I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Friday, April 16, 2010

I See You, Girl

Last night I saw Bon Jovi in concert at Philips Arena. No, I didn't just SEE Bon Jovi- I think I EXPERIENCED Bon Jovi. It was the most ridiculous concert experience. Google invited one of the major account teams at my agency, and I took someone's spot who wasn't able to make it. Actually there were a ton of extra tickets, because my whole account team went, PLUS I was able to bring two of my girl friends! So Google booked a "Club Level Suite," which was a super fancy pants box with catered food, drinks and leather chairs in a balcony to sit and watch the performance. The people watching was fabulous- women in their 40s with over-teased hair and over-tanned skin in high heels and leather skirts. Tragic, yet oddly compelling. But they were having the time. of. their. lives. And I just imagine in 25 years if Kings of Leon tours (and they've made it through 7 rehab stints) and I go to their concert- I'd be just as excited.
So we got far too drunk off white wine, and danced on the balcony and screamed the lyrics. I'm telling you- there is nothing quite like screaming "Wooooooaaaah we're half way theerreee, WOOOAAAAH LIVIN' ON A PRAYYERRR," with an entire arena of people in the actual live presence of Jon Bon Jovi. Who has aged quite nicely, might I add. We googled him and he's 48. Lookin' good, JBJ!

After the concert I was peer pressured into going out with the Google team. We wound up at Opera, where one of the guys paid the bouncer to let us cut the line. Now, Opera is like this super famous dance club in Atlanta- apparently DJ Pauly D has dj'd there a few times. I guess it's a big deal. So it is PACKED last night, and we're waiting at the bar, and I'm bopping around, grooving to the beats, and this girl kind of smiles and me and goes, "I see you, girl!" Followed by a finger snap-neck twirl combination. That was maybe the greatest validation you can ever receive, next to "Girl, looking FIERCE" from a gay guy.

Awhile later I grabbed a cab back to the office to get my car then drove home. I was roughin' it this morning at work, but last night was totally worth it.

Also- if I had my way of things, I'd be in the desert in California right now for Coachella. Preferably sharing a sleeping bag with a hot, young, bearded, music-loving fellow. I'm just saying.

This weekend should be fun, though. Pre-gaming the Dogwood festival with my gay work boyfriend and possibly hitting up Sweetwater Festival to scout some bands and boys? Sure.



Lydia said...

One day when I have money, I want to brave Coachella. But really, I suppose we should brave these things now while we're broke and we REALLY care.

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