact with the meats, thankyou) taking orders, bringing out food, asking how everything is, being charming. It's not the most glamourous job, BUT we all have to be humbled at some point in our lives, and I think my time had come. Plus I need cashmoneydollahs because I think my parents are still serious about cutting me off on my birthday which is steadily impending. I'm still interning at The Agency, so don't worry your pretty heads about that.
In other other news, I moved a television set into the room where the treadmill is located. PLUS. But it only gets basic cable, so I'm stuck watching the news and Dr. Oz. MINUS.
I was going to leave you all with a yummy picture of the whole band, but I have neither the time, patience nor inclination to look for one. Enjoy what you get, bitches.
Vanessa's mom is BLACK? Excuse me, what? I knew they were trying to make us think she was all "ethnic" with all the turquoise jewelry and whatnot since Season 1....but half black? Too much, I don't buy it.
Hillary Duff as Olivia "acting" all Hollywood was better than Hillary Duff "acting" like Olivia.
Where was Eric? Jenny was in a few scenes...maybe he's visiting Johnathon in Torino.
DUH Chuck is bisexual. DUH. Oh my God. All you silly girls who want to find a boyfriend who dresses like Chuck.....BONJOUR, gay guys dress like that. "You think I've never kissed a guy before." MMmmmmmmHHMMMmmmm. Go Girl.
Did you see the pervy look Rufus gave Vanessa after he said, "you'll get it" in reference to the toast? It was a full two second pause stare!
Serena's hair is lacking about 4lbs worth of extensions. I can't decide whether I'm happy for her or not. For the little while it lasted, I enjoyed seeing Nate and Serena scheme together. I feel like they belong together. And I'm glad Bree Buckley did her storyline and is now out of my Gossip Girl life. She was bringing me down. Her and her 30 year old face.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we do deceive. I'm looking at YOU in a sarcastic manner VANESSA. Who knew she was so conniving?
MMkay, noooow Lily gets maternal.
Alright my little snuggle-uffikins (I like giving my imaginary audience pet names), that's all I have for you re: Gossip Girl tonight.
In other news, I got a part time job. No exclamation point. It's at a restaurant/SLASH/deli down the road from my house. I work the front counter (no contact with the meats, thankyou) taking orders, bringing out food, asking how everything is, being charming. It's not the most glamourous job, BUT we all have to be humbled at some point in our lives, and I think my time had come. Plus I need cashmoneydollahs because I think my parents are still serious about cutting me off on my birthday which is steadily impending. I'm still interning at The Agency, so don't worry your pretty heads about that.
In other other news, I moved a television set into the room where the treadmill is located. PLUS. But it only gets basic cable, so I'm stuck watching the news and Dr. Oz. MINUS.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Prancin' Like a Bad Ass
link to the lyrics. I know them and can barely make them out in this performance. cocaine is a helluva drug.
This is a great B-side to the Four Kicks single.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
You've Come a Long Way, Baby
While watching Season 1 of Project Runway on DVD tonight, I remembered the designers had to collaborate on a performance piece for this hot mess:
(Sarah Hudson... if no one remembers)
And now.....they're designing for Christina Aguilera!
With Special Guest Judge, Mr. Gay Icon himself, BOB MACKIE !! God, that last episode was like every little gay boy's dream. I can't even imagine for them.
Four for you, Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco!
And now.....they're designing for Christina Aguilera!
With Special Guest Judge, Mr. Gay Icon himself, BOB MACKIE !! God, that last episode was like every little gay boy's dream. I can't even imagine for them.
Four for you, Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco!
College Weather
Today's weather reminded me of a day from college. That's weird, you might say. But let me explain.
About this time last year, I was dog-sitting for a friend of mine. Grady was a Brittnay Spaniel, I believe, and he loved me dearly. My good friend H. came over to my house, and we made some lunch, then walked over to the intermural fields to watch our friends in a sorority intramural flag-football game. We threw on some sweaters, brought a blanket to sit on, got a leash on Grady and headed out. While we're walking, H. declares, "This is so college. We're so college right now!" And we were! Ah...college.
About this time last year, I was dog-sitting for a friend of mine. Grady was a Brittnay Spaniel, I believe, and he loved me dearly. My good friend H. came over to my house, and we made some lunch, then walked over to the intermural fields to watch our friends in a sorority intramural flag-football game. We threw on some sweaters, brought a blanket to sit on, got a leash on Grady and headed out. While we're walking, H. declares, "This is so college. We're so college right now!" And we were! Ah...college.
Pictures of Stuff I Bought, per request
This is a link, because the picture will not post
Ballet Flats

Beaded Headbands from F21
H&M doesn't have a "shop" feature on their website, so I can't show you the dress or cardigan.
And for those interested, this is the wool bomber jacket from Express that I want.
Ballet Flats
H&M doesn't have a "shop" feature on their website, so I can't show you the dress or cardigan.
And for those interested, this is the wool bomber jacket from Express that I want.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
In Which I Tell You Things I Bought
I decided to take a trip to the mall today. Really for no other reason than I needed something to do, and I felt like stimulating the economy. You're welcome!!
I was sort of on a 4-part mission.
#1: find leopard print ballet flats. If not leopard print, suitable near-neutral alternative.
#2: find royal blue cardigan to wear with almost everything I own.
#3: find tights. Any color. Cheap, preferably.
#4: find simple dresses with which to wear #'s 1-3.
3 out of 4 missions were successfully accomplished, Ghostrider.
#1: leopard prints were a no go. I have a great silk pair that I bought....I don't even remember when. But they've begun to wear out. I did not like ANY of the leopard print flats I found at the mall, and if I did like them, they were more than I wanted to spend. So I was in Belk's and found a pair of patent leather purple ballet flats with a little rosette on the toe. Channeling the Valentino Petale bag? Possibly. In my mind, purple is a neutral. I can wear it with black, blue, brown, gray, etc. etc. Mission tweaked, but accomplished.
#2: Royal blue cardigan at H&M. I have this in mind for several dresses, namely a hot pink ruffled number from Banana and some floral mini dresses. Cardigans = winter coat for me when heading out to the bars. I have a great purple one and black one currently; and I was going insane for a royal blue one. Mission Accomplished.
#3: I have a lot of criteria when it comes to tights. Last year, I spent about $30 on a pair from French Connection, and I wore a hole in them. So I don't want to spend more than about $12 on tights, when I'm going to wear a hole in them, or snag a run on a hangnail anyway. So cost is criteria 1. Criteria 2 is NO CONTROL TOP. Some of the dresses I wear out (at night) are so short, a control top could possibly peek out the bottom. And when they say "control top," it's not even "top," its like a whole biker-shorts' worth of coverage from the top seam to halfway down my thigh. Not going to work. Criteria 3 is size. I like to buy a L or XL, so that they don't stretch hardly at all, and are SERIOUSLY opaque. I'm sorry Forever 21, your "one size fits most" does not. Their "opaque" tights are like....sheer hose. So with all my criteria, I did not find tights that I was happy purchasing. For future trips, I want to find a few good pairs of black, some patterned black, purple and navy blue. And maybe a dark heathered gray. Mission not accomplished.
#4: Simple Dresses. Yes! I found a great long-sleeved, scoop neck cotton jersey dress at H&M in a dark green. I don't have anything in dark green, so I'm excited about this. God I love H&M. Forever 21 makes me anxious, there's too many little girls and too many clothes, and it all looks so cheap I can't handle it. H&M is just a better quality in my opinion. I saw a lot of other dress options for next trip. Until then I need to stimulate MY economy. Regardless, Mission Accomplished.
I saw a GREAT wool bomber jacket at Express that I'm going to need to purchase ASA-f*cking-P. It has all the rock & roll style of a leather bomber jacket, but more veggie-friendly. Need to possess.
I also purchased some headbands from Forever 21 to wear as I grow my hair out, and some Fresh Cut Roses votive candles from Yankee Candle. I know...it's time for autumnal scents, but I like florals all the time, mkay?
I was sort of on a 4-part mission.
#1: find leopard print ballet flats. If not leopard print, suitable near-neutral alternative.
#2: find royal blue cardigan to wear with almost everything I own.
#3: find tights. Any color. Cheap, preferably.
#4: find simple dresses with which to wear #'s 1-3.
3 out of 4 missions were successfully accomplished, Ghostrider.
#1: leopard prints were a no go. I have a great silk pair that I bought....I don't even remember when. But they've begun to wear out. I did not like ANY of the leopard print flats I found at the mall, and if I did like them, they were more than I wanted to spend. So I was in Belk's and found a pair of patent leather purple ballet flats with a little rosette on the toe. Channeling the Valentino Petale bag? Possibly. In my mind, purple is a neutral. I can wear it with black, blue, brown, gray, etc. etc. Mission tweaked, but accomplished.
#2: Royal blue cardigan at H&M. I have this in mind for several dresses, namely a hot pink ruffled number from Banana and some floral mini dresses. Cardigans = winter coat for me when heading out to the bars. I have a great purple one and black one currently; and I was going insane for a royal blue one. Mission Accomplished.
#3: I have a lot of criteria when it comes to tights. Last year, I spent about $30 on a pair from French Connection, and I wore a hole in them. So I don't want to spend more than about $12 on tights, when I'm going to wear a hole in them, or snag a run on a hangnail anyway. So cost is criteria 1. Criteria 2 is NO CONTROL TOP. Some of the dresses I wear out (at night) are so short, a control top could possibly peek out the bottom. And when they say "control top," it's not even "top," its like a whole biker-shorts' worth of coverage from the top seam to halfway down my thigh. Not going to work. Criteria 3 is size. I like to buy a L or XL, so that they don't stretch hardly at all, and are SERIOUSLY opaque. I'm sorry Forever 21, your "one size fits most" does not. Their "opaque" tights are like....sheer hose. So with all my criteria, I did not find tights that I was happy purchasing. For future trips, I want to find a few good pairs of black, some patterned black, purple and navy blue. And maybe a dark heathered gray. Mission not accomplished.
#4: Simple Dresses. Yes! I found a great long-sleeved, scoop neck cotton jersey dress at H&M in a dark green. I don't have anything in dark green, so I'm excited about this. God I love H&M. Forever 21 makes me anxious, there's too many little girls and too many clothes, and it all looks so cheap I can't handle it. H&M is just a better quality in my opinion. I saw a lot of other dress options for next trip. Until then I need to stimulate MY economy. Regardless, Mission Accomplished.
I saw a GREAT wool bomber jacket at Express that I'm going to need to purchase ASA-f*cking-P. It has all the rock & roll style of a leather bomber jacket, but more veggie-friendly. Need to possess.
I also purchased some headbands from Forever 21 to wear as I grow my hair out, and some Fresh Cut Roses votive candles from Yankee Candle. I know...it's time for autumnal scents, but I like florals all the time, mkay?
Cigarettes and Songs
Props to whoever duped scary security men long enough to take this at the ATL show. Super great quality. They must have been as close as C. and I, but on the other side of Caleb. To recap; C. and I were in between Caleb and Jared, with clear view of Nathan.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I'm sure all you lovely people are out enjoying your Friday night. I, sadly, am not. I have no Friday night to enjoy. But let's not focus on negativity right now.
No! we will focus on handbags! About a month ago, I lamented the fact that I was an unpaid intern, and thus would not be purchasing my Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Speedy 30. Well, no recent turn of events to speak of --- I'm still an unpaid intern (BUT A FABULOUS ONE, THANKYOUVERYMUCH). I have, however, switched the object of my desires.

The Marc Jacobs Stam. It costs roughly twice as much as the Vuitton, but with God As My Witness, it will be mine in the next year.
This change of heart comes from a deep, emotionally moving conversation with the gay manager of the accessories department at a Nordstrom store. After knowing me for approximately 5 minutes, he insists this bag is ME, and that I must own it. I happen to agree with him. The chain is kind of rock & roll; the quilting is reminiscent of Mme Chanel.
And isn't that how I try to live my life? As a cross section between rock & roll and Parisian haute couture? Right.
Um, I'm growing my hair out. For those who don't know me in real life, my hair has been chin-length in an angled bob for about 2 years. I used to have hair down my back, then when I was in Paris one summer I made a snap decision to cut it all off, and it was great!! I was so liberated and everyone loved it. The cut made me look older and I was always getting compliments on it. The downside was it was very hard for me to find a hair stylist I was happy with in the States, and ironically enough, I always hated my hair a few days after I got it cut. I always felt like no one could cut it correctly. In Paris, I went to the same person, and she always did the entire cut with a razor, which is a very unique skill. In the States, I would get it cut, cry on the way home to my mom on the phone, cry to my friends, then be fine 2 days later. Go figure. Another downside was that my haircuts were SUPER expensive. Like, $75 including a tip. And this cut requires a cut every 6 weeks MAXIMUM, or else the layers grow out super funky, and it's a bitch to style. Yet another downside is it has to be styled.....everyday. Everyday with product, 2 different sized round brushes, blowdryer. If not, it was in a little nubby "ponytail" which is how I wore it to the gym. The time consumption didn't really bother me, because in college, my schedule was essentially wide open. I could wake up at 10am and traipse around the apartment for HOURS before I had to be in class. Taking 30 minutes to do my hair was like nothing. Well, now that I'm working and waking up at 6:30 to be out of the house by 8am at the latest, 30minutes is just not working for me anymore. I'm exhausted. And honestly, I'm just ready for something new.
I've been grappling with growing it out for a few months now. My bff H. wants me to keep it short, because "It's SO YOU," and I always did get a lot of compliments on it. And in a weird way, the short hair reminded me of Paris, and growing up from the long hair of a little girl into the short sophisticated young woman cut.
But I am ready for something new, and the good news is that I can always cut it again if I'm not digging the longer hair. I'm going to grow it out to this style:
Then see how I feel about it and maybe go longer from there.
It's getting colder. Which I'm unhappy about because lately, its been affecting my mood....really dreary and is making me sleepy and mopey. BUT my mood can easily be uplifted with some tights and a short black dress and some ballet flats!! I think I will go to the mall tomorrow and find some stuff. But I have to find things that are also work appropriate. Marketing is a pretty fashion-forward industry, and our office is fairly casual, but some of the dresses that I have can fall just on this side of risque. I'll keep that shit for attracting the mens at the bars.
Here's where I recommend things to you:
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage concealer. It always receives "Best Concealer" in Allure and Glamour magazine every year, and for good reason. It is actually applied AFTER foundation (which trips me out) and you have to basically apply it on your hand to warm it up and make the consistency creamy, and then put it on your face. This concealer makes me look like I have near perfect skin, which trust me, I do not. I have remnant scars from some adolescent acne, and this is the best thing I have found yet.
Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge. It's the consistency of a creamy lip balm, and you can use it as a lip color, or as a cream blush, which I do. Smile, and dab it on the apples of your cheeks in a circular motion, and it gives you this flushed, pretty glow like you have when you just come in from a cold, windy day. Or you see your crush.
My mother is obsessed with L'Occitane, and I understand why. They're a French beauty product company, and make some amazing products. The Rose 4 Reines lotion is something I use almost everyday, and it's so fragrant sometimes I don't wear perfume just so I can smell like a rose garden all day. The Rose 4 Reines blends the scents of....yes, four different roses: The Grasse Rose (French), the Bulgarian Rose, the Moroccan Rose and the Turkish Rose. I happen to love floral scents, so this is perfect for me. It's very feminine and luxurious. I also recommend anything from L'Occitane's shea butter collection. I carry little tubes of their hand lotion around with me, especially in the winter. And I think it smells like babies. Seriously, if and when I ever have babies, I am going to lather them down in this stuff. It is exactly what babies should smell like.
I looooove me some cocaine-induced SASS
No! we will focus on handbags! About a month ago, I lamented the fact that I was an unpaid intern, and thus would not be purchasing my Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Speedy 30. Well, no recent turn of events to speak of --- I'm still an unpaid intern (BUT A FABULOUS ONE, THANKYOUVERYMUCH). I have, however, switched the object of my desires.
The Marc Jacobs Stam. It costs roughly twice as much as the Vuitton, but with God As My Witness, it will be mine in the next year.
This change of heart comes from a deep, emotionally moving conversation with the gay manager of the accessories department at a Nordstrom store. After knowing me for approximately 5 minutes, he insists this bag is ME, and that I must own it. I happen to agree with him. The chain is kind of rock & roll; the quilting is reminiscent of Mme Chanel.
And isn't that how I try to live my life? As a cross section between rock & roll and Parisian haute couture? Right.
Um, I'm growing my hair out. For those who don't know me in real life, my hair has been chin-length in an angled bob for about 2 years. I used to have hair down my back, then when I was in Paris one summer I made a snap decision to cut it all off, and it was great!! I was so liberated and everyone loved it. The cut made me look older and I was always getting compliments on it. The downside was it was very hard for me to find a hair stylist I was happy with in the States, and ironically enough, I always hated my hair a few days after I got it cut. I always felt like no one could cut it correctly. In Paris, I went to the same person, and she always did the entire cut with a razor, which is a very unique skill. In the States, I would get it cut, cry on the way home to my mom on the phone, cry to my friends, then be fine 2 days later. Go figure. Another downside was that my haircuts were SUPER expensive. Like, $75 including a tip. And this cut requires a cut every 6 weeks MAXIMUM, or else the layers grow out super funky, and it's a bitch to style. Yet another downside is it has to be styled.....everyday. Everyday with product, 2 different sized round brushes, blowdryer. If not, it was in a little nubby "ponytail" which is how I wore it to the gym. The time consumption didn't really bother me, because in college, my schedule was essentially wide open. I could wake up at 10am and traipse around the apartment for HOURS before I had to be in class. Taking 30 minutes to do my hair was like nothing. Well, now that I'm working and waking up at 6:30 to be out of the house by 8am at the latest, 30minutes is just not working for me anymore. I'm exhausted. And honestly, I'm just ready for something new.
I've been grappling with growing it out for a few months now. My bff H. wants me to keep it short, because "It's SO YOU," and I always did get a lot of compliments on it. And in a weird way, the short hair reminded me of Paris, and growing up from the long hair of a little girl into the short sophisticated young woman cut.
But I am ready for something new, and the good news is that I can always cut it again if I'm not digging the longer hair. I'm going to grow it out to this style:

It's getting colder. Which I'm unhappy about because lately, its been affecting my mood....really dreary and is making me sleepy and mopey. BUT my mood can easily be uplifted with some tights and a short black dress and some ballet flats!! I think I will go to the mall tomorrow and find some stuff. But I have to find things that are also work appropriate. Marketing is a pretty fashion-forward industry, and our office is fairly casual, but some of the dresses that I have can fall just on this side of risque. I'll keep that shit for attracting the mens at the bars.
Here's where I recommend things to you:
I looooove me some cocaine-induced SASS
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This Is Mean
I saw this on a Tumblr account today, and I think it's really mean spirited. I do not endorse, nor agree with this. People respond to certain songs for many different reasons at many different times. I don't like when people get all elitist about music.
The hippie chick in me just wants to say, can't we all enjoy the music and get along?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"I Know Women, And We're NOT That Nice" -bw
I'm a smidge too tired to be snarky and do a fully witty Gossip Girl recap. So here are some quick thoughts after just having finished the episode:
I'm going to rewatch tomorrow while I work out....so I may or may not come back with more. Stay Tuned.
It's only 10:30 and I am exhausted! I think I'm going to have some Newman's own faux Oreos, a glass of milk and call it a night.
- Carter is still not wearing a belt? At least there's some consistency in the sartorial misstep.
- And where is Eleanor, and does she know Carter & Serena are having sex in her penthouse? She would not tolerate this.
- L-O-V-I-N-G Jenny Humphrey of course.
- The wedding in the Botanical Gardens? That's actually a lovely idea, I approve. But it was raining that morning. Everyone's Louboutin heels would have been 4 inches deep in that muddy grass.
- Damnit Lily, Rufus and Scott made me tear up! My birth control makes me a sappy, sentimental, emotional WRECK.
- I'm actually liking Vanessa's dresses in this episode. So much so that I would actually wear a few of them, with about 80% less ethnic-inspired jewelry.
- Why would Nate & Bree be invited to Rufus' wedding? Nate slept on their couch for like 2 weeks last year...it's not like Rufus adopted him, or kept in touch for that matter.
- Bree is from Texas. Because duh, all Republican families are. (Now before you get all crazy with me, my parents are Republican. And Catholic actually. So I have free reign on lots of jokes).
- Georgina I hate you.
I'm going to rewatch tomorrow while I work out....so I may or may not come back with more. Stay Tuned.
It's only 10:30 and I am exhausted! I think I'm going to have some Newman's own faux Oreos, a glass of milk and call it a night.
I used to come home from the bars drunk senior yr and watch this video before I went to sleep. Uhh weird. But even in that state I knew this was a bad ass performance.
Monday, October 12, 2009
In Which I Admit to Watching Bad TV
Is anyone else watching The Hills or The City? Just me? Fine....
The Hills....obv. Laguna Beach started when I was a junior in high school and it was awesomeee. I still laugh at the way Kristen speaks (and sometimes speak like her too). LC was a snoozefest on The Hills, and I love having Kristen back to stir shit up and piss people off. People only think she's a bitch because she has no internal dialogue filter, and guys like her and they're jealous. Okay?!?!
Um, The City is made infinitely better by the appearance of Roxy this season. A word.....who names their child Roxy? Were her parents Mick and Bianca Jagger? Honestly. But I do like her....she's so rock & roll and full frontal, j'adore. And of course, the ever chic Olivia Palermo. I don't care what everyone thinks, I like her. It was just editing that made her seem really frigid and bitchy, okay?!?!!? But in this season she's working at ELLE for this mega snore Erin...who is clearly jealous Olivia is younger and more professional and better at her job and has pretty hair, and is really witty-but-not-trying-to-be. Hmm....older girls being jealous of smarty-pants young ones....hmm.
While I'm on The Hills.....do y'all remember Erin (Whitney's friend) from last year? When she got the job at ONE Model Mgmt? Her interview is what I WISH I could say on interviews...
Scott Lipps: "In that year and a half off, what have you been concentrating on?"
Erin: "Well I'm unofficially styling all the time....I've been soul searching for about a year and a half"
Yea, I'm unofficially styling all the time, too. Except I call it dressing my ass every morning and telling my mom what to wear. Oh, and silently judging random people for their questionable fashion choices in public. Yes, I've also been soul searching. I'll take a job now too, please!
I wish I stayed up late enough to watch these shows now. I can truly say now there is no show I wait up for and watch the first showing. In college, I had my shows that I would go to the gym and workout while I watched, or made sure I was home in time for so I could paint my nails and watch them. I. Will. Not. Get. Nostalgic. About. College. Not today.
---Oblig Kings section---
{I've decided I'm going to post Kings of Leon stuff whenever I fucking want. I was worried this was going to turn into a KoL girly-fan blog, but then I was like, "whateva whateva I do what I want." So at the end of a post, I may have some Kings stuff, I may not. If you don't like it.....
/end sassy-ness}
Here's some present-day prettiness for you
And some old-days dirty Southern rocker for me
The Hills....obv. Laguna Beach started when I was a junior in high school and it was awesomeee. I still laugh at the way Kristen speaks (and sometimes speak like her too). LC was a snoozefest on The Hills, and I love having Kristen back to stir shit up and piss people off. People only think she's a bitch because she has no internal dialogue filter, and guys like her and they're jealous. Okay?!?!
Um, The City is made infinitely better by the appearance of Roxy this season. A word.....who names their child Roxy? Were her parents Mick and Bianca Jagger? Honestly. But I do like her....she's so rock & roll and full frontal, j'adore. And of course, the ever chic Olivia Palermo. I don't care what everyone thinks, I like her. It was just editing that made her seem really frigid and bitchy, okay?!?!!? But in this season she's working at ELLE for this mega snore Erin...who is clearly jealous Olivia is younger and more professional and better at her job and has pretty hair, and is really witty-but-not-trying-to-be. Hmm....older girls being jealous of smarty-pants young ones....hmm.
While I'm on The Hills.....do y'all remember Erin (Whitney's friend) from last year? When she got the job at ONE Model Mgmt? Her interview is what I WISH I could say on interviews...
Scott Lipps: "In that year and a half off, what have you been concentrating on?"
Erin: "Well I'm unofficially styling all the time....I've been soul searching for about a year and a half"
Yea, I'm unofficially styling all the time, too. Except I call it dressing my ass every morning and telling my mom what to wear. Oh, and silently judging random people for their questionable fashion choices in public. Yes, I've also been soul searching. I'll take a job now too, please!
I wish I stayed up late enough to watch these shows now. I can truly say now there is no show I wait up for and watch the first showing. In college, I had my shows that I would go to the gym and workout while I watched, or made sure I was home in time for so I could paint my nails and watch them. I. Will. Not. Get. Nostalgic. About. College. Not today.
---Oblig Kings section---
{I've decided I'm going to post Kings of Leon stuff whenever I fucking want. I was worried this was going to turn into a KoL girly-fan blog, but then I was like, "whateva whateva I do what I want." So at the end of a post, I may have some Kings stuff, I may not. If you don't like it.....
And some old-days dirty Southern rocker for me
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sunday Lazy Ass Day
Pretty much did nothing today or yesterday. I got home from being out after the concert at like, 3:30am Saturday morning, so I slept until noonish yesterday, then stayed in my PJs all day, watching tv and various youtube videos from the concert.
Today I actually woke up at a decent, adult, hour and had a cup of coffee while I read Business Week. Let's stop for a minute here and discuss this. I've been receiving issues of Business Week for several months now.....since back when I was in my house in college. And.....I don't know why. I never signed up for it. I even called my father and accused him of signing me up for a subscription in some subversive attempt to undermine my maturity. He denied the claim. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that I may have gotten on some list from the business school or one of the honors societies that let me in against their better judgment (I kid, I was a great student and never got in trouble). So this article I read in Business Week is about the "Lost Generation" (haaaai) and how we're never going to get jobs and when we do we're going to be depressed and committing suicide. Sounds about right to me.
I also worked out today and did some yoga. I still haven't showered since...you don't know to know. But I don't have anywhere to go. Except the grocery store, but I'll go tomorrow after work. So Lord knows what I'm going to eat for dinner, because I sure don't. Maybe a miracle will happen and food will suddenly appear in front of me. That happens sometimes, right?
I'm currently uploading my concert pics to an online hosting site in case my laptop ever crashes. I'm also trying to download a KoL concert DVD. It had 40 parts. I'll let y'all know how this progresses.
Today I actually woke up at a decent, adult, hour and had a cup of coffee while I read Business Week. Let's stop for a minute here and discuss this. I've been receiving issues of Business Week for several months now.....since back when I was in my house in college. And.....I don't know why. I never signed up for it. I even called my father and accused him of signing me up for a subscription in some subversive attempt to undermine my maturity. He denied the claim. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that I may have gotten on some list from the business school or one of the honors societies that let me in against their better judgment (I kid, I was a great student and never got in trouble). So this article I read in Business Week is about the "Lost Generation" (haaaai) and how we're never going to get jobs and when we do we're going to be depressed and committing suicide. Sounds about right to me.
I also worked out today and did some yoga. I still haven't showered since...you don't know to know. But I don't have anywhere to go. Except the grocery store, but I'll go tomorrow after work. So Lord knows what I'm going to eat for dinner, because I sure don't. Maybe a miracle will happen and food will suddenly appear in front of me. That happens sometimes, right?
I'm currently uploading my concert pics to an online hosting site in case my laptop ever crashes. I'm also trying to download a KoL concert DVD. It had 40 parts. I'll let y'all know how this progresses.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I Died
As you know, the epic Kings of Leon concert was last night. Blew. My. Mind. The best concert experience I've ever had... such an amazing night.
C. came with me, and we met downtown around 1:30, parked then got lunch at Dania's Gourmet, which is a restaurant of indiscernible ethnic origin. They had gyros and falafel, and Egyptian desserts. Regardless, it was really good. It was late afternoon, so there was no lunch crowd, and the guy who worked there loved us, so we sat at the bar and took our sweet ass time, drinking wine, sharing old stories and generally losing our shit about seeing the Kings in a few hours' time.
After lunch we headed over to Phillips Arena, which is attached to the CNN Center. After walking around the whole arena looking for the best door to wait in front of, we parked it in front of the inside doors in the CNN food court. And damn, did we meet some characters. The man selling chicken from China Bistro was particularly annoying, yet knowledgeable. He kept saying, "Kings of Leon- three brothas and a cousin." We also met several security people, and became "their girls" and they promised to remember our faces and take us backstage (didn't happen, but it was sort of nice of them all the same).
We're waiting at like...4:30, grab a beer and just sit & chat. There was only one group of girls "ahead" of us. And they were all dressed alike; it was really bizarre. Tight jeans and plaid shirts....it's like they were dressed like KoL to see KoL. Hmm. I suppose my 14 year old mind would have thought in the same manner.
More of a crowded started forming around 5:15 for the door opening at 6:30. Here's what the deal was: if you had general admission floor seats, (like us) you had to wait until the doors opened, go UPSTAIRS to get a wristband, then back DOWN to the venue seating. They also did a metal detector check and searching purses. Here's the kicker- you weren't allowed to bring in a camera bigger than could fit in a shirt pocket. (I think they should have written this on the ticket, or said so on the TicketMaster website. I digress). Well I brought my uncle's bad ass camera, which was definitely bigger than that. So C. and I had to strategize. I wrapped it in my cardigan and stuck it in C.'s purse with the instructions to keep her hand over it during the search. And it toooooootally worked. And praise Jesus, because if I had to run back out to the car to put it away, I would never have gotten the place that I did.
.......did I mention we were FRONT ROW?
FRONT ROW, motherf*ckers.
As in the barricades were in front of us, and the stage was 5 feet from that. The opening band was White Lies. Eh, sounds like the nouvele vague stuff from Hollister stores. Anyway. I was fiddling with the camera, making sure I knew all the settings and whatnot. And the King's own security detail comes up and says, "That camera is too big, you're not supposed to have that in here." and I'm just like, "what?" Hairflip. Trying to play the dumb blonde, "they never told me that." Then he said he'd let me take pictures for the first song only, then I had to put it away. And he was big and mean, so I behaved and only took pictures during the first song. SO i don't have too many pics, but they're quality.
Opening act played until about 8:45, then Kings of Leon came on at 9:15ish. Lost. My. Shit.
Here's the set list:
I'll admit, I got a little teary-eyed during Notion and then again during Use Somebody. Even though their older albums are my favorite, and better, in my opinion, those two songs from OBTN are amazing and the lyrics are really meaningful. /end emotional paragraph.
The set was great, some songs I'm not wild about, and I wish there was more old stuff. But fact of the matter is, this is their tour for the latest album, so it stands to reason that 80% was OBTN tracks. I would have died my death for Trani though. And basically anything from Youth and Young Manhood.
I honestly could not stop staring at Caleb. He is honest to shit the dead sexiest man I have ever seen. His hair- longer and amazing. Beard- almost had an orgasm. Outfit- not too styled, probably picked it out himself. Voice- so on point. I did not think it was possible to be more infatuated than I am now. Well, I am.
Before the show, we saw a stage mgr pouring Patron into solo cups and placing them around the stage. During the show, Caleb took a few shots and chased them with Gatorade, and Nathan was drinking beer from a bottle with a straw held by someone by the drum set. Oh, and he was totally toking up also. I think during the break between the set and the encore they all went back and just took shots to the face, because Caleb and Jared were dancing with their guitars and Nathan looked blown out of his mind. And during the ending song Black Thumbnail, Caleb wailed and just rocked his ass off.
Caleb took a few breaks between songs to thank the crowd, saying even though he was having some sound troubles, he couldn't get mad because we were such an awesome crowd. He looked up into the high-rise seats a few times and just shook his head in disbelief and looked to his brothers smiling. It was nice to see him so (relatively) humble and appreciative of the crowd, and not spitting his whole "We're the goddamned Kings of Leon, so fuck you" attitude he's been known to throw. He said the band's been looking forward to the Atlanta show for awhile....their first show was at Smith's, and he was amazed that they just sold out Phillips Arena. Here's what Nathan twittered earlier today:
doctorfollowill Atlanta knows how to party. What a night, what a crowd, what a hangover. We will come back whenever yall will let us. Thanks a million.
Here's a video someone took (who was not as close as us, ba haha) but you can see C. & I between Caleb and Jared. In the middle of the second verse, Caleb got sort of sassy and moved his finger around in a circle, as if to say "this song is too slow and taking too long."
Now I'm going to put up ONE of my pictures from the show. I would put up more, but they're actually super decent, and I don't want people stealing them.
I tried to get the whole band in a shot, but damnit if I wasn't just too close.
I don't really know what else to tell y'all about the concert, other than it was a great experience, and I can't wait to see them again. I won't even bring down this post with negativity and rag on the mom behind us or the 14 year old girls. It's alllllll gravy now.
C. came with me, and we met downtown around 1:30, parked then got lunch at Dania's Gourmet, which is a restaurant of indiscernible ethnic origin. They had gyros and falafel, and Egyptian desserts. Regardless, it was really good. It was late afternoon, so there was no lunch crowd, and the guy who worked there loved us, so we sat at the bar and took our sweet ass time, drinking wine, sharing old stories and generally losing our shit about seeing the Kings in a few hours' time.
After lunch we headed over to Phillips Arena, which is attached to the CNN Center. After walking around the whole arena looking for the best door to wait in front of, we parked it in front of the inside doors in the CNN food court. And damn, did we meet some characters. The man selling chicken from China Bistro was particularly annoying, yet knowledgeable. He kept saying, "Kings of Leon- three brothas and a cousin." We also met several security people, and became "their girls" and they promised to remember our faces and take us backstage (didn't happen, but it was sort of nice of them all the same).
We're waiting at like...4:30, grab a beer and just sit & chat. There was only one group of girls "ahead" of us. And they were all dressed alike; it was really bizarre. Tight jeans and plaid shirts....it's like they were dressed like KoL to see KoL. Hmm. I suppose my 14 year old mind would have thought in the same manner.
More of a crowded started forming around 5:15 for the door opening at 6:30. Here's what the deal was: if you had general admission floor seats, (like us) you had to wait until the doors opened, go UPSTAIRS to get a wristband, then back DOWN to the venue seating. They also did a metal detector check and searching purses. Here's the kicker- you weren't allowed to bring in a camera bigger than could fit in a shirt pocket. (I think they should have written this on the ticket, or said so on the TicketMaster website. I digress). Well I brought my uncle's bad ass camera, which was definitely bigger than that. So C. and I had to strategize. I wrapped it in my cardigan and stuck it in C.'s purse with the instructions to keep her hand over it during the search. And it toooooootally worked. And praise Jesus, because if I had to run back out to the car to put it away, I would never have gotten the place that I did.
.......did I mention we were FRONT ROW?
FRONT ROW, motherf*ckers.
As in the barricades were in front of us, and the stage was 5 feet from that. The opening band was White Lies. Eh, sounds like the nouvele vague stuff from Hollister stores. Anyway. I was fiddling with the camera, making sure I knew all the settings and whatnot. And the King's own security detail comes up and says, "That camera is too big, you're not supposed to have that in here." and I'm just like, "what?" Hairflip. Trying to play the dumb blonde, "they never told me that." Then he said he'd let me take pictures for the first song only, then I had to put it away. And he was big and mean, so I behaved and only took pictures during the first song. SO i don't have too many pics, but they're quality.
Opening act played until about 8:45, then Kings of Leon came on at 9:15ish. Lost. My. Shit.
Here's the set list:
- Crawl
- Be Somebody
- Taper Jean Girl
- Molly's Chambers
- Fans
- Revelry
- I Want You
- Four Kicks
- Charmer
- The Bucket
- Sex on Fire
- Notion
- Closer
- On Call
- Cold Desert
- Slow Night, So Long
- Knocked Up
- Manhattan
- Use Somebody
- Black Thumbnail
The set was great, some songs I'm not wild about, and I wish there was more old stuff. But fact of the matter is, this is their tour for the latest album, so it stands to reason that 80% was OBTN tracks. I would have died my death for Trani though. And basically anything from Youth and Young Manhood.
I honestly could not stop staring at Caleb. He is honest to shit the dead sexiest man I have ever seen. His hair- longer and amazing. Beard- almost had an orgasm. Outfit- not too styled, probably picked it out himself. Voice- so on point. I did not think it was possible to be more infatuated than I am now. Well, I am.
Before the show, we saw a stage mgr pouring Patron into solo cups and placing them around the stage. During the show, Caleb took a few shots and chased them with Gatorade, and Nathan was drinking beer from a bottle with a straw held by someone by the drum set. Oh, and he was totally toking up also. I think during the break between the set and the encore they all went back and just took shots to the face, because Caleb and Jared were dancing with their guitars and Nathan looked blown out of his mind. And during the ending song Black Thumbnail, Caleb wailed and just rocked his ass off.
Caleb took a few breaks between songs to thank the crowd, saying even though he was having some sound troubles, he couldn't get mad because we were such an awesome crowd. He looked up into the high-rise seats a few times and just shook his head in disbelief and looked to his brothers smiling. It was nice to see him so (relatively) humble and appreciative of the crowd, and not spitting his whole "We're the goddamned Kings of Leon, so fuck you" attitude he's been known to throw. He said the band's been looking forward to the Atlanta show for awhile....their first show was at Smith's, and he was amazed that they just sold out Phillips Arena. Here's what Nathan twittered earlier today:
doctorfollowill Atlanta knows how to party. What a night, what a crowd, what a hangover. We will come back whenever yall will let us. Thanks a million.
Here's a video someone took (who was not as close as us, ba haha) but you can see C. & I between Caleb and Jared. In the middle of the second verse, Caleb got sort of sassy and moved his finger around in a circle, as if to say "this song is too slow and taking too long."
Now I'm going to put up ONE of my pictures from the show. I would put up more, but they're actually super decent, and I don't want people stealing them.
I don't really know what else to tell y'all about the concert, other than it was a great experience, and I can't wait to see them again. I won't even bring down this post with negativity and rag on the mom behind us or the 14 year old girls. It's alllllll gravy now.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Like a Trani on Ten
I'm squealing from the excitement at this point. You already know what this post will consist of....
I wish they still rocked like this. You need to watch this and just thank God you have ears. And eyes.
Yummmm granola beard.
and I'm giving Nathan love because he's super sexy as well, smokes, and is a fabulous Twitter updater.
Remind me at some point to do a photo-progessions of Caleb's hair/facial hair. It will be fascinating, sexual and informative.
Contrary to recent posts....this is not a Kings of Leon-centric blog! It is about my life! But it does stand to reason....right now my life is pretty KoL centric. And in no way it that depressing. I've been looking forward to this concert since I woke up early on June 5th to buy the damn tickets. KoL has gotten me through a lonely summer school session, a gross breakup and a boring post-grad life these last few months. Haters to the left.
I returned some makeup at Sephora tonight, and DUH since I had basically free money, I went to H&M. (I still pronounce H&M in my head like the French do...."'atch et em".....that's weird even I think so). So there's a ton of super cute stuff, like sweater dresses and faux fur and faux leather (vegetarian loooooove) BUT I was on a mission to find something great for the concert, and mission accomplished.
Until next time, à bientôt !
I'm squealing from the excitement at this point. You already know what this post will consist of....
I wish they still rocked like this. You need to watch this and just thank God you have ears. And eyes.

Remind me at some point to do a photo-progessions of Caleb's hair/facial hair. It will be fascinating, sexual and informative.
Contrary to recent posts....this is not a Kings of Leon-centric blog! It is about my life! But it does stand to reason....right now my life is pretty KoL centric. And in no way it that depressing. I've been looking forward to this concert since I woke up early on June 5th to buy the damn tickets. KoL has gotten me through a lonely summer school session, a gross breakup and a boring post-grad life these last few months. Haters to the left.
I returned some makeup at Sephora tonight, and DUH since I had basically free money, I went to H&M. (I still pronounce H&M in my head like the French do...."'atch et em".....that's weird even I think so). So there's a ton of super cute stuff, like sweater dresses and faux fur and faux leather (vegetarian loooooove) BUT I was on a mission to find something great for the concert, and mission accomplished.
Until next time, à bientôt !
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
mercredi le septieme
When I went home, I got a few pieces of vintage jewelry from an estate jewelry shop. So I put up a few new hangers to display my jewelry. The more you see all your jewelry- the more you will wear various pieces....just a little tip from me to you.
I also rigged up a new lamp to put near my vanity where I do my makeup. This new Laura Mercier makeup I got is like...totally awesome, and I need better light to put on the concealer + foundation. How productive I was today!
I also contacted about 3 million (approx.) people to beg them for a full time job. The ball is rolling, just not fast enough.
I bought a new hairdryer. I wasn't even aware mine was on the fritz, until I used my mom's at home (same model) and hers was strangely more powerful than mine.
It's late...but R.Zoe's show on Monday was heaven. J'adooooore Paris. If you know me, this is a "no, duh" comment. When I was there in Spring '08, I snuck into fashion shows. And the shows I couldn't talk my way in to or find a back entrance....I just sat outside stalking models, editors and famous people.
Fashion aside....Paris is....there aren't words. Every time I go, I return to the states and people ask, "how was Paris?" And normal words aren't enough to describe the magic of the city. I usually just say WONDERFUL and wave my hands around. The *light* in Paris is different. My favorite time of day was around 5 or 6pm in the winter, when the sun just began to set, and the city was golden, I'm not lying. Alors, I could write a whole blog about Paris. Maybe I'll start special "Remembering Paris" posts. Or....."Trying to Remember Paris" posts. Sh*t got crazy sometimes.
Um.....did I mention I was going to Kings of Leon? And in 2 days? No? Well.....I'm going to Kings of Leon in 2 days. Excited doesn't cover the emotion....ecstatic? Elated? Really F*CKING STOKED? In any case....
And to celebrate.....YES! Pictures! A pictoral celebration!

And this one because, yeah. And....yeah.
Until next time!
I also rigged up a new lamp to put near my vanity where I do my makeup. This new Laura Mercier makeup I got is like...totally awesome, and I need better light to put on the concealer + foundation. How productive I was today!
I also contacted about 3 million (approx.) people to beg them for a full time job. The ball is rolling, just not fast enough.
I bought a new hairdryer. I wasn't even aware mine was on the fritz, until I used my mom's at home (same model) and hers was strangely more powerful than mine.
It's late...but R.Zoe's show on Monday was heaven. J'adooooore Paris. If you know me, this is a "no, duh" comment. When I was there in Spring '08, I snuck into fashion shows. And the shows I couldn't talk my way in to or find a back entrance....I just sat outside stalking models, editors and famous people.
Fashion aside....Paris is....there aren't words. Every time I go, I return to the states and people ask, "how was Paris?" And normal words aren't enough to describe the magic of the city. I usually just say WONDERFUL and wave my hands around. The *light* in Paris is different. My favorite time of day was around 5 or 6pm in the winter, when the sun just began to set, and the city was golden, I'm not lying. Alors, I could write a whole blog about Paris. Maybe I'll start special "Remembering Paris" posts. Or....."Trying to Remember Paris" posts. Sh*t got crazy sometimes.
Um.....did I mention I was going to Kings of Leon? And in 2 days? No? Well.....I'm going to Kings of Leon in 2 days. Excited doesn't cover the emotion....ecstatic? Elated? Really F*CKING STOKED? In any case....
And to celebrate.....YES! Pictures! A pictoral celebration!
And this one because, yeah. And....yeah.
Until next time!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This Post Contains the Truth
Spotted: Hillary Duff Acting Poorly
asf$jl#kd!dfds! I love Jenny Humphrey. But holy shoulder bones....she's SOO thin. And her skirt is too short. This coming from me, who in Catholic school only ever got demerits for the scantiness of my plaid skirt. Too short Little J. Your best gay Eric should have told you so!
Both Rufus and Blair are wearing Burberry in their opening scenes. Olivia is carrying the gorgeous Valentino rose bag. Serena is wearing an Hervé Léger dress-contraption with an awkward blazer to "interview." It's like style.com paid for the whole episode.
*AAF- were you losing it when your girl Tory B. was on the ep? I totally thought of you and your devotedness to her*
"I just need to know that in this misbegotten corner of Manhattan that wealth, ambition and moral laxity are still alive and well!" -who other than BW.
TYRA muthaf*ckin' BANKS. Clearly this is the CW doing Tyra a solid. Her weave is..........dare I say it?........UNBEWEAVEABLE! Ohhhhh I nearly died from my own snark. But really. Tyra. Really.
Hillary Duff is a bad actress. I don't really know how to make that sound any nicer. And it doesn't concern me. And not to be mean.....but....what happened to when H.Duff was like....crack skinny? I used to see paparazzi pictures of her hoofing around in yoga pants and Starbucks cups, and she was totally thin!
I think I'm more disappointed with the writers. HOW MANY times have we seen the "I'm an actress and I lied about my real identity so you would like me" story line? Isn't it a movie? And several other television show sub-plots? 1) Hannah Montana 2) Model Behavior with Disney movie with J. Timberlake. There are more....I will investigate this.
Serena, a word if I may.....You cannot throw on a blazer over ANY party dress and BOOM be professional. Well, scratch that, you can be a professional, but I doubt this is the direction in which you're aiming. Real "publicists" don't try to out shine their stars. Put the boobs away and try something with buttons.
Scott and Georgina deserve eachother's grossness.
Alright my little puffikins, that's all for now. XOXO
asf$jl#kd!dfds! I love Jenny Humphrey. But holy shoulder bones....she's SOO thin. And her skirt is too short. This coming from me, who in Catholic school only ever got demerits for the scantiness of my plaid skirt. Too short Little J. Your best gay Eric should have told you so!
Both Rufus and Blair are wearing Burberry in their opening scenes. Olivia is carrying the gorgeous Valentino rose bag. Serena is wearing an Hervé Léger dress-contraption with an awkward blazer to "interview." It's like style.com paid for the whole episode.
*AAF- were you losing it when your girl Tory B. was on the ep? I totally thought of you and your devotedness to her*
"I just need to know that in this misbegotten corner of Manhattan that wealth, ambition and moral laxity are still alive and well!" -who other than BW.
TYRA muthaf*ckin' BANKS. Clearly this is the CW doing Tyra a solid. Her weave is..........dare I say it?........UNBEWEAVEABLE! Ohhhhh I nearly died from my own snark. But really. Tyra. Really.
Hillary Duff is a bad actress. I don't really know how to make that sound any nicer. And it doesn't concern me. And not to be mean.....but....what happened to when H.Duff was like....crack skinny? I used to see paparazzi pictures of her hoofing around in yoga pants and Starbucks cups, and she was totally thin!
I think I'm more disappointed with the writers. HOW MANY times have we seen the "I'm an actress and I lied about my real identity so you would like me" story line? Isn't it a movie? And several other television show sub-plots? 1) Hannah Montana 2) Model Behavior with Disney movie with J. Timberlake. There are more....I will investigate this.
Serena, a word if I may.....You cannot throw on a blazer over ANY party dress and BOOM be professional. Well, scratch that, you can be a professional, but I doubt this is the direction in which you're aiming. Real "publicists" don't try to out shine their stars. Put the boobs away and try something with buttons.
Scott and Georgina deserve eachother's grossness.
Alright my little puffikins, that's all for now. XOXO
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Props Where Props Are Due
I would like to shout out to my younger sorority sisters still in school, who went CAMPING as a part of their sisterhood retreat this past weekend. Camping, you guys. Camping.
I would have NEVER stood for that, and I would have found some way to get out of it, or at least complained the entire time that I was missing some epic party/dancing/drinking event downtown. And I would have cursed the Executive Committee for making this mandatory.
You know me, I'm all about the environment, and vegetarianism and animals and walking children in nature and all that kind of stuff, but the only time I've agreed to camping was with my hot neighbor in college who had a reallllllly sexy beard. And there was at least some makeout-action guaranteed on that trip.
So snaps to my little sistahs, you all are bigger women than I am.
I would have NEVER stood for that, and I would have found some way to get out of it, or at least complained the entire time that I was missing some epic party/dancing/drinking event downtown. And I would have cursed the Executive Committee for making this mandatory.
You know me, I'm all about the environment, and vegetarianism and animals and walking children in nature and all that kind of stuff, but the only time I've agreed to camping was with my hot neighbor in college who had a reallllllly sexy beard. And there was at least some makeout-action guaranteed on that trip.
So snaps to my little sistahs, you all are bigger women than I am.
In Which My Prediction About Home Were True
Sitting in my old (cleaned) bedroom at home. My parents have really done a lot with their house....the guest bedroom is now actually ready to receive guests, as opposed to the whole time I lived there, it was an extra closet/luggage storage/craft supplies/gift wrapping room. My parents redecorated their room and rearranged the formal sitting room. Yes, they have a formal sitting room. My parents so would. My room looks the same, but decidedly does not feel the same. My room at school was really "mine." Especially the house I lived in senior year. Where I live now is not home, nor mine. I can't wait to move on and make my own dwellings.
Anyhow......as predicted my father has harped about the job search, and even hinted about being cut off on my birthday again. SUPER. I threatened to slit my wrists on my birthday, though, so maybe we can come to some sort of understanding between us. My mom and I did go shopping, and our luxurious mall, made more luxurious by the newly added Nordstrom. I tried the MJ Stam bag, which is my new goal bag. Forget the Louis, the Stam is it. I'm too lazy to post a picture, but I'll do it later. Perhaps.
I also got a shit ton of new makeup, which is no surprise. Laura Mercier totes hooked me up....new concealer, primer, foundation and bronzer. And my mom bought me a necklace at J.Crew, which was random, but she liked it so I went along with it as well.
We ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory....I hate cheesecake, thank you, but they have a dish called Bang Bang shrimp which is like a fake thai creamy curry dish which is just delishhh.
After shopping I met up with TO and we went out.....sort of. We went to one of the many local bars and had a few drinks, caught up on eachother's lives, comiserated with how much our lives suck, and laughed about our thousands of shared experiences. TO and I went to MIDDLE SCHOOL together, ok? MIDDLE SCHOOL, y'all. It does not get more awkward than that. I won't speak for TO when I say this, but I was heinously awkward in middle school, but completely oblivious to it, so I suppose ignorance is bliss. I thought I was totally awesome and cool and so did my friends. We had some questionable fashion choices and even more questionable taste in boys and how to interact with them. Ohhhh but I'm glad TO is still my friend, we've come a long way, baby!
Today I went to mass with my parents, saw lots of kids I used to babysit for who probably have learner's permits (gah). Since mass it's been a whole lot of nothing. My mom and I played with my makeup, I watched bad tv on the DVR...it's home.
I hope you all are having nice relaxing Sundays!
Anyhow......as predicted my father has harped about the job search, and even hinted about being cut off on my birthday again. SUPER. I threatened to slit my wrists on my birthday, though, so maybe we can come to some sort of understanding between us. My mom and I did go shopping, and our luxurious mall, made more luxurious by the newly added Nordstrom. I tried the MJ Stam bag, which is my new goal bag. Forget the Louis, the Stam is it. I'm too lazy to post a picture, but I'll do it later. Perhaps.
I also got a shit ton of new makeup, which is no surprise. Laura Mercier totes hooked me up....new concealer, primer, foundation and bronzer. And my mom bought me a necklace at J.Crew, which was random, but she liked it so I went along with it as well.
We ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory....I hate cheesecake, thank you, but they have a dish called Bang Bang shrimp which is like a fake thai creamy curry dish which is just delishhh.
After shopping I met up with TO and we went out.....sort of. We went to one of the many local bars and had a few drinks, caught up on eachother's lives, comiserated with how much our lives suck, and laughed about our thousands of shared experiences. TO and I went to MIDDLE SCHOOL together, ok? MIDDLE SCHOOL, y'all. It does not get more awkward than that. I won't speak for TO when I say this, but I was heinously awkward in middle school, but completely oblivious to it, so I suppose ignorance is bliss. I thought I was totally awesome and cool and so did my friends. We had some questionable fashion choices and even more questionable taste in boys and how to interact with them. Ohhhh but I'm glad TO is still my friend, we've come a long way, baby!
Today I went to mass with my parents, saw lots of kids I used to babysit for who probably have learner's permits (gah). Since mass it's been a whole lot of nothing. My mom and I played with my makeup, I watched bad tv on the DVR...it's home.
I hope you all are having nice relaxing Sundays!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
How I Feel About Gossip Girl This Week
I know, lovers, it's been awhile since the new ep. I have no excuse, but please accept my insincere apologies. Plus, you're all totes jeal that I can re-watch the episodes wheneva I want since I buy them on iTunes. Suckas.
To start, Georgina is ick nast. Not even so much the character, but Michelle Trachtenberg. Just...yuck. I'm all for psycho bitches being fabulously evil, but can we get someone more attractive to play G, central casting?
"Im starved, let's grab breakfast," DOES NOT happen in college post drunk hookup. I heard that from someone.... somewhere..... Sorry, Georgina. It's usually awkwardly looking for your clothes, licking your fingers to remove last night's rogue mascara and saying, "so last night was fun, huh?" Someone made me coffee once and I was convinced chivalry was not dead.
Hold. The. Phone.....is Vanessa's skirt acid wash tie-dye denim?
Rufus and Lily are hot pieces...could they not have found someone who didn't look like a Neanderthal to play their son? Scott is so....generic. He looks like at least 5 creepy guys I knew in high school.
It's episode 3, and we have not been taken back to Constance/St. Judes. I want to see how Little J's regime change is going! Plus, most of the sartorial fun came from the unrealistic manipulations of the prep school uniforms. We cannot see uniforms if they are not in school....hellooooooo.
Ahhh Vanessa is totally a creepy boyfriend stalker!! But V, why don't you consult Facebook first, duh?! BUT, props for following your gut when you sense trouble. I've been there, and I've been right. Investigate away!
Blair is wearing the new Tiffany & Co. key collection! It's a little....blingy, but I do like it. This is the one B's wearing. Approx $2,600. I guess I just have simpler tastes...I would wear the simple gold ones. But if I was Blair Waldorf, I would wear the platinum diamond one too, so who am I kidding.
Georgina and the girl "with the MBA from Tuck" have severely stained teeth. They're rich, can they not afford professional bleaching? Or at least pick up some Crest White Strips from Duane Reed. Damn, girls, get it together.
Bree Buckley, wear a bra. You're not 14 and this isn't Friday night at the local high school football game. Gew. And stop the presses......the actress, Joanna Garcia....is 30 years old! 30! 30! 30! First of all, that's fucking ancient, please GOD don't ever let me turn 30, and second of all, while I understand this is television, and actors in teen dramas are rarely teens themselves; she is not passing for 23. She's just not. I said in an earlier post how there was something about her I didn't like, but couldn't put my finger on it? Mission Accomplished.
Kelly Rutherford needs to come back from having her bébé. I miss Lily, we're kindred souls. She used to be a ho, likes rock stars, carries a Birkin and isn't maternal. I miss the bitch.
"That's a shame, I already have my bidding paddle." "Well...I'm sure we'll find some other use for it." Blair and Chuck are kinky little kittens! Role playing, spanking....I predict a threesome next. Or an animal.
For those who have watched Season 1....Georgina needs to stop saying, "I'm a good listener." No, you're not. You're crazy, and have weird pale skin, yellow teeth and manipulate poor little boys from Brooklyn. Stop trying to make fetch happen. But props to her Google-stalking capabilities. We've all done that, have we not? No? Just me?
To start, Georgina is ick nast. Not even so much the character, but Michelle Trachtenberg. Just...yuck. I'm all for psycho bitches being fabulously evil, but can we get someone more attractive to play G, central casting?
"Im starved, let's grab breakfast," DOES NOT happen in college post drunk hookup. I heard that from someone.... somewhere..... Sorry, Georgina. It's usually awkwardly looking for your clothes, licking your fingers to remove last night's rogue mascara and saying, "so last night was fun, huh?" Someone made me coffee once and I was convinced chivalry was not dead.
Hold. The. Phone.....is Vanessa's skirt acid wash tie-dye denim?
Rufus and Lily are hot pieces...could they not have found someone who didn't look like a Neanderthal to play their son? Scott is so....generic. He looks like at least 5 creepy guys I knew in high school.
It's episode 3, and we have not been taken back to Constance/St. Judes. I want to see how Little J's regime change is going! Plus, most of the sartorial fun came from the unrealistic manipulations of the prep school uniforms. We cannot see uniforms if they are not in school....hellooooooo.
Ahhh Vanessa is totally a creepy boyfriend stalker!! But V, why don't you consult Facebook first, duh?! BUT, props for following your gut when you sense trouble. I've been there, and I've been right. Investigate away!
Blair is wearing the new Tiffany & Co. key collection! It's a little....blingy, but I do like it. This is the one B's wearing. Approx $2,600. I guess I just have simpler tastes...I would wear the simple gold ones. But if I was Blair Waldorf, I would wear the platinum diamond one too, so who am I kidding.
Georgina and the girl "with the MBA from Tuck" have severely stained teeth. They're rich, can they not afford professional bleaching? Or at least pick up some Crest White Strips from Duane Reed. Damn, girls, get it together.
Bree Buckley, wear a bra. You're not 14 and this isn't Friday night at the local high school football game. Gew. And stop the presses......the actress, Joanna Garcia....is 30 years old! 30! 30! 30! First of all, that's fucking ancient, please GOD don't ever let me turn 30, and second of all, while I understand this is television, and actors in teen dramas are rarely teens themselves; she is not passing for 23. She's just not. I said in an earlier post how there was something about her I didn't like, but couldn't put my finger on it? Mission Accomplished.
Kelly Rutherford needs to come back from having her bébé. I miss Lily, we're kindred souls. She used to be a ho, likes rock stars, carries a Birkin and isn't maternal. I miss the bitch.
"That's a shame, I already have my bidding paddle." "Well...I'm sure we'll find some other use for it." Blair and Chuck are kinky little kittens! Role playing, spanking....I predict a threesome next. Or an animal.
For those who have watched Season 1....Georgina needs to stop saying, "I'm a good listener." No, you're not. You're crazy, and have weird pale skin, yellow teeth and manipulate poor little boys from Brooklyn. Stop trying to make fetch happen. But props to her Google-stalking capabilities. We've all done that, have we not? No? Just me?
I'm Going HOME.....to TARA!
....or my parent's house, rather. Last minute weekend trip, flying out tomorrow night, coming back Tuesday afternoon. Just enough time to relax at home and have my parents pamper me. I'll also get to see my T.O.!(yep, the football player, you know we're best girlfriends) T.O.- what shall we do? Movies at my house....or should we go out?
Honestly I don't know how much I want to go out at home. I may change my mind on this later, but "home" is a college town. Which means college kids. Which was so totally fun and great when I was actually IN college, because there are lots of hot, rich, preppy boys who go to school where I'm from. And they were new hot, rich preppy boys as opposed to the ones I had already disposed of at my own school. But now, methinks it could be rather depressing. In any event, I'm packing lots of short dresses + tights. Forecast calls for lower 60s, which is cold, which = tights, natch.
My mom and I will inevitably go shopping- there is a new Nordstrom in our "local" mall. When I say local, I mean the only decent shopping mall that is at least 45 minutes away. My mother & I bond over shopping. We use it as a way to avoid socializing during extended-family visits. So precious. And she'll probably be in such a good mood from having me home she will buy me things!! I told her we could go see The September Issue together. I want to see it again, and my mom would so get a kick out of Madame Wintour. My father will probably spend approximately 40% of the visit asking me about my job search and giving unsolicited advice. And at some point telling me to "suck it up." But what else do dads do? And my special doggie will snuggle with me and watch DVR'd television shows and eat human food that I give her. Home is good.

Aforementioned nail polish shade is Essie "Berry Hard." Mmm, sort of looks like Chanel "Vamp" to me.
So tonight at dinner, my aunt told me I had a "healthy glow," and then jokingly asks, "you sure you're not pregnant?" Ha! Last night I checked, actually having sex was a prerequisite to getting preg, and we won't discuss how NOT active I am currently. Not to mention I'm PMSing and my face is freaking the f*ck out. But I guess my makeup does wonders!
So thanks, Philosophy Supernatural Airbrushed Canvas powder foundation, and Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge (used as blush.....brilliant). *Hopefully this positive blog mention will pop up on one of the brands' social media scanning tools, and they will make more money! Hooray marketing!
Honestly I don't know how much I want to go out at home. I may change my mind on this later, but "home" is a college town. Which means college kids. Which was so totally fun and great when I was actually IN college, because there are lots of hot, rich, preppy boys who go to school where I'm from. And they were new hot, rich preppy boys as opposed to the ones I had already disposed of at my own school. But now, methinks it could be rather depressing. In any event, I'm packing lots of short dresses + tights. Forecast calls for lower 60s, which is cold, which = tights, natch.
My mom and I will inevitably go shopping- there is a new Nordstrom in our "local" mall. When I say local, I mean the only decent shopping mall that is at least 45 minutes away. My mother & I bond over shopping. We use it as a way to avoid socializing during extended-family visits. So precious. And she'll probably be in such a good mood from having me home she will buy me things!! I told her we could go see The September Issue together. I want to see it again, and my mom would so get a kick out of Madame Wintour. My father will probably spend approximately 40% of the visit asking me about my job search and giving unsolicited advice. And at some point telling me to "suck it up." But what else do dads do? And my special doggie will snuggle with me and watch DVR'd television shows and eat human food that I give her. Home is good.
Aforementioned nail polish shade is Essie "Berry Hard." Mmm, sort of looks like Chanel "Vamp" to me.
So tonight at dinner, my aunt told me I had a "healthy glow," and then jokingly asks, "you sure you're not pregnant?" Ha! Last night I checked, actually having sex was a prerequisite to getting preg, and we won't discuss how NOT active I am currently. Not to mention I'm PMSing and my face is freaking the f*ck out. But I guess my makeup does wonders!
So thanks, Philosophy Supernatural Airbrushed Canvas powder foundation, and Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge (used as blush.....brilliant). *Hopefully this positive blog mention will pop up on one of the brands' social media scanning tools, and they will make more money! Hooray marketing!
The Sass
Shout out to homegirl C., who is coming along on the adventure to experience the Sass up close next Friday.
Sadly, my dear friend T. cannot attend, her presence will be missed.
In other news I painted my nails today. And I will probably catch a flight home on Saturday, so that's lovely. I haven't been home since Easter, although I've seen my parents a few times since then. I miss my doggie.
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