I just happen to appreciate mine more than anyone else's...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Shopping, Drinking And Eating

We'll go in chronological order.

Friday night was Townie Night and it was actually really fun! We pregamed with some old friends, then went up to the bar. The ONE bar that was open Friday night in town. I feel like Townie Night is something everyone dreads, but secretly likes. It's fun to see old middle school and high school friends (and non-friends alike), see who got fat, who's still living at home, etc etc. I had a few glasses of red wine at the pregame, then I thought it was a fantastically good idea to order BOURBON GINGERS at the bar. Do I need to repeat? Bourbon. And I was also talked in to taking a shot of Jim Beam. These people seem to think that I still drink like I'm in college, and apparently I forgot as well. Saturday morning did not treat me kindly.

After the bars, we went to the house of a guy friend of ours, M. Waaaaay back like 2 years ago, M. and I had a brief Christmas Break Affair. We're totally over it, and luckily can just hang out and have fun. Rare, I know. My dear friend T. on the other hand is still under the spell of Mr. M and has been for oh.....12 years. They went to the same church growing up, you know that story. Precious. Anyway so it's me, T. and 3 other boys at M's house, and it was reDONKulous, you guys. We drank Bud Light Limes and ate key lime pie? I don't even know. And played piano. And wore silly hats. I slept on a fancy sofa in the formal living room that was most definitely not made for sleeping.

Then Saturday I cursed Jim Beam and slept until approx 2pm in my own bed. It was my mom's birthday, so we went shopping (duh) and then went to dinner at Bonefish Grill. Uhh Bang Bang Shrimp is to diiiiiiiiie.

I also bought this skirt at Banana, because I realized that all I wear are dresses and I need to mix it up a bit for the new job...

I'm envisioning it with a white long sleeved shirt and blue or black cardigan. I've also been thinking about starting to dabble in the wearing of the heels. I have so many pairs that I never ever wear, and I feel like at 23 years old it's a good time to start.

Sunday was morning mass and grocery shopping and napping, followed by my mom making a fabulous Barefoot Contessa recipe: Bay Scallop Gratin.

oh bonjour.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Slight Breakdown.....Everyone Has Them. Right?

Today I was planning on going to the mall with my parents. Well I had a slight mental breakdown instead. Yesterday I was complaining about that zit on my forehead? This morning it seriously bothered me. I workout a lot, I don't stress eat.....so my stress manifests itself as eruptions on my face. And even though I got the new job, that comes along with a whole other basket of worries: an apartment, healthcare, new doctors, prescription prices. So to show for it, I have a zit right at my hairline. One zit is causing all this stress? You might ask. Well yes. I have had moderate acne my whole teenage life, and now I have the remnant scars on my cheeks and temples. I have good makeup (Laure Mercier) to cover up, but some days, like today, it's just too much for me. And add on top of that a botched haircut, and I felt SUPER UGLY this morning. I'm talking tears and throwing a fit at my mom and not even going out of the house today, I felt so ugly.

I watched some Project Runway an took a nap and woke up feeling better. I talked with my parents a bit. My mom had problems with acne until she had a hysterectomy. Well.....that's not happening anytime soon for me so it's just something I have to deal with. Birth control helps even out the hormones and I'm on several topical treatments. It's just such a hassle! I wish I had perfect skin and didn't have to mess with all this makeup. And I'm really afraid people look at me and think, "well, she's pretty but her skin is bad." No buts.

Ew. Anyway you guys. I just had to get that out there.

Tonight I'm going out with T. We're going to Townie Night. Yep. In my town, at the bars the night after Thanksgiving there's Townie Night and it's totally embarassing. I've actually never been because I always left home early to go back to college for our big football rivalry game. So this is going to be my first T-Giving Townie Night. I had my dad make me a double-shot latte so I can attempt to stay up like a normal 23 year old. I've been going to sleep at 10:30 lately, and at 10:30 tonight we'll have barely begun to start drinking. It's going to be a lot of people from my hometown that I barely know because I didn't go to high school here. I went to a private Catholic school out of town. So I went to middle school with these people. And let me tell you, I was no gracious swan in middle school. At the time I thought I was the shit, but I was awkward as they come, and whenever I see these people I'm afraid they still think of me as that little 13 year old. Must overcome.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Snacking Through Thanksgiving Day. I Do What I Want.

Would it be completely cliche to do a "Thankful List?" Probably, but I'm going to attempt one anyway, because it's good to be introspective and all that. I'm going to try and make this as minimally eye-roll-inducing as possible.

So here goes. I'm thankful for...
  1. My parents, their generosity and their unconditional love. I'm starting a career with no student loan debt, no car payment and no credit card debt due to their financial education. They're also very proud I have a job now, but they would love me and be here for me no matter what, which I take for granted very often.
  2. My various other extended family members. They're all on that side of crazy, but aren't we all?
  3. My adorable puppydog this is her. isn't she the cutest thing?
  4. My friends near and far, old and new. I'm semi-decent about keeping in touch with people, but there are some friends I have that no matter how long it has been, we always seem to pick right back up. They're good people. Since being in Atlanta, I've met some awesome awesome people and I can't wait to spend more time with them and create new friendships.
  5. No more working at the deli. No more shady older men trying to flirt with me. No more teenage boys making fun of me for being a vegetarian. No more power hungry 19 year old girls getting all their authority in life from telling me how to clean a table. Never having to clean other people's tables. Never taking food services workers for granted. Never seeing a Reuben sandwich again. That shit is disgusting.
  6. My car, because it's pretty and clean now.
  7. Job. Duh.
  8. I'm really digging my new bomber jacket, so I'm going to be thankful for that as well.

I don't know about you all, but I take a lot for granted in my life. I'm really very blessed (despite how much I complain...). I'm very fortunate to have the experiences I've had in my life, and I don't realize sometimes that not everyone has had the same privileges. So, in short, I'm very grateful for my life, regardless of the bitching and whining I partake in from time to time.

So! I hope that wasn't as gross and saccharine as it could have been. Now on to other items....
I've been snacking all day, which I haven't decided whether it's good or not. It's good in the sense that now I won't binge myself at dinner (hopefully....), but bad that...I won't binge myself at dinner. I'm sorry! I just got super hungry. I've had crackers and cheese at like 3 different times today. I ate some for breakfast and I just had some now. My mom has recently developed several "dietary restrictions," (i.e. she now thinks she's gluten intolerant as well as lactose intolerant....according to her doctor) so there is all this weird shit in the house, and the only thing readily available was Kashi triscuit-style crackers and some cheddar cheese my dad keeps around. It's all very silly. I'm looking forward to my mom's famous Peanut Soup from a Colonial Williamsburg recipe. We've had Peanut Soup every year since I was 8 I think. I've started to request it at Christmas also. She's also making cornbread stuffing and mashed potatoes and asparagus, which might be my most favorite meal EVER. And red wine. My mom doesn't drink, so t's most likely going to be my dad & I killing a whole bottle, then fighting falling asleep when our neighbors come over for dessert. Our neighbors are an older Jewish couple who we have kind of adopted as our own Jewish grandparents (even though we're Catholic). They're so flipping cute, and have two Bichon Frises, Sammy and Ellie.

Can we talk about how my skin is great when I'm in Georgia, then I come home and have 2 monster zits on my forehead? I'm 23 years old. This should not be happening. Guh.

I went run/walking outside yesterday and this morning with my dad, and I am sore, you guys!

Ooookay well that is all I have to commentate on. Everyone have a great day!


J'adore GOOGLE

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I dare you to watch this and not D-I-E

La Ti Dah

Flew home yesterday afternoon! My uncle drove me to the airport, and I dropped off my deposit check for my apartment on the way there. Things are progressing in a forward direction, y'all!! I'm so flipping excited for this apartment. It's going to the be cutest thing in the whole entire world. I found it Monday afternoon, after going apartment shopping Thursday also. This is a tough process. Much more tough than I anticipated. The cold hard reality of working sets in.....taxes and bills, and I realized my budget and range that I had to stay inside in regards to rent + utilities. And I'm wanting to live alone, so that increases my costs, as well as the fact I'm a single female and I want to be super duper safe. Needless to say, being safe, in a hip area AND on a budget are very hard to accomplish all in the same apartment. But I found my prized little space in a WONDERFUL area in Atlanta. I'll be right in Virginia Highlands (for those that are familiar) in an ADORABLE little studio apartment which is in an old 1920's mansion that has been converted into apartments. I love the area, I feel safe, and the building is old but immaculately kept. I'm not too far from my new office either...maybe 10-15 minutes depending on how backed up the street lights become in the mornings. The currant tenant doesn't official move until 12/31, but he may move out sooner, so hopefully I'll be in before Christmas. I'm sooooo excited to decorate! Since it's an old apartment, I'm going to keep with that and to a vintage-y ambiance. I'm painting my wooden coffee table white then sanding through in some spots to expose the wood's color. I'm gathering ideas from various Tumblrs, so if you see anything, send it my way! OR if you have any tips for decorating in a small space. It's a spacious studio, but a studio nonetheless.

Back to being home....so far so good. My mama picked me up from the airport and we went shopping and got lunch. She kept offering to buy me all this stuff - like makeup and other things. I'm pretty sure it's because she knows I'm going to be fairly poor in the next few months. But ahh...c'est la vie of a new career!
I did buy some RED lipstick. NARS Flamenco

I've never bought full-on RED lipstick, so I'm pretty excited about this purchase. So Sassy.
I just got some other makeup odds and ends. We also stopped in this place called "TEAVANA" which is like....a tea shop. They sell alllllllllll kinds of loose tea and tea cups and fancy tea makers and they can blend you pretty much anything you want. I got a small tin of a blended chai and white tea. My mother wants to go shopping FRIDAY which I cannot even believe. I think I'm going to get a grey plaid skirt from Banana and maybe a ruffled cardigan from JCrew. We'll see how far this parental generosity will stretch!

Oh, I bought that black wool bomber jacket from Express, and my parents bought me Project Runway Season 4 (the one with Christian Siriano) on DVD for my birthday. I recieved everything on my list except for the Blackberry. By God....soon enough I will have that damn Blackberry. Sadly though I think the dream of the Marc Jacobs Stam bag is going to have to be hung up for a little while. A cute apartment in a good neighborhood is definitely a suitable alternative, though n'est pas?

This morning I woke up and had some of my new tea, ate a bit of breakfast and went for a walk/run around the neighborhood. Neithor of my parents were home, so I had no way of getting a ride to the gym! Back in Atlanta, I had been working out on my aunt & uncle's treadmill, doing .10 mile running and .10 walking for a total of 30 minutes. I enjoy it mostly, so I tried to do the same thing around the neighborhood. Eh....working decently well, but it's cold and the cold air burned my lungs a little bit. Oh well....I got my body moving and worked up a sweat. I will probably do some yoga tonight.

I had dinner with my dad this afternoon...he came home early from work. So far being home is so wonderful! My parents are bragging on me to anyone who will listen. They're so proud that their daughter is finally employed!

I hope you all have an absolutely fabulous Thanksgiving...regardless of whether you eat turkey or not!!!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday night I received the greatest text message from C.:

"Woooooo ragoo in the Barr fcking love kol bc of you babayyyyy!!!!!!"

timestamp: 1:24 am.

Love it.



I did my yoga today in Flashback-inspired 80's aerobic gear. It was kind of amazing. Here's why I did it:

So back at Halloween, when I was trying to decide on a costume, I purchased one of those neo-hippie faux fur vests from Forever 21. Then lamented the fact I was in Forever 21. Well since I went as the Walk of Shame, I didn't wear the vest and I needed to return it. Apparently I waited to long do this, because my receipt had "expired" and all they could do was exchange for merchandise TODAY up to the amount of the vest. Okay for first of all, Forever 21 is for teenagers. Teenagers work there, shop there, congregate there. I can barely deal with the clientele and staff. Case in point: I see this flannel plaid shirt I thought I could make work, and it was on the top rack. So I grab one of those long hook things and get it down, and the 6 girls who work there who are all gabbing around the register are like, "MISS MISS DO YOU NEED HELP?" And I'm just like, *blank stare* "No, I've got it, thanks." Don't get all loud wit' me because you're not doing your job. Whateva Whateva. So I hate everything in the store and don't know how I'm going to eat up $27. I settle on a pair of black ballet flats (can never have too many), a long tank top to do yoga in as well as this long sleeved cobalt blue sweatshirt with the neck cut out (a la Flashdance). I wore my new purchases for my yoga practice today and I have to say I enjoyed it immensely. I needed some new yoga threads so I can look all cute at my office when we have yoga class. Did I mention a yoga instructor will be coming to my new agency 4x a week? You're jealous.

AH Hair Gate 2009. Friday morning I decided I needed to get my hair trimmed up so I could wear it down and start looking for like a 23 year old instead of a 16 year old at work. I'm trying to grow out a bob, and I just needed a TRIM. TRIM. I call my salon and my gay stylist left! Tears. I was referred to another stylist. I trust the salon, so I arm myself with pictures and I head off. Long story short, my hair was butchered. The girl was waaaaaay too trigger happy with the texturizing shears. My hair is very thick, and people who don't know what they're doing will thin the shit out of it when I have a short cut. You don't do that. So yea, she massacred my head. But I had to work at the deli Friday afternoon and did not have the time to deal with it. When I got home from my shift, I shampooed and styled like normal, and I broke into sobbing tears. It was certifiably awful. I woke up early Saturday morning and called the manager at the salon and explained my predicament, and she scheduled me with yet another stylist in hopes of remedying the situation. I actually love the new girl, Charlotte. We're like kindred spirits....we LOVE LOVE LOVE gay male hair stylists. Anyway, so she was very sympathetic and upset that my hair was ruined, and did her best to fix it, but it was unsalvageable. My hair is now the shortest it has ever been, and about the worst cut-wise it has ever looked. One side is decent, the other side is super choppy and there's nothing I can do about it but wait for it to grow out. But I did get 2 free cuts from the salon so they can fix it as it grows out.

After those shenigans I treated myself to a pedicure and polish job at the salon Saturday afternoon. It's just upsetting that I was trying to grow my hair out, and now it's just as short as ever. I got a lot of compliments on it when I went out Saturday night, but with this cut, it is almost like it brings out another side of me. It's short and sassy, and I wear it big and voluminous. I don't know how to explain it, but I definitely find that I do my makeup differently when my hair it short as opposed to when it is longer. More eyeliner, darker colors. More SASS, for sure.

Last night I went out with K. and her friends in the Highlands, and had a great time. K. works at my old agency and is just a super sweet girl, and her friends are so fun. We went to a realy bizarre Thai restaurant and then went back to her apt for birthday cupcakes and wine. She made cupcakes and the girls sang happy birthday to me! Out of the 9 girls in the group, I had met 6 of them for the first time last night. It was so nice of them to make me feel so welcomed in Atlanta! Then we all went out in the Highlands to Hand in Hand, and I actually didn't pay for any of my drinks, so I guess the haircut isn't as bad as I imagine it to be.

Tomorrow I am off to clean out my desk at my agency, say goodbye to everyone; then go apartment hunting!


Friday, November 20, 2009

I Need No Explanation

But since I love you dear readers, I will explain to you my apparent MIA status...


a for serious business, real, big girl JOB. It's amazing. I'm so excited. I start soon. I didn't mention any interviews on OMGOpinions because I'm sort of superstitious (not just a little stitious) and didn't want to jinx anything. That "meeting" I had when my car got hit? That was before my 2nd interview. REALLY.

I'll be staying in Atlanta, moving from my current agency where I intern to The New Agency. I love my new client account. I won't say who it is....but you should all be jealous. It's in the "beauty" category. That's all I'm sayin'.

I found out I got the position Wednesday night (great bday gift) an yesterday I went apartment hunting. Which is a whole 'nother stressful story. But THAT is why I've been absent from posting. Do you realize what this means?? No more hustling for minimum wage at the deli!!! Tonight is my last shift. Going down in a blaze of glory. But not really. I wish I were that bad ass.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I would never put this on Facebook, because that's obnoxious....but since like 2 of you know me in real life, I don't care... It's my birthday! 17th is such a good number.

Today is my birthday and it was a good day. I bought some Starbucks, courtesy of some cash money dollahs my parents sent in a card yesterday. Then my parents sent me flowers + a balloon + chocolate to my office and my team at work (agency) went to lunch at a great pizza place, and they surprised me with cake! It was so fun. I love love love my team and lunch was fabulous. I was a little cranky on the drive home, so I took a nap. I never take naps, but today was pretty necessary. Then I woke up and had a nice workout, and went to dinner at a mexican place with my aunt & uncle! Dinner was super yummy, I had shrimp tacos and 2 glasses of sangria. With my minimal alcohol intake lately, that was enough to get me feelin' sassy. Now I'm home, in my PJs, in my bed, seeing all the posts my wonderful friends wrote on my facebook wall, and I'm about to fall asleep to the Kings of Leon DVD. I may not be near my best friends for this birthday, but they definitely made their presence known. I got several phone calls & texts & gchats today....loved it! A pretty fabulous birthday all in all.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Le Petit Escargot

title has zero relevance to this post.

I dropped off my pretty little (damaged) Saab this morning at the body shop and picked up some nasty Chevy compact. No offense intended to Chevy owners/drivers/lovers, but j'adore my car and want it back ASAfuckingP. This rental doesn't have an iPod hookup, so i had to burn a cd. And the radio stations come in fuzzy. Why is this? Someone explain this madness to me.

Tomorrow's my bday. INBD this year.

I'm not hungry. I bought salad greens because I'm not working at the deli this week, and I'll actually be home to eat a decent dinner. But it's 8pm, and nothing is appealing to my appetite. Maybe I'll make a small baby salad.

So yea....about working at the deli. I'm working a grand total of 6 hours this week. Pardonez-moi QUOI? As opposed to the 20-25 hours the past two weeks? Don't get it.

A glorious week from tomorrow I will be home!! With my doggie and my parents who will spoil me and cook for me and make sure I'm comfortable. My mom has decided that we're going shopping on Black Friday. I actually haven't been HOME for Black Friday in 4 years, because my college fball team's huge rivalry game was always scheduled the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so I was always catching flights on Friday. But this year I have a relaxing week, so getting up early to go shopping (and have things bought for me) won't be so terribly terrible.

As referenced in an earlier post today....I loooooved my green tights! I got them at Kohl's last night for like $7, and I wore them over a pair of black tights to make them really opaque. Opaque-ness is the key, I feel, in proper tights' wearing. I wore this simple black dress from H&M which I need to buy in every color they make, because I wear that dress all the time. Short dresses + tights + ballet flats are my winter uniform.

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens....

Guess the theme !


Today's Ensemble Ft. Green Tights!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If puppies and kitties can be friends, why not the Jews and Palestinians as well?


Qu'est-ce que Vous Pensez?

Je pense que it looks like gangrene. But that's just me.

Thoughts, my fellow fashion fiends?

Public Service Announcement courtesy of me: DO NOT Google Imagine search "gangrene." Take my word for it. You're welcome.


Don't Take This The Wrong Way,,,,But....

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I am tired, you guys. Working at the deli, hustlin' for minimum wage + tips is exhausting. I'm not going out tonight. I don't know what I'm going to do in lieu, but it will probably be uneventful.

SO there's this older guy (40s) who comes in to the deli every Monday and Wednesday. There's free WiFi in the deli, and he's getting his doctorate in something....physical therapy? I don't know....I'm a bad listener. Anyhow, he's nice, fairly attractive for an older man, but he like.....constantly flirts with me, you guys. To the point it makes me uncomfortable. I'll walk in to start my shift, and he addresses me as "Hey babe," or "how you doin' beautiful?" Uhh. He has a son, Tanner who is 4 and the cutest little boy everrrr. I like little kids...when I'm not in charge of them. I just get along with them really well. We talk about favorite animals, Disney movies and how hard kindergarten is. I get them. Anyway, so I was clearing their table a few nights ago, and walking towards the door, and Tanner goes, "ARE YOU GOING HOME NOW?" And I said, "no Tanner, it's okay I'm just cleaning up." And he goes, "GOOD I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO HOME." And I said, "You don't want me to go home? But I can't stay here all the time!" And his dad goes, "Tanner, do you want her to come home with us?" And Tanner says, "NOO." and then his dad says, "Do you want her to come home with me?" and Tanner goes, "OKAY."
The fuck?? How uncomfortable is that? AND his ringtone for his cell is Sex in Fire. He was playing KoL one day on his laptop (do I need to cover how weird this is?) And I mentioned I'm a fan. Now that's his ringtone. I'm just creeped out by the entire situation pretty much.


I have my long bangs in a braid right now, and I can't stop taking quick breaks to look at it in the mirror. I will do this more often.

Quick discussion about the Kings of Leon DVD. It. Is. Great. There are a few songs I wish were on it (King of the Rodeo, Frontier City, True Love Way, Joe's Head, TRANI jkdsiueuesdjbfajalsjalsjhf) but I give this 2 thumbs enthusiastically up. Speaking of, I'm compiling a small collection of pictures I will post soon. They have a theme, you guys. Aren't you excited?

Funny shit my mom says; Vol. 330: So I was speaking with my mama this afternoon, telling her how grateful I was that her and my father allowed me to graduate college without any student loan debt or a car payment, which puts me in an excellent position to start a career. And my mom says, QUOTE, "Don't take this the wrong way, but, don't fuck it up." Really.

THEN I told her I was going to see a band next Thursday. Yep...me and C. (of Kings of Leon concert shenanigans fame) are going to see Ingram Hill in Atlanta! I saw Ingram Hill when they opened for Gavin Degraw when I was in high school (shit, that was a long time ago)...thought they were decent. Um, I know two songs, but C. is like an actual fan. Anyhow, so I told my mama, "yea, it's a pretty small venue, it should be fun, we might be able to schmooze with the band." She replies, "Well just be careful. Your father and I watched an episode of CSI where these people drugged girls and then sold them into human trafficking. And they weren't teenagers, either!" Someone get this woman a talk show.

Hmm, I think this was all I had to update with. If I think of anything earth shattering or just funny random shit, don't worry....I'll come back.

And don't take this the wrong way, but.....don't fuck it up.

Hugs and kisses my little cupcakes!!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Early Birthday To Me

This lovely little gem arrived in the mail today. Merci mille fois, Mama & Daddy!!

I'm going to go watch it now! I'm so excited I might throw up. eek.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Were You Saying?

Sorry, I was just distracted by THE beard.



I have no words for Little J. In a good way. To quote Lady Gaga, I lav lav lav her. And as a girl of half-Italian heritage, I appreciate the Five Families reference.

Olivia is still here? GOD. Hopefully this "Endless Knights 4" silliness will take her storyline right out of my sight.

Why does Chuck's voice sound like he smokes 3 packs a day?

Before I see what Graham looks like...I hope he's hot. Guys named Graham are hot 91% of the time.

Did I predict it or what.... Serena = Marilyn.

What is this fuckery? DEBS WEAR WHITE. period the end.

Graham's not that hot. Buzzkill.

B-I-T-C-H...superb choice of band for the ball. Readers, meet the Plasticines. Très Fashion.

Who didn't see the Dan-Olivia-Vanessa threesome coming? When they kissed at the "college" party after their SUPER ROUGH tequila shot, and the camera panned to Vanessa, I totally knew. But this foresight on my part does not shadow my disgust. Gew. But now Olivia gets to live with the regret and shame of that threesome now that her movie "isn't happening." Regretful sexual encounters.....she's getting her real college experience now!

No one puts Jenny in a corner!! Jenny will rule, of course she will!


Ooh La La

Hello my little monsters! I hope you all had fantabulous Tuesdays. Mine was wet. Some hurricane something-or-other is (was?) in the gulf coast, and now Atlanta is being dredged with showers. All day long. I need to get my rain boots out of the garage. Or better yet buy a new pair that's more cute. More cute? Cuter? What is the proper grammatical structure of this sentence?

So yesterday I was driving in to work, and I just was NOT fully awake. Don't know why....I feel like I got a decent amount of sleep Sunday night. But I was drowsy. When I parked in the garage, I decided, "I'm going to treat myself to Starbucks," on account of there is a SBux directly en route to my office building. $3.62 later I am armed with my non fat two Splenda latte and it's a good morning. I get to my desk, arrange myself for the day, and begin checking emails and such. About 20 minutes later, I reach into my purse to grab something, and my latte goes kerplunk. All over my desk, dress, scarf, shoes and carpet. Really. So I run to the kitchen. But wait! There are handsome men in suits standing in the doorway! Abort! Abort! So I go out the back door and swing around the hallway and go the backway into the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels and run barefoot all the way back to my desk. I smelled like coffee the rest of the day. Honestly. I need one of the plastic mats they put down under babies when they eat.

Thennnnn yesterday evening I worked at the deli. It was super slow, so boss man was going to let us go home early. But negatory, 3 customers showed up just as I had put all the chairs on the tables and cleaned the bathroom. FO SHO. So we stayed until close, then I came home and worked out, and caught the first 15 minutes of Gossip Girl. The episode is currently downloading on my iTunes now, and I will watch the remainder tonight. And post my commentary as well if you're lucky ducklings.
I was hesitant to work out so late (everything is relative...."late" to me is 9pm these days...I go to bed before 11pm); because I didn't know if it would rev me up and keep me awake. But it was worth a trial at least. Turns out, I think I slept more soundly, or at least fell asleep quicker. I put on a playlist on iTunes, and I woke up this morning, looked at it, and don't even remember past the 3rd song.

Today was just wet. I was really busy at work (agency) but I seemed to keep making small mistakes! It was really irritating to me (and I'm sure everyone else as well). It was like I had butter fingers of the mind.....you know, were you rearrange numbers or forget to multiply or something like that? Bah. I got home a little while ago and worked out. I'm probably going to do some yoga here in a bit, and make some dinner. Pasta and green beans, je pense.

In other news,
The Kings are today's Youtube spotlight!! Most likely because today their Live DVD: London 02 is released. go here to watch live videos of Be Someboday, Notion and Crawl from the show. http://www.youtube.com/user/kingsofleon
"Covered-in-sweat originals." How sexual. Meow.


'Kay Thanks

The following is an actual email interaction between me and my father.

me: Last year when the college computer repair place ruined my laptop, they got me a year of Safeware insurance. The company just called me and asked if I wanted to renew (it's expiring tomorrow) and I said no. good call or bad call?

daddy: The question really is: How long do you want to keep that laptop?

me: The question really REALLY is: how long until it spontaneously combusts on me?

daddy: call me tonight...



Sunday, November 8, 2009

Frontier City

Does anyone else LOVE this song? It's been getting a lot of action on my iPod lately. It's a "bonus" track from OBTN, which I wish was on the album instead of 17. I just don't care for it.


Legit Crunchy Granola Girl

Yes, I did granola shit today. The weather was so beautiful, I couldn't NOT do something outside. I went to Red Top Mountain and did a trail. It was great. Next time I'll go earlier in the day. I didn't decide to go until around 3:30.

When I told my bff H. that I went hiking today, this was her response via gchat:

or did you like walk across a rock?


Don't Be Tardy For The Party

Do you look forward to returning to work/school on Mondays or do you live for the weekend? What do you enjoy most about weekends? What do you dread most about school and/or work?

I do enjoy returning to work on Mondays. The agency is so much fun. I really enjoy the work I do and the campaigns I work with, as well as the people. I really get along with everyone on my team, and we have a good time at work. Although I was a Marketing major in college, I never took classes in the type of work I'm doing now, so everyday I'm learning and gaining SUCH valuable experience. The only thing I'm not crazy about it waking up early and the commute. DEAR GOD the commute. I'm a solid hour away from the agency and with Atlanta traffic in the morning, it is just awful. But it's one of those things that I can't control, so I just make sure I have my iPod and some good preset radio stations, and just go with the flow. Or no flow as the case sometimes is.

I also work at the deli, which for as much as I bitch about it, is not the MOST horrible job in the world. I don't have to touch meat, which I appreciate. I get a meal per shift, which I always have a cheese sandwich (there's not a lot for a vegetarian in a deli setting...moving on). The people who come in are pretty interesting and nice for the most part. I just had my first seriously rude customer yesterday, but whatever. The cooks are high school boys who are completely harmless. What I don't care for is closing, because it takes FOREVER and it physically demanding. I also don't care for the other counter girl; she's 19 and telling me what to do is clearly where her whole sense of authority in life comes. Uhm, and long shifts get really monotonous.

So today is the first day in awhile I don't have to be anywhere, and it's glorious. I worked at the deli for 6 hour shifts the past 4 days straight. Exhausting. Then after I closed last night, I decided to come home and work out. Then clean. What?

This morning I woke up at like 9:30...I cannot sleep in anymore! So I just stayed in bed and got caught up on this season of Project Runway. Now I'm watching the Real Housewives of ATL reunion show. Of course, it's a hot mess and I love it.

It is so beautiful out today! What a gorgeous fall day in Georgia. It makes me want to go do granola shit outside. Mmm I wish I had a hot, bearded, plaid-clad man to go hiking with. Sadly, I don't so I think I'll just pop on some sneakers, a sweater and take my iPod out for a walk.

I'm going to go grocery shopping and just buy a shit ton of veggies. I've been surrounded by meat and cheese at the deli for the past 4 days and I need some vegetation in my life stat.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Let's Go In Our Time Machine!

If you could go back in time to another decade, which decade would you choose and why? Would you want to return or stay there?

.vvvvv There are several different time periods I would want to experience, but for different reasons. And there are corresponding reasons why I wouldn't want to be in those time periods as well (at least knowing what I know today). Let's go in chronological order, shall we?

1860's- Really, I think I just want to be Scarlett O'Hara. And wear hoop skirts and eat "bahhhbecque" with Southern men, and have a Mammie (sorry for the political incorrectness. sue me). But actually, I rather like modern electricity and indoor plumbing and from what I've heard the smell of gangrene does not sound like a fun time.

1920's- Prohibition Schmohibition. I would have been a booze smuggler. In with the best of the worst rum runners this side of Chicago. And probably a mafia girlfriend on the side. With a beaded & sequined flapper dress as well. All very Velma Kelly (look it up).

1960's- Obviously. Free love, flower children, ample psychodelic drugs, counterculture, creative expression, The Mamas and the Papas, Hendrix; Summer of Love '67. I'm so there.

1970s Era #1: Fuckin' Rock & Roll 70s- Bell bottoms, fur vests, CCR, Derek and the Dominos (look it up), men with great facial hair, The Rolling Stones etc etc etc. All very Almost Famous. Just unadulterated rock and roll. I'm into jam bands and all that, but goddamnit I do not have the patience for 20 minute rambling songs with no lyrics (I'm looking at you Grateful Dead and everyotherbandthelastboyidatedlistento). Give me a good beat, a guitar lick, a 5 minute time track and I'm a happy girl.

1970s Era #2: To Hell in a Disco Handbasket- 2 words: STUDIO. 54. I would have reveled in this. Gay men, trannies, dancing until 10am, Halston disco dresses, platforms, LIZA effing MINELLI, public sex on the upstairs balcony, can't get in the door unless you're gorgeous (or on the list); it was like modern-day Greek Hedonism. With a better wardrobe.

But I rather like where we are today. I enjoy my iPod and DVR, hot showers, modern medical care, gchat, Facebook, SBux.
I think we always look back on the past with idealized rose tinted glasses. You never know how good something is right when you're in the middle of it. People in Haight Ashbury circa 1967 were just living their life, not knowing they were contributing to the upheaval of modern mainstream political, sexual, cultural and musical theories. Maybe right now we're in the middle of a similar situation. PRETTY GROOVY, huh??

Okay I hope we all enjoyed that. I've been neglecting you poor souls. I've been working like mad at the deli the past 4 days. My feet hurt, my back hurts and I swear to God I'm developing wrinkles under my eyes. I've been posting funny little pictures and things, but I felt like I needed to post something with substantial words.

I hope you all are having splendiferous weekends!


Thursday, November 5, 2009


It's really serendipitous that I found this little....image tonight. Back in my freshman and sophomore year of college, when we were still communicating by AIM (not this new fangled facebook chat or gchat)....I used to put "Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll" as my away message oftentimes when I went out for the evening. And one of my good friends said to me, "I always know we're in for a wild night when you have your 'Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll" away message on."

That's what's up.


SBux Words

Eddie Vedder, Is That You?

1993 called, it wants its frontman back.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I like the green tights with black dress + shoe combo. I shall try.


Do You Love?

I love. All the bad ass style of a leatha jacket, but it's kind to the little amminals.

I'm fairly sure I'm getting this for my bday, and if not I will throw a temper tantrum.

Or just buy it myself b/c I'm like, SO adult now.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gossip Girl Is Not Friends With Staff

Aha! We finally find out where Vanessa has been...shooting a documentary about the Van der Bilt campaign. Right. Because normal college students can just take....what.....two weeks off of class to shoot a documentary? But I forgot...I don't care about Vanessa.

Oh shacking in a dorm room's twin bed. College.

"I need a friend"
"....I'm your friend!"
"UGH *glare* Please! I am not friends with staff."

Grand Daddy Van der Bilt's voice sounds like a white James Earl Jones. "This is CNN."

Nate is all about the moody, dramatic stares this episode. He looks like he's in a feminine itch relief product commercial.

I LOVE that Blair is picking up girls. OVER FASHION. Nice designer reference as well. Alexandre Birman:


Olivia is wearing plaid. Ruffled plaid, but plaid all the same. She's so trying to impress Rufus after the "Real Hollywood actress" display at the Freshman toast fiasco.

Every time we see Serena, her skirt gets higher and higher. I shouldn't hate....I totally feel for her. I have a dress that does the same thing. But I attempt to fix the problem. And that ponytail Serena? Really now. It looks like the little girls I used to babysit for did her hair for a "super fancy makeover."

"The only prostitute here....is you." OHHHH SNAP oh girl yes she did.

Sooooo the blonde girl had to be the high priced call girl? Central casting couldn't have found a brunette or red head? What kind of sick stereotypes is GG perpetuating? I'm offended.

When did CHUCK BASS become the mature voice of reason? Was it not even a year ago he was getting faced and blown in a Thai opium den?

Candles, Dan? Boys in college don't use candles. I don't think men in the real world do, either. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I would seriously question any guy who filled a room with candles before we got it on. He watches WAY too much television, and doesn't really know me.

Serena's gonna bang Tripp. So the Van der Bilt's are supposed to be the Kennedy's of NYC? Am I reading into this correctly?

All in all, not a bad episode. Gossip Girl is like pizza...it's always good no matter what! Not the greatest, could have used more drama and more Jenny Humphrey glam rock-i-tude, but it was good nonetheless.



Come On VOGUE, Let Your Body Groove To The Music....Hey Hey Hey

J. serving us up some FIERCE face.


Vernis = Polish En Français

Aren't you glad I teach you things here at OMG Opinions?

I looooove me some nail lacquer. I recently decided I likes vampy reds the best, but I'm always down for a nice black, midnight blue, eggplant, Barbie pink or pretty pastel. Behold Essie's Winter 2009 Collection. One of my brands of choice (others including O.P.I and Chanel).
Some unsolicited advice: invest in good nail polish. Especially good colors that aren't super trendy....reds, dark purples, a good pastel pink. The color is richer and will last longer. And I personally have never run out of nail polish. The bottles usually go bad long before that ever happens anyway.
Now I'm totally digging the Lollipop. Rock Candy looks like any other normal pink, and this Mint Candy Apple is basically a Chanel runway ripoff. The Essie computer generated sample color has more of a blueish tint, but I bet on your nail it's pretty similar. And half as expensive.

The Mint Candy Apple AND Chanel's Jade (Frenchies are so pretentious, je les adoreeee) are both eerily reminiscent of a nail polish color I wore in 4th GRADE. I'm not even joking with you. My mom would only let me wear pastel shades when I was that young, and I swear I had a pastel Easter egg green.


Monday, November 2, 2009


Not the most super fantastic Monday EVER, but I'm alive, breathing and cooked a good dinner, so let's call it a wash.
I could have sworn I set my alarm last night. I didn't. So I got a peaceful extra 40 minutes of sleep today. And I had an important meeting so I needed extra time so I could style my hair. Miraculously only left the house about 5 minutes late.

My supervisor gave me an imposssssssssible research project. Two words: Reverse Mortgages. Excuse me....the fuck? I don't even know, you guys. I did my best; called some people, made some moves.

I left work early for a meeting I had. I was 20 minutes early for my meeting. Then someone BACKS THEIR CAR INTO MINE. No joke. Actually I wish I was joking. I've had this car for since senior year of high school, and I've never been in an accident, gotten a speeding ticket, had someone rear end me, nothing. *knock on wood* Not 20 minutes before a really important meeting, this girl is backing her ass out of the parking spot, does not see my 2 ton VEHICLE behind her, nor hear my honking, and I literally watch her back bumper make a nice dent in my driver's side door. I called the police, and about 15 minutes later, this girl tells me she can't stay because she's late for work. Right. So according to GA state law, once the other person involved has left, no police report is needed. So I called 911, again, and cancelled the dispatch.

Ugh. So I had to come home and be all adult and call my insurance and deal with that. (Actually not a huge ordeal, USAA are some totally decent humans). But still. I didn't even know what deductible meant. It's just such a hassle! I have to go get a repair estimate. And then find a suitable repair shop. And see if I can get a rental. I have a SAAB, so hopefully the dealership will have good customer service and give me a rental fo' free.

But it's like seriously? My Life.

I made a good dinner tonight....green beans with sautéed garlic, and brown rice with garlic and feta cheese. Yummm.

I need some sexy beard action right now. Not for you, for me:



Sunday, November 1, 2009

Prostitution Whores + Babies

Teresa on her girls: "They’re girlie-girls. They all love clothes and fashion. Everyone loves the way I dress my kids and asks where I buy the clothes. When we go shopping, they know what they like. We like Stage Left in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, and Neiman Marcus. I’ve noticed that a lot of celebrities dress their kids very plain and simple. The baby that they say has style is Tom Cruise’s daughter, Suri, but that’s not really my style. I’m a little hipper. The producers say the way I dress the girls reminds them of Kimora Lee Simmons’ daughters."

I can't help but read this in her voice. "They awwhl luhhv clothes and fay-uh-shun"


Tranny Mess Up In Here

If you are able to guess who this is.....I will give you $100 fake internet dollars.
